Starting to practice magic from Uchiha

Chapter 52 The upcoming decisive battle

"The most important thing now is to win the war with Konoha. In the past month, without the interference of the Konoha ghost, our logistical supplies have finally recovered a lot, and we can have a big war."

"And the faster this war is fought, the better. Konoha's medical system is also recovering now. If it weren't for the Rock Ninja declaring war on them, which tied up most of their energy, the Konoha camp should have rebuilt its own medical system now!"

Although the Sand Ninja killed 70% to 80% of Konoha's precious medical ninjas last time, as the first ninja village in the ninja world and the birthplace of medical ninjutsu, Konoha's medical ninja reserves are still sufficient.

In addition, the Ninja World War has just begun, and it has not reached the point of running out of ammunition and food in the later stage, so new medical ninjas soon came to the front line again and started to build field hospitals again.

"According to our intelligence, Konoha's field hospital will be rebuilt in one or two weeks at most. We won't find such a good opportunity as last time!"

"So the best way is to have a decisive battle within this week and kill Konoha's ninjas on a large scale!"

"It just so happens that now Ye Cang has also come to the front line, which is considered a new force. With your help, our chances of winning this war will be a little better!"

A shadow-level strongman is an important force in any war. Even if Ye Cang, who is probably at the entry-level level, still has enough deterrence.

"I understand, I will cooperate with the army!"

Ye Cang nodded. Since everyone is here, she will definitely be indispensable in this war.

"Very good, then the remaining problem is to find a way to fight Konoha as soon as possible!"

Directly attacking Konoha's camp is too disadvantageous, but because of the professional characteristics of ninjas, it is never difficult to start a large-scale battle. As long as people gather to attack their weak points, it will be fine.

Konoha can't just sit there and watch the Sand Ninja attack its homeland, so as long as the Sand Ninja makes a large-scale advance, the other side can only accept it.


"Well done, Feiyu-kun! The Sand Ninja hasn't collected enough supplies for more than two months, all thanks to you."

"I've also heard of the name of the Burning Release Master Ye Cang. In terms of strength, he is not much worse than the Fourth Kazekage. You are still young now, and it is the right choice to avoid his edge."

Facing Uchiha Feiyu who returned to the camp without reporting, Orochimaru not only did not blame him, but also praised him.

There is no way, the Uchiha Feiyu in front of him is the top trump card of the Konoha camp now, so even if he is sneaky during the mission, Orochimaru will not blame him.

Not to mention that even if Uchiha Feiyu is sneaky, the quality of the mission he performs is far better than that of ordinary elite jonin, so Orochimaru will naturally not say much in this case.

This also made several of Uchiha Feiyu's subordinates feel relieved. They were not as carefree as Uchiha Feiyu, and they were still a little worried when they came back.

"Now there is another Ye Cang on the opposite side. I guess the Sand Village will soon launch a decisive battle!"

Uchiha Feiyu started to inquire about the information directly, wanting to understand the situation of the Sand Ninja. At least you have to know the general movements.

"Because of your activeness, Feiyu Jun, the Sand Ninja is still not ready for a decisive battle. At least there is still a shortage of supplies, but it is estimated that in more than a month, the Sand Ninja should launch a general attack."

"Otherwise, when the new field hospital is repaired, the chances of Sand Ninja's victory will be greatly reduced!"

"More than a month... Then it seems that I have to practice well!"

Uchiha Feiyu frowned slightly. This time is a bit rushed!

To be honest, Uchiha Feiyu has gained a lot during this period. A large number of rock ninja and sand ninja souls can push his ninjutsu to an extremely high level in a short period of time.

The same ninjutsu can exert completely different power, just like the B-level fire escape in Uchiha Madara's hands, which is at least ten times more powerful than the B-level fire escape of ordinary Chunin.

In addition to the amount of chakra, the difference also includes the changes in chakra properties and forms, the optimization of the understanding of the structure of ninjutsu, and some unique techniques for releasing ninjutsu, which leads to the difference in power between the two.

Every ninja has his own understanding of ninjutsu in the long-term exploration, and has more or less changed the form or nature of chakra. Perhaps a person's knowledge is shallow and the results of practice are rough, but when this number reaches three digits, so many basic superpositions have laid the foundation for the shadow level.

Now Uchiha Feiyu has nearly 500 souls in his hands, most of which are the souls of ninjas killed by him, and some are souls collected on the battlefield. Sand ninjas and rock ninjas have all of them in Konoha, with all seven attributes. Among them, there are also 20 to 30 special jonins and jonins souls.

If he could digest all their ninjutsu one by one, he would surely make rapid progress in the basic skills of these ninjas, and become a ninja like Sarutobi Hiruzen who is fully proficient in ninjutsu, physical skills, and illusion.

However, even if he has the means of soul possession, it would take years for Uchiha Feiyu to fully digest the skills of so many souls.

Now we are at war, how can we have so much time for Uchiha Feiyu to settle down?

But even so, more than a month is enough for the current Uchiha Feiyu to make further progress.

The current Uchiha Feiyu, under the possession of Hatake Sakumo, is only one step away from the heyday of White Fang. After more than a month of training, he is confident that he can fully reproduce the full strength of Konoha White Fang. With the light and heavy rock technique and camouflage and hiding technique, he will be even better in terms of skill pool depth and combat methods.

As for his own strength, it is almost one of the stronger elite jonin. After another month of training, he may be able to transform to the level of quasi-shadow.

(If you have that kind of strength, even if there is a ninja world war, there will be few people who can threaten me!)

After returning to his residence, Uchiha Feiyu lay on the bed, closed his eyes, and appeared in a dark space.

It stands to reason that the surrounding space is dark and it should be difficult to see clearly. However, a pure black heavy book just floats in the air, not affected by the surrounding black environment at all, but appears more "dazzling".

A black altar appeared under the book, and wisps of messy black air kept spinning on the altar like a headless fly, looking like a ball of black twine.

Facing this black ball of twine that could make ordinary people suffer from intensive phobia, Uchiha Feiyu determined the number of black air with just one glance.

"Three hundred and forty-two strands of black air... Have I killed so many ninjas without realizing it?"

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