Starting to practice magic from Uchiha

Chapter 68 Discussion and Invitation

After listening to the Uchiha elder's words, Uchiha Fugaku had a serious expression on his face and nodded gently:

"Don't worry, elder, I will do everything well."

Uchiha Notchi glanced at Uchiha Fugaku, still murmuring in his heart. He, as an elder, knew the leader of his clan quite well.

how to say? That serious-looking face was lost in vain! Not only is this clan leader's personality completely opposite to his appearance, he also has nothing in common with the Uchiha clan.

To put it nicely, it is called prudent thinking; to put it worst, it is called indecision. The greatest ability is to make peace with others!

It's a pity... It is too difficult for the Uchiha clan to choose a wise leader. Uchiha with normal brains basically have no talent in Sharingan, while Uchiha with outstanding talent in Sharingan , either a fool or a bastard!

Well, it can only be said that Uchiha Fugaku is considered a normal person among Uchiha with the same talent.

Even though he was an elder of Uchiha, he gradually became calm and rational after he got older and became blind in one eye.

"Remember, take our Uchiha clan's scroll about Sharingan with you and give it directly to Uchiha Feiyu. We Uchiha didn't have much contact with him before, and we didn't even teach him ninjutsu. This time, these things will be considered as an apology.”

"It's best to find a girl of suitable age and appearance to visit. In any case, for the sake of the next generation, it is a good choice for this brat to marry within the Uchiha clan."

"It's a pity that there are not many Uchiha female ninjas of the right age. Alas! I didn't expect that this kid's strength could improve to this extent."

When he said this, the corner of Uchiha Notchi's mouth twitched. After Uchiha Feiyu became famous, he, the Uchiha elder, naturally turned over the information scroll about Uchiha Feiyu. Regarding this "greedy man" The Uchiha who was "fearful of death" was also quite impressed.

Generally, ninjas with this kind of personality are the kind of old guys in their thirties or forties with average strength. It is extremely rare for a teenage boy like Uchiha Feiha to have such a bad character. , but in the end, despite his bad character, his strength improved by leaps and bounds...

Otherwise, this kid's personality is all fake, or he simply suffers from the mental illness of the Uchiha clan, and showing off is just a form of expression.

Otherwise, this kid's talent is so high that it's scary. Even if he doesn't have the so-called strong heart, his strength has still improved to the shadow level.

Hearing that his elder was even resorting to a beauty trap, Uchiha Fugaku twitched his lips and whispered:

"Elder, Uchiha Feiyu has just turned 15 years old!"

"What happened to the 15-year-old? During the Warring States Period, the 15-year-old Uchiha had children all over the floor!"


Leaving aside the Uchiha clan who are preparing to give gifts, the current Uchiha Feiyu has met his cheap teacher Orochimaru.

At Konoha's famous restaurant, Yakiniku Q, Orochimaru and Uchiha Hiba were having a relaxing dinner together.

"Teacher, are you going to join ANBU?"

After swallowing a mouthful of barbecue, Uchiha Feiyu asked curiously.

"To be precise, it is a special department in ANBU - the Roots. It is also the training department of ANBU, at least on the surface."

"That's the case on the surface, but what about the reality?"

"Actually, in fact, the root can be called the dark part of the dark part. It can be said to be the darkest place in Konoha, but precisely because of this, the restrictions there are the least."

Uchiha Feiyu nodded clearly:

"I see, is it for your human experiment, teacher? After all, there is only that kind of place that can provide a large number of experimental subjects."

When Orochimaru was doing human experiments on the front line, he didn't hide much from him. Sometimes he would ask Uchiha Feiha to help him bring back some corpses of hostile jounin.

And Uchiha Feiyu has never let Orochimaru down. In addition to caring about his own life, this guy has no empathy for other ninjas. He is really killing people without any sympathy in his heart. burden.

No matter whether the opponent is a man or a woman, handsome or ugly, old or a child, as long as the enemy is a ninja, Uchiha Feiyu will bring it back.

Otherwise, Orochimaru would not accept Uchiha Feiyu as a disciple. Even if one of them wanted to use Uchiha Feiyu's achievements to increase his reputation, he would definitely not accept a ninja with an overly decent personality. Add to your own troubles.

"Yes, it is too difficult to get a living ninja without a war. Only the roots are more suitable for me."

Orochimaru said calmly, and then looked at Uchiha Fei:

"How about it? Feiyu, do you want to come and help me at the root?"

Uchiha Feiyu frowned slightly, and then said:

"Will there be any restrictions on me if I join this department? And will there be any overly dangerous tasks that I am forced to assign?"

"Tsk..., sure enough, no matter how strong you are, your character is still the same as before!"

Orochimaru said with emotion, but he did not mean to look down on Uchiha Feiyu at all. After all, he himself was also a ninja who was famous for his righteousness. When it came to being afraid of death, he could be regarded as the eldest brother but not the second brother.

"Don't worry, ordinary Root ninjas will naturally be controlled by the Root leader, but with your strength, you will naturally be taken care of, not to mention that you are one of my subordinates."

Orochimaru was arranged by his teacher to go to the Root, not to be a subordinate of the Pot King. In fact, to a certain extent, Orochimaru can be said to be sent to monitor the Pot King, so it is naturally impossible for him to be given the Tongue Eradication Technique.

And Uchiha Feiyu, who is Orochimaru's disciple, will certainly not be controlled by the Sealing Technique after joining the Root. It is still easy for Orochimaru to protect his own disciple, not to mention Uchiha Feiyu's own strength, which is also the best guarantee.

"As for the danger... You are my subordinate. If Danzo really gives you an order that cannot be completed, you don't have to execute it at all. I will tell him when the time comes!"

Orochimaru licked the corner of his mouth and said with a nonchalant look.

In fact, Orochimaru even felt that even if he didn't say so, Danzo would definitely have no way to deal with Uchiha Feiyu.

Ordinary ninjas might be controlled by Danzo, but with Uchiha Feiyu's character and strength, if Danzo dares to let him sacrifice, Uchiha Feiyu will definitely let Danzo die first.

"In addition, there are many benefits to joining the root, such as many forbidden techniques that you can learn at will, and most of the ninja rules do not need to be followed."

"How about it? Come and help me!"

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