After knowing who the person in the room was, Uchiha Feiyu had no intention of looking for Hayakura again - the soul of the Fourth Kazekage was also a huge harvest, not to mention that this guy was dying and one had a broken hand. , Chiyo, whose strength has plummeted, added to the situation.

When Uchiha Feiyu walked directly into the room, Chiyo finally felt something was wrong. With a wave of his hand, several puppets immediately sprayed out a large number of poisonous needles, directly towards the direction in which Uchiha Feiyu entered.

The sound of ding ding ding ding sounded, and the sword light in Uchiha Feiyu's hand flowed, directly knocking the poisonous needle away. Then the white light of the sword in his hand surged, and it struck a puppet in an instant.

Fighting in this kind of room, the puppet has no way to hide and is cut in half in an instant. However, even if this puppet is cut in half, Chiyo can still make it work with a wave of his hand, spitting out the broken parts. The sharp poisonous blade rushed directly towards Uchiha Feiyu.

After this smashed puppet, the other four puppets controlled by Chiyo also began to take action. However, Chiyo himself quickly retreated. Even the Fourth Kazekage and the one standing beside the bed should have Even the medical ninja who was taking care of the Fourth Kazekage couldn't care less.

Chiyo, who was missing one hand, could only control five puppets, and could be considered an elite Jonin at most. She knew very well that she was no match for the Konoha ghost. Just when she was about to smash the wall behind her, she saw that A Konoha ghost revealed its true form, with two magatama spinning slowly in a pair of blood-red eyes.

"Sharingan? Not good..."

Chiyo was slightly shocked. The two Magatama Sharingan had little effect on ninjas like Chiyo. At most, it made her stunned for a moment. This was because she was currently uneasy and had broken one of her hands.

In normal times, even if she stayed for a while, it would be difficult for the enemy to break through the defense of ten puppets and directly attack her body. However, now that she only has five puppets in her hand, the opponent can easily bypass this defense line full of flaws. .

So when Chiyo reacted, he saw a white light striking his head, and with a click, Chiyo turned into a puppet under the white light and was directly chopped into two pieces.

"Puppet Substitution Technique? Haha, let's see how many times you can die as a substitute!"

Uchiha Feiyu sneered. Regardless of Chiyo's puppet technique, he could even control broken puppets. In fact, once a puppet is broken, it can only be used once or twice at most.

Chiyo, who once again shattered two puppets, is now almost no threat to Uchiha Feiha!

"Run away! Tell all the Suna ninja and Hagura that the Konoha ghost is coming!"

The disheveled Chiyo roared, and a puppet blasted open the wall, grabbed the medical ninja, and threw it out.

In the process, Uchiha Feiyu had smashed a puppet again and appeared in front of Chiyo. The sword light turned into an arc, click! With a sound, Chiyo was chopped into pieces and turned into a puppet body again.

However, due to the continuous use of puppet substitutes and the smashed puppet by Uchiha Feiyu, Chiyo now only has one complete puppet left in her hands. There was a look of despair on her face as she watched and rushed forward. Uchiha Feiyu, who came over, suddenly smiled coldly, and the chakra in his body fluctuated greatly.

"Kid, let me show you what the real older generation of ninjas can do!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Chiyo saw the figure of Uchiha Feiha, who was charging forward, flash and disappear without a trace.

The old puppet master was stunned for a moment, then heard a banging sound, and two shadow clones appeared in front of her.

"Despicable... despicable..."

Chiyo opened his mouth, and two shadow clones rushed up at high speed. The sword flashed and pierced into Chiyo's heart. The old puppet master instantly exploded into a ball of blood mist, and the corrosive blood directly blew the shadow. The clone corroded into a ball of white smoke.

After a moment, Uchiha Feiyu's figure emerged from the ground. Looking at the house that had been eroded beyond recognition, he suddenly felt very happy:

"The old guy actually has this trick. Sure enough, almost all of these ninjas who are old enough have prepared a trick that will kill them all!"

"Fortunately, this old woman doesn't know what it means for a villain to die from talking too much. When she wanted to die together, she shouted, otherwise I would be really in danger this time!"

Uchiha Feiyu secretly reflected on it. There have always been many ninjas who have been defeated by their subordinates and overturned due to tactical mistakes.

Because the essence of the ninja itself is a glass cannon, the output far exceeds the defense by dozens of times. Therefore, even the so-called shadow-level ninjas can still be stabbed to death by genin with kunai.

Not to mention that although Chiyo is not as powerful as him, his vision and experience are far beyond his own, and he has a certain understanding of his own intelligence. It is not impossible to desperately take him away.

Of course, no matter what, it was Uchiha Feiyu who won in the end. He turned around and looked around, just in time to see the Fourth Kazekage taking his last breath under the corrosive blood. Suddenly, his face showed joy.

Stretching out his hand, with a slight move, two confused souls came into Uchiha Feiyu's hands. He felt that the quality of these two souls was no less than Hatake Sakumo, which made his face show satisfaction. smile.

"Forget it, old woman Chiyo. She can at most supplement my medical ninjutsu and chakra manipulation abilities. The Fourth Kazekage's magnetic escape is very useful to me."

Hatake Sakumo's strength is not inferior to that of the Fourth Kazekage, and may even be better, but the fighting styles of the two sides are completely different. One is a magician who is both offensive and defensive, and the other is a magic swordsman with high sensitivity and high attack. The two different fighting modes can deal with more different enemies.

Moreover, Uchiha Feiyu has long learned one thing from the memories of many ninjas - the synthesis of blood limit is extremely rare for ninjas, and it can increase the upper limit of the ninjas themselves.

The chakra system has a visible upper limit, because chakra itself does not have a complete training method like internal strength, and chakra can only be indirectly improved through physical training and mental stimulation.

However, no matter how to train the body and stimulate the spirit, there is an insurmountable upper limit, and developing blood limit is the only way to increase the upper limit and modify the qualifications in the chakra system.

Theoretically, if you can integrate the seven attributes of chakra, water, fire, earth, wind, thunder, yin and yang, and practice the seeking jade, then you can become a six-path level figure, and those Otsutsuki who only eat fruits and know the truth but don't know the reason can be easily crushed.

Of course, in reality... the difficulty of integrating the seven types of chakra into one is almost a billion times more difficult than combining the bloodline limit of two types of chakra. It is simply not a practice that can be accomplished by humans.

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