
Seeing the Konoha ninja in front of him turn into a mummy, Ye Cang's face did not show any joy, but was very ugly.

Most of the wounds on her body had recovered after Chiyo's emergency treatment, at least it did not affect her current combat effectiveness. After being healed, she and Chiyo began a large-scale sweep of Konoha ninjas.

Without the interception of ninjas of the same level, the crushing killing efficiency of Kage-level ninjas against ordinary ninjas is fully demonstrated. A Chuunin may be able to withstand one or two moves, while a Genin can do it in an instant. Even the so-called Jonin, in the face of two Kage-level people who join forces, can only survive in a minute or two and be killed.

But even though the two of them had killed hundreds of Konoha ninjas, Uchiha Feiyu still had no intention of meeting them. Instead, he started to slaughter the Suna ninja like a competition.

Even if they are of the same Kage level, the efficiency of killing lower-level ninjas is different, and unfortunately, Uchiha Feiyu is probably the one with the fastest efficiency.

The invisibility and high speed allow him to instantly kill any non-sentient chuunin and genin. Coupled with the unpredictable White Fang sword technique, even a jounin is often wiped out on the neck within three moves.

His super speed and stealth ability also ensured his escape rate. He would not be entangled by the opponent's jounin and then besieged. This resulted in Ye Cang and Chiyo not having a chance to pursue him. Instead, During the pursuit, Uchiha Feiyu will continue to kill ordinary ninjas.

Although Ye Cang and Chiyo have killed hundreds of Konoha ninjas, Uchiha Feiha has killed close to 300 Suna ninjas now! If they continue killing like this, the sand ninja will be the first to collapse!

"This guy is so cruel. He doesn't care if his own ninjas are killed. Damn it...it seems like we can only use our backup plan in advance!"

The old woman Chiyo's face showed a look of gnashing her teeth at first, then calmed down little by little, and finally became calm and full of chill.

"The last resort? But..."

Ye Cang's face showed a bit of hesitation, but looking at the current battle situation, he slowly nodded:

"That's right...now is the time to use that!"

With a bang, Chiyo directly summoned a strange puppet with a huge belly, and a sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth:

"Fortunately, that woman did not participate in this war for some reason! Let these ninjas of Konoha try it, the puppet master's highest masterpiece!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Chiyo clasped his hands together, and saw that the huge puppet suddenly cracked many holes, and boiling white smoke spewed out like steam.

Facing the white smoke, Chiyo took out a small black pill without hesitation and swallowed it. Ye Cang also took the pill. Not only them, but all the sand ninjas who saw the white smoke drifting over were stunned. Without hesitation, he took out the pills from his ninja bag and swallowed them.

As for the Konoha ninjas who had not taken the pills... they started coughing violently as soon as they came into contact with the white smoke. Their eyes, mouth and nose felt like fire, and they could not breathe at all.

"What is this? Biochemical poison gas. I didn't expect that the sand ninja actually had such a trump card!"

Uchiha Feiyu did not expect that the opponent would have such a move, but he was not afraid. The main reason was that the speed of the poisonous gas was too slow. For ordinary ninjas, as long as they were not entangled by their opponents, they could easily escape.

In addition, powerful wind escape can also blow away those poisonous gases, ensuring your own safety in a short period of time.

In Uchiha Feiyu's view, this kind of poison gas is best matched with special terrain, or simply used when the Konoha ninjas are surrounded from all directions, so that people can't escape, which is a truly efficient means of killing.

Now, although many Konoha ninjas can be driven away and achieve certain results, the number of Konoha ninjas who died due to poisonous gas is actually not many.

Looking at the poisonous gas floating over, the invisible Uchiha Feiyu swung his sword and killed a Sand Ninja who was about to take medicine. He took the pill and ate it in one gulp. Then without saying a word, he sneaked into the thick white fog. middle.

After entering the thick white fog, Uchiha Feiyu discovered that the so-called poisonous gas did not seem to be the kind of poison that could seal one's throat upon seeing blood.

Yes, this seemingly terrifying poisonous fog is actually not very toxic. Let alone poisoning ninjas, even if you want to poison ordinary people, you will probably have to soak in the thick fog for ten minutes.

Because many Konoha ninjas were running around like headless flies even in the poisonous mist, coughing violently and running aimlessly for their lives. If it weren't for the Suna ninja chasing after them, all of these Konoha ninjas would probably be able to escape. come out.

However, although the poisonous gas is not too violent, the concurrent reactions it causes are both rapid and difficult to resist. After inhaling the poisonous gas, severe coughing, sore throat, severe eye pain and other reactions will occur.

To put it bluntly, for ninjas, this kind of poison is equivalent to a weird chili pepper smoke, but ordinary gas masks have no effect on this kind of poison. Uchiha Feiyu saw a Konoha ninja wearing a gas mask. , was hacked to death while coughing.

"Yes, poisonous gas is not so easy to produce these days. It has to seal the throat with blood, spread quickly, and be able to be transmitted through the respiratory tract. The most important thing is that the amount must not be small, otherwise it will not be able to form a large-scale poisonous gas. fog……"

With so many conditions added together, even if the Sand Ninja Village had thoroughly researched poisons, it would still be extremely difficult to do so. The most important thing was that the cost would be too high.

This is exactly why the Sand Ninja only made powerful stimulating smoke bombs instead of orthodox poison gas bombs - too poor! They really can't afford it!

"But who cares? Even if Konoha loses, it doesn't matter to me. I'd better kill more ninjas and make more money!"

In this thick poisonous fog, Uchiha Feiyu was like an invisible ghost, slashing the throats of one Sand Ninja after another.

Because this group of Sand Ninjas were in the poisonous fog, they relaxed their vigilance greatly. In addition, the thick fog obscured their vision to a certain extent, so that they could not see the figures of their companions falling too far away. Uchiha Feiyu unexpectedly found that it was easier for him to kill these Sand Ninjas.

The original Konoha ghost has long been famous. As long as the Sand Ninjas saw their nearby companions suddenly fall down with blood spurting from their necks without any enemies, they would be scared and run around. It would take some time for Uchiha Feiyu to catch up with them.

Now, the Sand Ninjas in this poisonous fog were completely unaware and were killed without a sound.

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