Kakashi and the other three didn't say much, but Uchiha Feiyu left Hatake Sakumo directly on the White Fang Tanto, so through Hatake Sakumo's soul, he soon knew what happened. of the process.

What happened was pretty much what Uchiha Feiyu thought. After several patrols, Obito, who was on the battlefield for the first time, couldn't help but get excited and wanted to find the enemy.

The current Kakashi is not the mission-oriented ninja in the original work. He was really persuaded by Obito. As for Nohara Lin because of her weak personality, although she was worried, she did not express her objections in the end.

In fact, Obito is not a fool. They are just a little far away from the camp. Theoretically, it is unlikely that they will run into the Kumo ninja.

However, it may be that Kakashi and Uchiha Obito really have something like a halo of luck. The three little ninjas were just a little far away from the camp, and they happened to bump into one. A four-person team formed by Kumo Ninja.

The four-person team that can serve as the vanguard of the Kumo ninja is basically a combination of one special jounin and three chunin. It is not the kind of chuunin with three genin.

Kakashi's strength is not inferior to that of a special jounin, and Obito can barely handle a chunin. However, although Nohara Lin has some medical ninjutsu talents, she is a slightly better genin in terms of combat effectiveness. Their strength is simply not equal.

Ninjas who have been on the battlefield know very well that when facing an enemy, they must kill the weakest one first to accumulate a snowballing advantage. Not to mention that Nohara Rin is still a healer, so Nohara Rin almost died as soon as the battle started. Get killed.

At the critical moment, it was Hatake Sakumo who possessed Kakashi and killed the special jounin with a knife, thus resolving the crisis.

In addition, Hatake Sakumo also told Uchiha Hiba something - at Nohara Rin's most critical moment, Uchiha Obito opened a Magatama Sharingan and killed the chuunin.

At this point, Uchiha Feiyu was not surprised at all. After all, Obito, Kenji, might have average talents in other aspects, but he was definitely a peerless genius in the Sharingan.

In the original work, Obito also used two Magatama as soon as he opened his eyes, and the second time he went straight to Kaleidoscope. His progress was fast enough to make other Uchiha cry and faint in the toilet.

If Nohara Rin hadn't really suffered any serious injuries this time, and if Uchiha Obito himself was too young and lacked chakra in his body, he might have been able to open a more advanced Sharingan.

As for Kakashi being in a daze...nonsense, he felt being fucked by his father again and was so stimulated that it would be strange not to be in a daze.

After knowing the specific situation that the three-person team encountered, Uchiha Feiyu casually comforted them with a few words, and then let Hatake Sakumo's soul return to the White Fang dagger.

Now for Uchiha Feiha, Hatake Sakumo's soul is of little use anymore, so he should be left alone with his son.

Every time Hatake Sakumo possesses Kakashi and uses the White Fang sword technique, it is the best guidance for Kakashi. In addition, Kakashi himself is still a top genius. It is estimated that as long as there are a few more opportunities, Kakashi will Cassie will be able to thoroughly master White Fang's knife skills and become a real Little White Fang.

Even now, after being possessed by Hatake Sakumo again, Kakashi's impression has changed a bit, his aura seems to be sharper, and he has a vague demeanor of a jounin.

After saying goodbye to the three little ninjas under his command, Uchiha Feiyu went directly to Orochimaru and handed over more than 40 forehead protectors for Kumo ninja, all of which were due to the battle.

"Feiyu-kun did a good job, but you were probably on a mission in the southeast. Have you seen the Third Raikage?"

Orochimaru glanced at the forehead protector handed over by Uchiha Feiyu, complimented it casually, and then asked.

"I saw it, just like what Minato Jounin said, a light fell directly from the sky, much like the time and space ninjutsu."

"Oh, then do you think this Raikage really knows the space and time ninjutsu?"

"I don't think he himself will...haven't you noticed? This Raikage-sama has never used this kind of time and space ninjutsu in front of Konoha ninjas. Every time we can only see the results of his teleportation. "

After listening to Uchiha Feiyu's words, Orochimaru nodded slightly:

"Yes, that's what I guessed. This long-distance teleportation ninjutsu is most likely the result of being used by other ninjas and imposed on Raikage."

"In this case, at least we don't have to worry about the Third Raikage suddenly using the time and space ninjutsu during the battle!"

Uchiha Feiyu shrugged slightly:

"Even this is very troublesome. It just prevents the Third Raikage from using the time and space ninjutsu to fight or escape, but it is still possible to simply use this ninjutsu for displacement or support."

Orochimaru chuckled, ignored the topic, looked at Uchiha Feiyu and asked:

"Now that you have met the Third Raikage, have you ever fought with him? How do you feel about his strength?"

Uchiha Feiyu rolled his eyes directly:

"Teacher, if you want me to die, just say so. Do you think I was mad and mad, so I dared to fight that monster? Of course, when I saw him just appear, I retreated invisibly and ran away!"

As soon as Uchiha Feiyu finished speaking, Orochimaru's smile stiffened. Although he knew that his apprentice's lower limit was unfathomable, every time he refreshed the lower limit, Orochimaru still felt like he was covering his face. .

It's okay to be afraid of death. I am also the kind of person who is afraid of death, but at least don't show it so obviously. Don't be a coward when you see a strong enemy!

I, Orochimaru, have always pursued immortality and resisted death, but my prestige has never dropped. No matter what kind of opponent I face, whether I can win or not is one thing, but whether my prestige drops or not is another thing.

Unlike this disciple of mine, he sees the weak punching hard, and flees when he encounters a strong enemy. The most important thing is that after escaping, he not only does not feel the slightest shame, but is also complacent.

Fortunately, Orochimaru had already known his cheap apprentice a little bit. After taking two breaths, the expression on his face returned to normal:

"In other words, you know nothing about the strength of the Third Raikage?"

"Anyway, he must be stronger than me. If we fight head-on, you, Teacher Orochimaru, will probably be in trouble."

Orochimaru shook his head and said lightly:

"You don't have to save face for me. My strength is not much stronger than yours, Feiyu. If we fight head-on, I am definitely not the opponent of the Third Raikage."

"It seems that we can only think of a way to use secret techniques and forbidden techniques to hold this guy back. The strongest spear plus the strongest shield, the Third Raikage is indeed the strongest among all the Raikages."

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