When Uchiha Feiyu realized that he was the only top warrior on the battlefield, the tiny thought that he had in his mind at the beginning quickly expanded.

As early as when he met the injured Konoha ninjas at the beginning and saw the fierce battle, a thought flashed through Uchiha Feiyu's mind:

Chiyo's hand was broken, and Ye Cang couldn't recover completely in a short time. If the Fourth Kazekage's injury was also very serious, then he could directly attack the Sand Ninja Base Camp?

However, things were more perfect than he imagined. The Fourth Kazekage was poisoned by the silver-scaled venomous snake and was on the verge of death. Ye Cang also fought with Orochimaru with his injury. He couldn't recover in a few days. The Sand Ninja was just a big pie with a thin skin and a big filling for him!

After chatting with Orochimaru for a few words, Uchiha Feiyu did not hide his thoughts and said that he was going to do something at the Sand Ninja Village's base camp.

Orochimaru was slightly stunned. In fact, in his opinion, the Fourth Kazekage was unlikely to be rescued. In this case, the Sand Village would hardly have the idea of ​​fighting. If it dragged on for a while, the other side would probably collapse without a fight.

However, Konoha is now under attack from many sides, and it is said that the Hidden Cloud Village is also ready to move. It would be good to end the battle earlier.

Thinking of this, Orochimaru nodded:

"In this case, do you need to bring some other ninjas to help?"

"No, if I do it alone, I might be more flexible!"

As Uchiha Feiyu got more and more ninja souls, he gradually became omnipotent. He had also obtained perception ninjutsu and medical ninjutsu, which made him less and less dependent on the ninja team.

He alone is equivalent to an all-powerful ninja team!


30 miles west of Kikyo Mountain is the temporary camp of the Sand Village.

This kind of temporary camp is naturally not comparable to a real camp. Although some sentinels and simple barriers were designed, the barriers and sentinel systems built in just one night are naturally full of loopholes.

With so many souls in hand, Uchiha Feiyu also dabbled in barrier techniques and sealing techniques. The most important thing is that these Sand Ninja souls themselves know their own barriers very well, so it is easy to find loopholes and sneak in.

"Where should I start?"

Looking at the interior of the Sand Ninja camp now, only bunker-like earthen houses can be seen. This is also the construction habit of the Sand Ninja. This semi-circular house can withstand the sandstorm in the desert on the largest scale.

"Speaking of which, these ninja guys are really abnormal when it comes to infrastructure. It's just a temporary base built in just one day. Even in modern society, tents are generally used to make do."

But it's normal to think about it. Earth escape is the second most common escape technique in the Wind Country, second only to wind escape. Among ten Sand Ninjas, about three have earth attributes. If one person performs a ninjutsu, the entire camp is almost built.

However, there is a problem with this kind of camp, that is, most of the rooms are exactly the same, and it is impossible to tell where the commander is.

Now, the only person in the entire camp who is a bit of a threat to Uchiha Feiyu is Ye Cang. If he can launch a sneak attack and directly injure Ye Cang, there will be no strong people in the entire camp who can threaten him.

In that case, it is certainly difficult to kill all the Sand Ninjas in the camp by himself, but as long as he attacks piecemeal, sneak attacks once today and sneak attacks once tomorrow, within ten days, Uchiha Feiyu can kill all the Sand Ninjas!

Shadow-level ninjas are scary enough. Ninjas like Uchiha Feiyu who are fast and can be invisible are the natural enemies of ordinary and numerous ninja troops.

If you can't find it, can't catch up, and retreat after killing indiscriminately, without the same level of masters to contain you, this kind of thing only needs to happen three or five times. Even if the ninjas are well-trained and ready to die, they will eventually end up in the camp.

Using the camouflage technique, Uchiha Feiyu quietly patrolled the camp, trying to find Ye Cang's location.

However, when he was halfway there, his soul sensed the presence of another familiar soul, and he immediately smiled and quietly walked over.

"Elder Chiyo, the poison in Lord Kazekage..."

"I'm sorry, I can't do anything... The snake venom cultivated by Orochimaru is really too strong."

"Even if I use all my means, I can only let Lord Kazekage live for a while longer, no more than one month at most, Lord Kazekage..."

"What kind of poison is it? You are the strongest medical ninja in the Wind Country! Even in the entire ninja world, only Tsunade among the three ninjas can surpass you, right? How can there be a toxin that even you can't solve?"

Chiyo's voice was a bit helpless, and he said bitterly:

"The toxin in Lord Kazekage is completely different from ordinary poisons. It seems to be a mixture of hundreds of snake venoms, with extremely subtle changes and reactions between each other, and the erosion speed is extremely fast. It is almost impossible to solve it with normal methods."

"To completely solve this toxin, either use the technique of extracting blood from the body before the toxin begins to spread, or the ninja who cultivates this toxin can cultivate a special antidote."

"If you want to slowly remove the toxins, it will take at least a year and a half to analyze these toxins and develop corresponding antidotes, but Master Fengying can't even last a month now."

"Even...even if the toxins are removed, Master Fengying's chakra has been completely eroded by the poison, and he can't be a ninja anymore!"

"How could it be..."

After listening for a moment, Uchiha Feiyu smiled. He didn't expect that the silver-scaled venomous snake could actually erode chakra.

If you think about it carefully, it's normal. In the original work, Hong Qigong in The Legend of the Condor Heroes was bitten by a snake. Although he forced out the snake venom with his superb skills, his own skills were completely wasted and he became a useless person. Later, he relied on the Nine Yin Manual to recover his skills.

The internal force in Jin Yong's martial arts is far inferior to chakra in many aspects, but it is far superior in health preservation and strengthening toxin resistance. Since the internal force of the Five Absolutes can't withstand the snake venom, ordinary chakra naturally can't withstand the snake venom.

If it weren't for the strong vitality of the Kage-level strongmen and the help of Chiyo, the master of poisons, to detoxify, the Fourth Kazekage would probably have died by now. Even so, it is only a matter of time before this guy dies completely.

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