Starting to practice magic from Uchiha

Chapter 86 The Third Raikage and Escape

There was a soft pop, and Yun Nin raised his head, opened his mouth wide, and made a hoho sound. A blood-stained sword tip appeared in his mouth, and the smell of blood instantly filled the air.

"Be careful... damn, there are invisible enemies!"

Yun Ninja, who smelled the smell of blood, raised his head and saw the tragic situation of his companion being stabbed through the throat from behind. He quickly shouted. However, the moment he shouted, a line of blood appeared on his neck.

After he shouted the last word, the line of blood expanded instantly, and with a pop, blood spurted out like a fountain. His head rolled and he fell to the ground.

As the world was spinning, the Cloud Ninja saw his two remaining companions. He looked around with a horrified expression, and then a blood mark also appeared on his neck...

After the four Kumo ninjas all died without resistance, Uchiha Feiyu's figure gradually emerged. He wiped the Kusanagi sword in his hand on the corpse of a Kumo ninja, and his face There was a hint of joy.

"I feel much more relaxed than before. This guy must be a special jounin. He was also killed by me without any chance to react..."

"Even without Hatake Sakumo's soul bonus, I am stronger now than I was six months ago, especially after my bloodline has evolved."

In the past six months, Uchiha Feiyu has made up for his weaknesses in foundation and chakra, fully possessing Kage-level hardware. On the other hand, through the baptism in the blood pool and the awakening of the Blood Succession Limit, he has also possessed all aspects of his own qualifications. Great improvement.

In this case, even if his White Fang sword skills have not improved much, the power he exerts is far greater than before. Even if Hatake Sakumo is not possessed, he is still stronger than before.

Several big snakes were summoned, and the corpses were first collected into Ryūchi Cave. Then Uchiha Feiyu's figure disappeared again, leaving only some blood stains on the ground.

Time soon gradually came to night. In just a few hours, Uchiha Feiyu, who had the ability to sense, hide, and was far more powerful than ordinary ninjas, had killed more than 40 people in a row and killed more than a dozen Yun. Ninja team.

The Kumo ninja teams near the Konoha camp also felt that something was wrong. These teams were also connected to each other. However, in a short period of time, there was no news about the members of a certain team. Thinking about it, it must be a big boss who is blowing up the fish pond.

Poof! Uchiha Feiyu slowly pulled out the long sword in his hand from the back of a cloud ninja. The cloud ninja turned his head and looked at Uchiha Feiyu in surprise. Opposite him, Uchiha Feiyu had just been raped. The broken earth clone.

"It seems that you must be somewhat famous among the cloud ninjas! You are actually able to fight with me so many times."

Uchiha Feiyu said calmly, although he only forced out his clone technique and substitute technique and struggled with him for a few rounds, the Kumo ninja in front of him was enough to be called an elite jounin. .

"Don't be... proud... Raikage-sama, you will avenge me..."

"Yes, yes, your Raikage-sama is very powerful, so I will definitely hide well and not let him find me!"

With a flash of sword light, the head of the ninja in front of him fell off. Uchiha Feiyu first collected the soul, and then summoned a big snake to take his body away.

But at the moment when Uchiha Feiyu sent the psychic snake back to Ryūchi Cave, an aurora fell from the sky and struck dozens of meters away with a loud bang.

Along with a loud noise, the ground shook like a meteorite falling to the ground. The violent air waves blew away some small gravel on the ground, making Uchiha Feiyu couldn't help but put out his hand to block it in front of his eyes.

"Is this...a gift from heaven?! Damn it! Does the Third Raikage belong to Cao Cao? Just say it!"

Complaints are complaints, Uchiha Feiyu's speed was not slow at all. Before the smoke and dust landed on the ground dissipated, the Camouflage Hidden Technique and the Light and Heavy Rock Technique were already loaded on his body, and the whole person disappeared like a ghost.

"Damn it, Blay! Where are you?!"

In the huge voice, a little giant with swollen muscles, like a thunder god, appeared. The third generation Raikage's eyes scanned the battlefield just now, but except for a pool of blood on the ground, he found nothing.

Seeing this scene, the Third Raikage suddenly showed anger in his eyes. He obviously used special methods to determine the location and even the life and death of Bray, and then he came directly with the technique of heavenly sending.

Now there is only a pool of blood on the ground. It is obvious that the person he wants to save is in danger and may have been sacrificed.

"Thunder Escape—The Technique of Torrent!"

The violent thunder and lightning condensed into water in the hands of the Third Raikage and flowed to the ground. Then countless silver snakes spread out instantly, shining brightly within a hundred meters of the entire forest.

However, after the flash of light ended, apart from the fact that the surrounding woods suffered some damage and were a little burnt black and yellow due to the electricity, the hidden enemies were not forced out as the Third Raikage imagined.

"Damn coward, just wait for me, don't fall into my hands!"

Uchiha Feiyu, who was more than 100 meters away, shrank his head, and the speed of his feet suddenly became faster.

"As expected of the Raikage, he not only possesses the strongest ninjutsu in the entire ninja world, but he is also really good at lightning escape. At least it is much stronger than the average elite jounin."

After escaping for several hundred meters, Uchiha Feiyu dared to mutter a few words loudly.

There is no way. With Uchiha Madara aging and Nagato still not growing up, the Third Raikage can almost compete for the title of the strongest in the ninja world.

Uchiha Feiyu is very self-aware. If he really dares to stay and try the Third Raikage, he will probably die after trying.

Seeing that the Third Raikage has come to this area, he dare not stay here for long to hunt, but turned around and slipped back to the ninja camp.

When Uchiha Feiyu returned directly to the Konoha ninja camp, he saw that his three subordinates had also returned at this moment. Not only that, they looked like they had experienced a battle.

"Kakashi, you also encountered the enemy? Didn't I tell you to stay near the camp and patrol?"

Kakashi looked a little dazed, and only came back to his senses after hearing Uchiha Feiyu's words:

"I'm sorry, we were a little too excited at the time, so we were a little far away from the camp."

When he said this, Uchiha Obito's face turned red, with a look of shame. Uchiha Feiyu immediately understood what was going on. It was obvious that Obito didn't listen to the instructions, so they encountered the enemy.

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