Starting to practice magic from Uchiha

Chapter 60 Both sides suffer

There is no doubt that the Suna Ninja was defeated, because the Fourth Kazekage was defeated at the hands of Orochimaru.

The Kage in a ninja village is usually held by the strongest ninja in the entire village, or at least one of the strongest ninjas.

In the eyes of the ninjas in the major ninja villages, a village of shadows and a shadow-level strongman are two different concepts. The defeat of the latter will greatly reduce the morale of the ninjas, but the defeat of the former will directly lead to a collapse of morale!

If it were the Third Hokage who defeated the Fourth Kazekage, Sunabu might not have suffered such a big blow. After all, the Third Hokage was famous, and it was normal for the Fourth Kazekage to succeed to the throne in a hurry and not be able to defeat his opponent.

However, it was Orochimaru who defeated the Fourth Kazekage. Although Orochimaru is also known as the Sannin, he is not the strongest ninja in Konoha after all. The title of Sannin alone shows that Konoha Ninja Village and him Side by side, there are two other ninjas.

The most powerful ninja in Sand Ninja Village, the Fourth Kazekage, couldn't even defeat a Sannin, so how could his own Ninja Village defeat Konoha?

With morale completely collapsed, even if Chiyo used poison gas to trap many Konoha ninjas at first and completely disrupt the battlefield, in the end it would only make the Suna ninja's defeat not so ugly.

At the same time, Uchiha Feiyu also knew why Ye Cang didn't follow Chiyo. It was said that the Fourth Kazekage was beaten unconscious by Orochimaru. It was Ye Cang who stood up and barely stopped Orochimaru, allowing the entire Sand Ninja to complete the retreat.

It was also Orochimaru who had consumed a lot of chakra in the battle with the Fourth Kazekage, and his condition was not very good. Otherwise, the already injured Burnt Release user would definitely be dead.

After hearing this news, Uchiha Feiyu's eyes flashed with a hint of heartbeat. After bidding farewell to several Konoha ninjas, he rushed towards the gathering place pointed out by them.

Almost the entire defense line of Kikyo Mountain was destroyed. However, when Uchiha Feiyu rushed to the location, he saw the house made with earth escape. Some Konoha ninjas with scars on their bodies saw Uchiha coming. Bo Feiyu suddenly showed joy.

"Is this Mr. Feiyu? Please come in, cough cough cough..."

There was a sense of lack of breath in Orochimaru's deep voice, and he ended up coughing several times.

When Uchiha Feiyu walked into the door, he saw Orochimaru, whose face was slightly green. He slightly shrugged his nose and said:

"Senior Orochimaru, are you poisoned?"

"Ahem, yes, Luo Sha's Magnetic Release is much worse than the Third Kazekage's, but the poison coated on the sand gold is even more difficult to deal with than the Third Kazekage's sand iron."

With Orochimaru's various life-saving methods and the Orochimaru Substitution Technique, ordinary injuries can be cured by just spending chakra. The Fourth Kazekage only has some extremely difficult toxins that Orochimaru can stifle.

"But you won in the end, Orochimaru-senpai, didn't you?"

After hearing Uchiha Feiyu's words, the corners of Orochimaru's mouth raised slightly:

"Haha, this is all thanks to you, Mr. Feiyu! The silver-scaled venomous snakes I cultivated with the secret cultivation recipe you gave me are truly astonishing."

"That fourth-generation Kazekage was poisoned by the silver-scaled snake, and now he is definitely ten times worse than me!"

Uchiha Feiyu was slightly startled and said in surprise:

"You have already cultivated that silver-scaled viper! It only took half a year, so fast!"

With a chuckle, Orochimaru casually hooked his hand, and saw a ball of silver light burst out of the scabbard next to his hand. Upon closer inspection, it turned out to be a rather strange-looking silver sword.

The image of this sword is like the golden snake sword in the movie Blue Blood Sword, except that it is silver in shape. However, Uchiha Feiyu took a closer look and was suddenly shocked:

"This is actually a silver-scaled viper? It's beyond my imagination!"

Yes, the silver sword in front of him is actually nine silver-scaled poisonous snakes entwined with each other to form the sword body. Judging from its shining silver appearance, Uchiha Feiyu thought it was metal at first.

Orochimaru gently waved the silver snake sword, and with a click, cut the corner of the table into two sections, which immediately made Uchiha Feiyu speechless.

Even though Uchiha Feiha had long known that silver-scaled poisonous snakes were invulnerable and would become stronger after being transformed by chakra in the Naruto world, he felt that the performance of these snakes was a bit exaggerated.

He could even feel the quite powerful chakra from these nine silver snakes. Each small silver snake, in terms of chakra alone, was almost as good as the average special jounin.

I thought that the Fourth Kazekage was bitten by the Silver Snake Sword and was defeated by Orochimaru. I didn't expect that the battle between these two powerful Kage level warriors would end up with both being poisoned.

"Haha, because of my poison, the Sand Ninja Village will have to change to another Kazekage this time. The war will probably end soon."

Although Orochimaru's tone was arrogant, Uchiha Feiha didn't think there was anything wrong.

Even though Sand Ninja Village is very successful in the field of poison science, this silver-scaled poisonous snake is qualified to compete for the most poisonous thing in the world in the world of the Condor Trilogy. Uchiha Feiyu is really not optimistic about it. Sand Ninja Village can detoxify.

"By the way, where is that Ye Cang? What's the situation now? And didn't Senior Akimichi Tifeng say he would help hold one of them down? How did it end up being Chiyo and Ye Cang beating me up?"

After listening to Uchiha Feiyu's words, Orochimaru's pale face showed a wry smile:

"I had already been poisoned when the Burning Escaper arrived, but her condition was not very good. After fighting for a while, we both couldn't hold on anymore, and finally we retreated."

"As for Senior Qufeng... he was ambushed by Chiyo's puppet and was also poisoned!"

"Well... after a battle, three of the six generals were poisoned... this is really speechless."

Uchiha Feiyu complained. The poison that could be used by the Fourth Kazekage and Chiyo was certainly not an ordinary poison. Ordinary medical ninjutsu could only barely suppress it, and it would take time to recuperate if it was to be treated.

Unless Tsunade, the medical saint, returns, Orochimaru and Akimichi Qufeng may only be able to exert about half of their combat power in a short period of time.

Of course, the opponent may be even worse. Chiyo lost a hand. Although she may use puppetry to make a prosthesis in the future, she can only control five puppets with one hand now. The number of puppets has been reduced by half, and the combat power may be reduced to only three levels.

The Fourth Kazekage is in even greater danger. What he should consider is not whether he can fight, but whether he should have a feast.

Only Ye Cang is left, and he won't be in trouble. He can recover to his prime in two or three days. The wound is easy to recover, but it takes time to recover from the excessive blood loss.

"Wait... So... the only Kage in this battlefield is me!"

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