"Tsk... It's not too difficult for me to master the art of spiritual transformation. It only takes some time at most... But if I want to combine the art of spiritual transformation with the spirit-binding general, then It’s really a bit troublesome.”

Uchiha Feiyu is still young now, and with the large number of souls controlled by him, he has already achieved a lot in ordinary Five Elements Escape Techniques. Even the more difficult and profound sealing techniques and medical ninjutsu can be regarded as an introduction.

However, these ninjutsu and abilities are all learned through possession. It is typical to know it but not know why. Let him modify the spiritual ninjutsu, which is the most profound and profound soul ninjutsu. That is really a tiger's mouth. God has no place to start.

"It seems that I should learn from Orochimaru. At least call me teacher, it will be in vain!"

"I just don't know if he will teach me something about the soul. After all, if he regards me as the target of immortal reincarnation, I'm afraid he won't want me to know anything about the ninjutsu about the soul."

"Sigh... I don't know when Orochimaru will be reincarnated for the first time? Then I can be a volunteer and capture his soul directly. That is foolproof and the biggest insurance!"

After a little imagination about deceiving his master and destroying his ancestors, Uchiha Feiyu sighed and let go of the spiritual transformation technique first. To put it bluntly, whether Orochimaru can like Uchiha Feiyu is a question. !

After all, although Uchiha Feiyu is powerful, his talent in Sharingan is obviously very average, and he is only a second magatama now. This is because he relies on the spirit of the general to cheat.

Orochimaru himself is also a very proud genius, but he does not think that his talent is inferior to others. That is why the Blood Succession Limit only looks at birth and not talent, so he has the idea of ​​​​taking it.

Although he put aside the research and transformation of the art of spiritual transformation, Uchiha Feiyu did not give up the practice of the art of spiritual transformation. After all, it is also an S-level ninjutsu that enriches his abilities. Not to mention other things, just Through the practice of this kind of ninjutsu, you can also increase your mental power and level of Yin Escape.

And if you don’t even learn, how can you talk about transformation?

In addition to the art of spiritual transformation, Uchiha Feiyu has not given up on learning other ninjutsu. He also learned many useful A-level ninjutsu from the Book of Sealing, including the genjutsu of darkness, A series of practical ninjutsu such as lightning flash body technique.

In addition, the current Uchiha Feiyu has also begun to hone the changes in the nature and form of his chakra, relying on the large number of ninja souls in his hands to practice possession, and his progress in this area is not slow at all.

Practice the art of spiritual transformation every morning, practice some ninjutsu from the Book of Sealings after dinner until noon, take a nap after lunch to practice the White Teeth Sword Technique, and then start the possession practice after dinner. Hone the changes in chakra properties and forms.

With such a full schedule every day, Uchiha Feiyu had no external communication at all and fell into an almost masochistic practice.

Of course, Uchiha Feiyu didn't know that he was now famous in Konoha Ninja Village.

The disciples of the Sannin Orochimaru killed the Suna Ninja. Hundreds of Iwa Ninja ninjas killed the Suna Ninja's elder Chiyo...

One after another, one major event after another, directly made Uchiha Feiyu become the new generation star of Konoha. If he had not always been low-key and went to the training ground early and late every day, Uchiha Feiyu might have become the new star of Konoha. Met many admirers.

Uchiha tribe, Nanga Shrine.

Uchiha Fugaku, who had just become the clan leader for less than two years, was currently staying in the shrine, talking to several elders around him, and the content of their conversation was none other than Uchiha Feiyu.

"That kid from outside has been in a lot of limelight recently!"

An Uchiha elder with a gloomy and cold expression spoke in a strong voice:

"It suppressed all our orthodox Uchiha, it's just a second Magatama Sharingan,"

The one-eyed Uchiha old man next to him rolled his eyes and snorted:

"Nimagatama?! Haha, I remember Hatake Sakumo didn't have the Sharingan yet! Why didn't you say he was just a Konoha White Fang?!"

"If you are strong, you are strong! Our Uchiha's Sharingan is indeed the only blood-stained limit in the ninja world, but it is not an invincible blood-stained limit. People are always stronger these days, not the blood-stained limit!"

"Not to mention anything else, the first Hokage's Wood Release, Sharingan and Mangekyo can't compare! That Wood Release, like the Ice Release and Magnetic Release, is a fusion of two attributes of chakra. Why can it be invincible? That's because The one who uses wood escape is the ninja god Senju Hashirama!”

"Now that brat has made a name for himself and is in the limelight. Uchiha Fenghuo, you don't want to make amends with the relationship, so you drag him back to Uchiha, where you will be biting and biting!"

After saying this, the elder named Uchiha Fenghuo suddenly had a dark look on his face, lowered his head, and finally muttered twice:

"Uncle Yetu... I'm just saying a few words. You said that boy is so strong, why don't his eyes open with three magatama?"

Although the Uchiha clan is arrogant and unruly, it is a pity that Uchiha Fenghuo is facing his biological uncle, so naturally he cannot be arrogant.

"We Uchiha just develop the Sharingan, the stronger we are, but that doesn't mean we are weak if we don't develop the Sharingan!"

"Not to mention anything else, even Uchiha who have never opened the Sharingan, haven't they cultivated to the level of Jonin?"

"Besides, a 15-year-old Uchiha Sharingan can open double magatama, so his talent in Sharingan is not low at all!"

"It's just that compared with that kid's own strong personal strength, it seems a little inferior."

At this point, Uchiha Nodo turned his head and looked at the young Uchiha clan leader, and said:

"Such a genius, it is best to attract him to our Uchiha clan. No matter what, he is also an Uchiha and has the same Sharingan."

"Even if he didn't have a deep relationship with us at the beginning, we can't let him have any resentment towards us Uchiha. You don't want other families in Konoha to be affected by him. The Uchiha clan is laughing at us, right? ? "

"Besides, this kid has become a disciple of Orochimaru this time. Orochimaru is now very likely to be the fourth generation Hokage. This is a good opportunity for us Uchiha to enter the upper echelons of Konoha."

"For so many years, we Uchiha have been trapped in the Uchiha Guard. We are said to be one of the two major clans that created Konoha, but in fact we have always been close to Konoha. If we can take this opportunity to enter the upper echelons of Konoha, we can truly integrate into Konoha."

"So don't take this matter lightly, clan leader. Make sure that Uchiha Feiyu feels the care of us Uchiha..."

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