There was a knock on the door. Sitting on the bed, Uchiha Feiyu, who had just finished counting the harvest, stood up and opened the door with some confusion.

After the door opened, a serious-looking man stood there with the symbol of an Uchiha Uchiha fan on his body.

"Who are you……"

"Hello, I am Uchiha Fugaku, the current leader of the Uchiha clan."

The man standing at the door said something, which made Uchiha Feiyu come back to his senses. It turned out that this was the famous injustice in Naruto!

Hesitating and hesitating, he finally allowed his son to kill his entire family.

In the anime, this guy also has a pair of Mangekyō Sharingan, which makes Uchiha Fugaku's death even more hilarious - the trump card at the bottom of the box was hidden too deep, and in the end he was killed without even being used. It is simply unimaginable that this guy is also an Uchiha.

However, apart from the stupid things this guy will do in the future, although he is not qualified as a clan leader, if we only talk about Uchiha Fugaku, there is no big problem.

Being able to activate the Sharingan and even the Mangekyō due to the death of a friend, it is obvious that this guy can also be regarded as someone who values ​​love and justice.

The most important thing is that after turning on the kaleidoscope, this guy did not become a lunatic, but instead became a hidden dove in the Uchiha. Even if he is also a lunatic, in terms of character, he is much better than other Uchiha lunatics. .

So when Uchiha Feiyu faced the new clan leader, he didn't have any disgust at all. He just asked curiously:

"I wonder why the patriarch came to my place today? I remember that I don't seem to welcome other Uchihas here!"

After hearing this, Uchiha Fugaku was stunned for a moment, and then spoke in a low voice:

"Sorry, maybe you had some misunderstandings with other members of the Uchiha clan before, but no matter what, you also belong to Uchiha..."

"Don't talk about misunderstandings. After all, my personality is incompatible with Uchiha. I am greedy for life and afraid of death, bullying the weak and afraid of the strong, shameless and shameless. It is indeed my personality flaw, and it is different from the brave and arrogant Uchiha. It’s normal for the waves to not come together.”

Uchiha Fugaku opened his mouth with a stunned look on his face.

Such a weird thing as Uchiha Fei, not to mention the Uchiha clan, even if you are a ninja who has searched the entire ninja world, it is probably difficult to find a second example. It is not that there are ninjas who are greedy for life and fear of death, but they are shameless and skinny. To this extent, Uchiha Hiba is really the first example of a ninja who directly admits his "flaws".

"Uh... well... this... fear of death... fear of death is actually... human nature. At least someone like you, Feiyu, is so... so free and honest. It can be considered, ahem, straightforward."

Uchiha Fugaku racked his brains and did something perfunctory, which made Uchiha Feiyu want to laugh a little:

"Okay, Clan Leader, let's get straight to the point and tell the truth. You probably also see my current strength and reputation and want to win me back to the Uchiha clan."

"To be honest, I don't have any dislike for the Uchiha clan. Of course, I certainly don't have any good impressions. After all, I was forced to become a ninja in the first place. I just treat them as familiar strangers."

"But on the surface, there is no problem for me to maintain a relationship with the Uchiha clan. The key is just - Uchiha, what benefits can it give me?"

"Good... benefits?!"

"It's the same as my relationship with Konoha. I help Konoha perform tasks, and Konoha gives me monetary rewards and ninjutsu rewards. If Uchiha wants me to do something, as long as the reward is adequate and there is no danger, I will naturally be willing to do it. ”

"In this way, don't I count as contributing to Uchiha?"

Uchiha Fugaku, who was silenced by Uchiha Feiyu's call, sighed after a moment:

"Feiyu-kun... you really have... a personality!"

As he spoke, Uchiha Fugaku took out a scroll from his arms and handed it to Uchiha Fei:

"This is our Uchiha clan's research and use method on Sharingan. It can even make up for the cause and effect of forcing you to join Uchiha in the first place."

"After all, we share the same blood with each other. In addition to the employment relationship, I also hope that you can develop a sense of belonging and affection for Uchiha!"

"Not to mention anything else, if you don't want the blood of the next generation to degenerate, in the end, Feiyu, you will also find a lover among the Uchiha clan!"

Uchiha Feiyu was stunned for a moment. He didn't expect that the patriarch thought so far, that the next generation would actually consider it?

It's a pity that Uchiha Feiyu is still very young now and has no children in his previous life, so he has no idea about this at all.

Besides, he carries the book of demonic inheritance. As long as he develops well, he can live for hundreds or even thousands of years, or even become immortal. It would be a bit too much to think about the next generation now.

Of course, on the surface, Uchiha Feiyu didn't refute anything. Instead, he nodded and looked like he was seriously considering it. People were coming directly to give gifts. He couldn't let people down anymore!

After that, Uchiha Feiyu and Uchiha Fugaku chatted for a while, and Uchiha Fugaku left. Uchiha Feiyu happily sent him off for a while before going back.

Opening the scroll that recorded the secret techniques of the Sharingan, Uchiha Feiyu read it over. Most of the records recorded in it were Sharingan illusions.

Except for perverted ninjutsu such as Izanagi and Izanami, other Sharingan-specific ninjutsu such as illusion Sharingan, mirror heaven and earth rotation, and golden binding technique are basically recorded.

Although Uchiha Feiyu's Sharingan has only two magatama, he has devoured a large number of snake souls. Under the strong resentment, his Sharingan is much more powerful than ordinary double magatama, and his pupil power is almost close to three magatama Sharingan. He can learn almost all these Sharingan illusions.

The Uchiha clan's Sharingan illusions are well-known and can be well integrated with most combat systems. Even Uchiha Feiyu's white fang swordsmanship will be more terrifying when combined with Sharingan illusions.

But not everyone can learn to fight the enemy by looking at their feet like Akai.

The white fang swordsmanship is originally known for its speed. If the opponent can't even see Uchiha Feiyu's eyes, he will be easily cut and chopped.

Even a master of the same level would be beheaded if he was not careful when facing this combination of Sharingan illusion and white-fang sword technique.

Uchiha Feiyu had devoured a large number of animal souls, and his mental power was far superior to that of ordinary people. He had repeatedly honed his basics through the method of soul possession, which of course included illusions. Therefore, he learned almost all of these Sharingan illusions after watching them once.

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