The relationship between ninja villages and daimyo in various countries is also good and bad, some are dominant, and some are suppressed by daimyo.

For example, the Kingdom of Fire has a dispute over the two jade. The Hokage is obviously more effective in speaking than the Daimyo of the Kingdom of Fire. The Daimyo of the Kingdom of Wind often cuts the military expenditure of the Sand Ninja Village, and is obviously dominant.

The relationship between the Cloud Ninja Village and the Daimyo of the Kingdom of Thunder is said to be very close, and it is even said that there is a close blood relationship between the two.

I am afraid that it is precisely because of this that the Cloud Ninja Village will directly occupy the land of the Kingdom of Fire and help the Kingdom of Thunder expand its territory. I believe that the Daimyo of the Kingdom of Thunder will definitely give them satisfactory rewards.

After understanding the intelligence on the other side, Orochimaru did not rush to compete with the Cloud Ninja Village, but also began to build his own camp, as if he was going to fight a protracted war.

It wasn't that Orochimaru didn't want to drive the Kumo ninja out early, but it was because the Kumo ninja's strength and unity far exceeded that of the Suna ninja. In addition, the morale was now strong and there were many masters, so he was really not sure.

Konoha has already lost once, and more than 3,000 ninjas have died. If they lose again, there will be no need to fight again. This time the Ninja World War will simply surrender.

However, just one day later, the camp was only half-built, and the outer walls were completed. The Kumo ninjas had already mobilized their entire army and appeared on the outskirts of the Konoha camp.

"As expected of Yun Ninja, you just came out after receiving the news. Do you want to fight us?!"

Standing on the city wall, Orochimaru looked at the looming distance, at least hundreds of ninjas, and couldn't help but frown slightly.

The fighting style of the Kumo ninjas is very similar to their ninjutsu. They are best at blitzkrieg and mobile warfare. Now that the camp has not been fully built, Orochimaru actually doesn't want to fight them.

But he definitely couldn't let these cloud ninjas peek from the outside. The best way was to find a way to drive them away.

Soon, Orochimaru issued an order to form dozens of combat teams, preparing to expel the snooping Kumo ninja from around the camp.

This kind of thing is naturally indispensable to Uchiha Feiyu, but looking at the three small oil bottles behind him, Uchiha Feiyu couldn't help but frown.

Kakashi is still somewhat effective, but I'm afraid he can't keep up with Uchiha Feiyu's killing speed. As for Obito and Lin, they are really just holding them back.

"Kakashi... forget it, I remember that you and Obito seem to have wind attribute chakra. In this case, I will teach you a ninjutsu and you will be more likely to save your life when you go to the battlefield."

After finishing speaking, Uchiha Feiyu directly taught the Camouflage Hidden Technique to the three of them, regardless of the expressions of Kakashi and others.

In Uchiha Feiyu's view, going to the battlefield to kill enemies and make meritorious deeds are all secondary. The primary goal is of course to save his own life, and the camouflage hidden technique with the ability to become invisible is undoubtedly the top ninja in terms of survival. technique.

And after Kakashi received all the inheritance of the White Fang Sword Technique, he also learned the Ninjutsu of Wind Release. Based on that Ninjutsu, he can easily learn the Camouflage Hidden Jutsu.

Of course, even if Kakashi has some foundation and amazing talent, it will probably take a few days to practice the Camouflage Hidden Jutsu. As for Uchiha Obito, he was a Kenji before he opened his eyes. It doesn't matter whether he can practice it or not. Easy to say.

But Uchiha Feiha doesn't care so much. If Obito is unlucky and disappears on the battlefield, it might be a good thing for the entire ninja world!

"Okay, Kakashi, when we go back to the battlefield, you will take care of the two of them while I hunt the other ninja teams."

After finishing speaking, the soul of Hatake Sakumo, which was directly controlled by Uchiha Feiyu, was integrated into the White Fang dagger in Kakashi's hand. In this way, if he is really in danger, Hatake Sakumo can possess him and fight for him.

It was for Hatake Sakumo's sake that Uchiha Feiyu took care of Kakashi like this. Otherwise, he would at most teach three people a ninjutsu and then go to the battlefield.

After walking out of the camp, Uchiha Feiyu immediately entered the hunting state, his figure became increasingly faint, and after just three or four steps, he disappeared without a trace.

"Xiao...disappeared...Why is Feiyu completely gone?"

Uchiha Obito's open-mouthed surprised expression made Kakashi feel very embarrassed, so he whispered:

"Have you forgotten? The camouflage hidden technique he just gave us is a ninjutsu that can make you invisible."

"Of course, it is indeed very powerful to practice to the level of being completely invisible when moving."

"But the most important thing now... is to save our own lives!"

After Kakashi's words fell, Uchiha Obito finally came to his senses and said with a mournful face:

"How can there be such a leading jounin? What's the point of just leaving us here?"

"Are you scared?!"

"Who...who is scared? But even if I'm not scared, isn't there Lin? What if Lin is in danger?"

Nohara Lin chuckled lightly and said:

"Don't worry, Obito, Feiyu's mission for us is just to save our lives, so there is no need for us to leave the camp too far. I believe there won't be too many Kumo ninjas near the camp..."

After leaving the three oil bottles, Uchiha Feiyu could finally let go. This time he no longer used thunder escape to accelerate, but turned to wind escape to become invisible.

After all, the opposite side is Yun Ninja Village, and the boss of Yun Ninja Village always takes the lead and likes to be at the forefront.

Other ninja villages' Kage-level ninjas basically cannot rush to the battlefield as soon as the war starts. They are all the last resort. But if it is the Cloud Ninja Village, it is their most normal operation to start with the big and small kings.

Although Uchiha Feiyu and Hatake Sakumo have improved the lightning stimulation method attached to the White Fang Sword Technique, it is probably difficult to match the speed of the third and fourth generations of Raikage. If he really encounters this pair of big and small kings, Uchiha Feiyu will be in real danger.

For Uchiha Feiyu, who believes in safety first, in this case, he certainly dare not use the lightning stimulation method, but instead uses the camouflage technique for assassination.

Even in the invisible state, Uchiha Feiyu's speed is far beyond that of ordinary people. Like a silent and elusive ghost, he moves very quickly towards a ninja team he senses.

At this moment, several Cloud Ninjas have set up traps and are lurking in the forest. This is the route that the Konoha Ninja team is very likely to pass through.

A rustling sound was heard. Even though Uchiha Feiyu could suppress the sound he made, the sound of his body hitting branches and leaves could not be eliminated in such a dense forest. After hearing the sound, a Cloud Ninja raised his head, as if he wanted to look around.

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