Regarding Orochimaru's proposal, Uchiha Feiyu said that he needed to think about it for a while, but Orochimaru did not urge him much and told Uchiha Feiyu to give him the answer within three days.

Joining the root is not unacceptable to Uchiha Feiyu as long as there is no brainwashing process and various curse seal restrictions.

Anyway, he is not a good person, but he does not have any moral obsession. He can take over the tasks of Konoha, but why can't he take on the tasks of Root? Isn’t it all murder and arson?

But the key is, after adding the roots, will you get any benefits? If there is no benefit, I am not willing to work for nothing.

After returning to his home, Uchiha Feiyu first offered a stick of incense to his parents, with a slightly indifferent expression, then returned to his room and sat cross-legged on the bed.

"According to Orochimaru, after returning to Konoha this time, I won't need to go to the battlefield for at least half a year..."

The root matter was actually just an accident. When Uchiha Feiyu went to find his cheap teacher, he mainly wanted to ask how long he could rest.

You must know that Konoha is still at war with the Iwa Ninja, and the Cloud Ninja is also ready to join the battlefield. Jiraiya, one of the three ninjas, has been blocking the Iwa Ninja battlefield, and his apprentice Namikaze Minato is also on the battlefield. He was also on guard on the Kumo Ninja front.

It stands to reason that Konoha should be in great need of combat power now, but the Third Hokage gave Orochimaru and Uchiha Feiyu half a year's leave. I guess many people can't figure out what is going on in his mind?

However, Uchiha Feiha had some guesses about this. The Third Hokage's move was probably to suppress his and Orochimaru's achievements and reputation, and to pave the way for the election of the Fourth Hokage.

Only this so-called political factor can cause such boring internal friction in a normal military department.

"But this way, it gave me a lot of time to develop and settle. Since I have determined that I will not go to the battlefield in a short time and cannot obtain too many souls, it is almost time to use these sacrifices. "

While thinking about it, Uchiha Feiyu sank into his mind. Under the black book of demonic inheritance, there was a dense flow of black air condensed into a ball.

"A total of five hundred and seventy-two strands of black energy... First use 500 strands of black energy to make a precise sacrifice, and the harvest will be determined to be the most suitable for my inheritance now!"

Even the so-called precise sacrifice can only be accurate to a general level, such as sword skills, sword skills, and major skills, but it is impossible to produce a lot of things for you to choose directly.

Uchiha Feiyu played a trick this time and chose the most suitable prefix, so that at least there would be no useless inheritance.

A large amount of black energy evaporated and dissipated instantly. The big black book trembled slightly for a moment, and a complex message flew out and landed in front of Uchiha Feiyu.

"The spirit-swallowing and blood-refining method? Which world's cultivation method is this?"

Uchiha Feiyu took a closer look. According to the introduction of this spirit-swallowing blood training method, it is not even a certain kind of training method. It can only be regarded as a secret method, which comes from a famous man. A weird race called the Swallowing Spirit Clan.

As for its effect, it is also very simple. It is to refine various beings with strange bloodlines and constitutions into a blood pool, and use this blood pool to evolve their own bloodline.

The refining life needs to be consistent with its own race. In other words, if you want to evolve your bloodline in this way, it is definitely useless to kill some chickens and ducks. You can only use humans.

At the same time, the stronger the special bloodline that humans have, the better, and the closer it is to their own bloodline, the better. If Uchiha Feiyu can directly sacrifice all the Uchiha clan, the purity of the bloodline will probably be close to that of Indra.

If he sacrifices Hinata, Kaguya and all the other great clans still circulating in the ninja world, then he will not be directly approaching Indra, but the real Sage of Six Paths will be alive!

But just think about this kind of thing. If you want to sacrifice all these big clans...well, it's not impossible, but it's definitely not possible now.

"This is really the most suitable path for me. Isn't the world of Naruto a world that only cares about blood? If I didn't have the Sharingan, it would be difficult to deal with the grievances that will come back from the Soul Scourge."

"And the blood pool that needs to be established first also requires a lot of resources..."

It's not just a matter of resources. The so-called blood pool, just from the name, is full of demonic style, and what is needed is naturally things like bones, flesh and blood.

Uchiha Feiyu thought about it and couldn't figure out how he could create a blood pool without telling the Leaf Ninja Village. In the end, he could only sigh quietly:

"It seems that I have to join this root. With Orochimaru's help, I should be able to build a blood pool."

"But the relationship between me and this cheap teacher is not a true master-student relationship. It's best to find a way...but I don't seem to have anything to trade with Orochimaru."

While thinking about it, Uchiha Feiyu simply sacrificed all the remaining 72 black energy fragments. This time he did not choose to sacrifice accurately. After a while, the black book of demon inheritance was spit out to him. information.

"Eh!? Haha, didn't the content of the transaction come as soon as it was said?"

Looking at the "Lich Transformation Ritual" from the DND world in his hand, Uchiha Feiyu's face suddenly showed joy. With this thing, are you still worried about Orochimaru?

After exiting the demon inheritance space, Uchiha Feiyu lay on the bed and sighed slightly:

"I don't know when the blood pool will be built... and I don't know if ordinary ninjas can also be refined by the blood pool?"

In theory, ordinary ninjas are not descendants of the Six Paths Sage and have no special blood at all, but in fact, all the ninjas in this world are developed from the Ninja Sect established by the Six Paths Sage at the beginning, and the ultimate source of chakra is still the seeds separated by the Six Paths Sage.

And the energy of chakra can actually transform genetic blood. To a certain extent, the ordinary ninjas in these ninja worlds are like dragon descendants living next to dragons and infected by dragons. There is already a certain difference between them and normal people.

"From this perspective, ordinary ninjas can actually be refined, and the deaths of middle and lower-level ninjas in the Ninja World War are no different from weeds. It is too easy to get their bodies."

"Even if you want to get them on a large scale, there may be some difficulties in transportation, and it is not so easy to collect bodies on the battlefield. It seems that I still have to ask my cheap teacher for help!"

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