Starting to practice magic from Uchiha

Chapter 59 The End of the Battle

"The 432nd..."

The sword in his hand flashed, and a trace of blood gushed out from the human body. However, Uchiha Feiyu, who was almost familiar with his moves, felt something was wrong.

His figure flashed and he retreated quickly. The human body that was originally gushing blood turned into a puppet. Under the explosion of the mechanism, poison needles and poisonous smoke instantly filled the place where Uchiha Feiyu was just now.

"Damn kid!"

In the angry roar, one puppet after another appeared. Ten puppets covered with white cloth, which looked like evil spirits, directly surrounded Uchiha Feiyu.

"Tsk... Old lady Chiyo, hey, the Scorch Escape Master is not with you? Aren't you afraid that I will chop him directly?"

Uchiha Feiyu said with a smile on his face.

To put it bluntly, if Chiyo is of this level and dares to fight to the death, Uchiha Feiyu will definitely kill her. Even if she runs away, it will be easy to chop two or three of her puppets into pieces.

"Little ghost, I just need to hold you back. Don't forget that there are only our Sand Ninjas in this thick fog!"

A puppet said coldly, and Chiyo herself did not show up at all.

"So that's what you were thinking... That's right, how can you puppeteers have the courage to face the White Fang's swordsmanship?"

"Your son, son-in-law, and grandson all seem to have died under the White Fang's swordsmanship. Tsk tsk tsk, you are old and have no descendants. Thinking about it this way, you are really miserable as an old woman!"

"What did you say? ! ! Bastard! ! What happened to my grandson?!"

"Are you talking about the Scorpion of the Red Sand? Of course, that red-haired, expressionless kid was directly chopped by the White Fang of Konoha!"

"After all, the so-called Kazekage was killed by the White Fang of Konoha, and the Kazekage Guards naturally died heroically. The poor kid said he wanted to avenge his parents before he died!"

Uchiha Feiyu's words were of course nonsense, but the sudden disappearance of the Kazekage of the Sand Village was an indisputable fact. Moreover, during that period of time, the Sand Ninja also discovered the whereabouts of Hatake Sakumo, which triggered the Third Ninja World War.

Although the Sand Ninja high-ranking officials only used Konoha White Fang's assassination of the Third Kazekage as an excuse, they also had doubts in their hearts whether Hatake Sakumo really killed the Third Kazekage. After all, there are only a few strong people in the ninja world. Hatake Sakumo is undoubtedly the most likely candidate to kill the Kazekage silently.

It is precisely because of this suspicion that after the White Fang's heir admitted it, it became an indisputable fact. When Chiyo thought that after her son and son-in-law, even her only grandson was killed by Konoha White Fang, her eyes suddenly turned red.

There is a flaw!

Uchiha Feiyu, who was full of trash talk, had a slightly bright look in his eyes, and his figure flashed. The knife in his hand swung at a high speed and chopped on an inconspicuous tree next to him.

With a painful groan, Chiyo, who was holding one hand, looked at Uchiha Feiyu with hatred, and gathered the other hand slightly. Five puppets rushed up like crazy, and then they broke apart and gathered into a weird shape:

"White Secret Technique-Five Treasures Air Binding!"

The strange energy flow formed an extremely huge attraction, but it was Chiyo herself who was attracted by this huge attraction.

With a whoosh, Chiyo disappeared in front of Uchiha Feiyu. After she glared at Uchiha Feiyu with resentment, she directly controlled the five puppets and flew into the sky and disappeared without a trace.

"This thing is also equipped with a take-off device? But how does it land?"

Uchiha Feiyu stared at the disappearing Chiyo, and he didn't expect that there was such a trick. But this trick seems to be only for escaping, otherwise, the puppeteer Uchiha Feiyu with the ability to fly can't deal with it.

"Chiyo escaped again! This old woman is still using this trick."

Hatake Sakumo's voice sounded in Uchiha Feiyu's mind. Obviously, Chiyo probably used this trick to escape from Hatake Sakumo before.

Otherwise, with the slow movement speed of the puppeteer, even a legendary puppeteer like Chiyo would probably not be able to escape the pursuit of Konoha White Fang.

"It's a bit strange... Where did that guy Ye Cang run to? Forget it, now that Chiyo has escaped, it's a good opportunity to kill a lot of people."

After making a decision, Uchiha Feiyu first took in the remaining five puppets and Chiyo's severed hand, and then opened up his perception ability again and began to look for new targets.

With so many souls, Uchiha Feiyu naturally learned some perception abilities, which combined with his unique soul perception ability of the Soul Binding General was enough for him to feel all the ninjas within a few hundred meters around him.

But soon, Uchiha Feiyu found that the Sand Ninja seemed to have become much scarcer, and even the original poison gas began to slowly dissipate.

Soon, Uchiha Feiyu came to the source of the poison gas, but the original big-bellied puppet had been directly blown up. Who knows which Konoha warrior did it?

He was not the only one who thought of snatching the Sand Ninja Pills, not to mention that Konoha ninjas are known for their various strange abilities. Who knows, there might be ninjas who can restrain this poison.

In particular, Uchiha Feiyu also saw a lot of black insect corpses nearby, probably some of the Aburame clan used the insect secret technique.

When the poisonous fog completely dissipated, Uchiha Feiyu also saw the current situation clearly. The corpses of Konoha ninja and sand ninja were everywhere on the battlefield. The originally menacing sands were now scattered all over the ground, and there were sporadic sounds of fighting. It also gradually became lower.

"The battle is over? Who lost and who won?"

Uchiha Feiyu was slightly in a daze, always feeling that this kind of decisive battle was completely different from what he had imagined.

The main reason is that the battlefield is too big, and due to the poisonous gas, the ninjas of Konoha were completely unable to be contacted at the end of the battle, so that now Uchiha Feiyu doesn't even know whether he won or lost the battle outside?

However, both sides suffered heavy losses. Uchiha Feiyu could see it very clearly. On the battlefield that Uchiha Feiyu saw alone, I am afraid that thousands of ninjas on both sides died. Plus those who did not see it, both sides may have lost their lives this time. More than half of the ninjas died.

After walking out of the original poison gas area, Uchiha Feiyu quickly saw several Konoha ninjas who were bandaging their wounds, and his figure appeared in front of them in a flash.

Several ninjas immediately held the kunai nervously. It was not until they saw Uchiha Feiha's Konoha forehead protector that they breathed a sigh of relief.

"How is the situation on the battlefield?"

"We won, Lord Orochimaru defeated the Fourth Kazekage! Suna Ninja Village has withdrawn its troops!"

Several Konoha ninjas said excitedly, letting Uchiha Feiha finally know the outcome of the battle.

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