Looking at the Sand Ninjas who surrounded him in a serious manner, Uchiha Feiyu chuckled:

"You actually set up such a cautious formation against me. It seems that you are very determined this time!"

"But I'm sorry for mobilizing so many troops. If my real body was here, it might be a little dangerous!"

As soon as the voice fell, with a bang, Uchiha Feiyu standing in the center turned into a ball of green smoke and disappeared.

The Sand Ninjas who originally surrounded Uchiha Feiyu were suddenly frozen. They didn't expect that their careful plan of mobilizing so many troops would only surround a shadow clone in the end?

Ye Cang looked at the sand-controlling ninja at the beginning with his orange eyes, and said angrily:

"Hongsha! What's going on? You didn't even distinguish between the shadow clone and the real body, and you called us all here?"

The ninja named Hongsha was also stunned, and quickly reacted:

"No... He just experienced one round of fighting, and he didn't have the opportunity to use the shadow clone to replace the real body!"

"Unless... Unless this guy used the shadow clone to test and fight from the beginning!"

The sand dune three kilometers away, the seemingly ordinary sand dune, has been completely hollowed out in the middle, and the structure has been strengthened by earth escape to prevent the sand dune from collapsing.

In the cool cave, Uchiha Feiyu was sitting cross-legged in the middle, and suddenly opened his eyes:

"The robbery of the supply team failed this time. The Sand Ninja was well prepared. Not only did they set traps, but they also sent real masters!"

"Then what should we do next? Continue to carry out the mission?"

After hearing his words, Uchiha Feiyu's three subordinates did not have the slightest doubt, and Hyuga Ichiro asked first.

For more than two months, the three followed behind Uchiha Feiyu and helped him deal with a lot of trivial matters, such as determining the location of the enemy team, such as digging and building temporary bases for rest, and for example... chatting to relieve boredom?

Anyway, nothing about the battle was done, and even Ito Ryoma's medical ninjutsu was not used. Uchiha Feiyu was so cautious that he didn't look like a young ninja, but like an old fox in his seventies or eighties, and he always sent his shadow clone to do it directly.

However, even though Uchiha Feiyu always resolutely stayed at the base and assigned the shadow clones to play, for a high-speed ninja like him who could be invisible, even the shadow clones, the ordinary ninja team had no resistance.

The biggest problem of the shadow clone is that it is fragile, but the key is that in the case of invisibility and high speed, there is no possibility of harming the shadow clone without an elite ninja or a perceptive ninja, so until now, his trick has not been discovered by anyone.

"What a mission, it's been more than two months, and I have killed almost a hundred sand ninjas. Anyway, this mission is almost completed. If I don't run away, I'm really going to fight with those sand ninjas!"

In any case, the Wind Country is the territory of the Sand Ninja. If the other party is really determined and sends a large number of people to search, it will be difficult for Uchiha Feiyu and others to hide.

This kind of thing is nothing more than a cost issue. If Uchiha Feiyu continues to intercept and kill like this, even if he draws people to search on a large scale, the other party will definitely try his best to surround and kill himself and others.

"Retreat directly? Lord Orochimaru hasn't sent out any message yet. If we retreat directly, we won't be held accountable, right?"

Ito Ryoma is an ordinary civilian ninja. After hearing what Uchiha Feiyu said, he hesitated.

"If you want to wait for the news, then it's up to you! Anyway, I'm retreating first!"

"If Orochimaru wants to hold him accountable, that's up to him... although I don't think he would do such a stupid thing."

After saying that, Uchiha Feiyu began to pack up and prepare to retreat. Yamanaka Chengyi and Hyuga Ichiro, two family ninjas, also began to pack up at the same time without saying a word.

Seeing the current situation, Ito Ryoma also swallowed his saliva. Staying alone in the Wind Country to carry out the mission? Isn't that courting death?

No matter how important the mission is, is it more important than your own life? Thinking of this, Ito Ryoma also ran over to help start packing.

During this period, Uchiha Feiyu intercepted a large number of Sand Ninja material transport teams, and the various material scrolls obtained alone could be piled into a small mountain.

However, most of the ordinary material scrolls have been sent to the Ryuchi Cave by Uchiha Feiyu using the summoning technique. Only some scarce materials such as detonating talismans, military ration pills, and various secret medicines have been left.

Those sent to the Ryuchi Cave will naturally be taken out by Orochimaru at that time, which will be considered as Konoha's public account. These scarce materials are the private gains of Uchiha Feiyu and others.

This behavior of embezzling spoils is also a tacit rule of the ninja world. As long as a strong ninja is willing, there is basically no poverty.

After walking out of the cave, Uchiha Feiyu added a light and heavy rock technique to himself and the three people, and then the four retreated towards the direction of the river country.


Besides, after the failure of the plan of the Sand Village, it did not give up. Ye Cang took his men and kept searching on the road of the material team. As a result, it took more than a month and did not find a single hair.

Not only that, for more than a month, there has been no attack on the material team, resulting in the search team members almost bursting with anger when the search was over.

"Damn Konoha brat, he looks like a turtle! He shrank back so easily! Is he still a man after all?!"

At the camp headquarters of Sand Ninja Village, Ye Cang slammed his palm on the table with hatred and almost cursed in anger.

Luo Sha, who was sitting on the main seat, frowned and whispered:

"Okay, if you fail, fail! Now that the other party has withdrawn, at least there will be no more problems with our rear material transportation routes."

"But what if the other party cuts off the material transportation line behind us again? If we don't kill the other party, our material transportation will always be threatened!"

Ye Cang's words made the expression on Luo Sha's face darker. This woman said simply, but if she really had a chance to kill that Konoha ghost, would she still sit here?

The opponent has probably returned to the Konoha camp now. Is it just for this matter to directly attack the Konoha camp?

It's always easy to ask questions below, but it's even harder to solve them!

"Well, that Konoha ghost is indeed very cunning. Now is not the best time to deal with him. In the short term, we can only focus on the more important side first."

Ebizo jumped out to smooth things over at this moment, which finally made Luo Sha's expression look a little better. Ye Cang opened his mouth, but in the end he didn't say anything more.

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