Starting to practice magic from Uchiha

Chapter 92 Decisive Battle Intelligence

After some experiments, Uchiha Feiyu finally got all the data on the Shasha Sword, and overall he was quite satisfied.

The effect of breaking through energy defense is not widely used in the ninja world. Apart from the Thunder Chakra mode, it is probably difficult to find other energy protection methods.

Uchiha's Susanoo can be regarded as an energy protector. Unfortunately, the Kusanagi Sword's energy range is only above the blade. Even if it has the ability to extend and shorten, it is very inconvenient to use.

On the contrary, the effect that causes damage to the soul is more useful in Uchiha Feiyu's opinion, especially suitable for high-end games. Medical ninjutsu, super-speed recovery, and immortality are all restrained by the evil-breaking energy.

Moreover, after being transformed into a magical weapon, the sharpness, toughness, and energy flow of the Kusanagi Sword itself have also been improved to a certain extent. It was originally a first-class famous sword, and now it is the top sword in the ninja world. This is also It was an unexpected surprise.

With a weapon that can restrain the Raikage, Uchiha Feiyu finally breathed a sigh of relief. If he encounters the Third Raikage next time, he may not be too sure, but if he meets the Fourth Raikage, then Uchiha Bo Feiyu can harvest a high-quality soul.

After killing a few hundred more people, the Shasha Sword will be completely completed. In the case of the first kill, even the Third Raikage may be killed directly!

However, when Uchiha Feiyu returned to the headquarters and prepared to ask Orochimaru for a mission, he received new news:

"Ready to start the decisive battle? Yun Ninja Village has issued a war declaration?"

After hearing this, Orochimaru looked at Uchiha Feiyu and rolled his eyes:

"It's not the Kumo Ninja Murakami's declaration of war, it's that we must hurry up and force the Kumo Ninja to engage in a decisive battle. Don't forget, this is the Country of Fire!"

"If this confrontation continues, Yunyin Village may have to completely plunder the entire Fire Country area!"

In the past, the battles in the major ninja villages were basically carried out within the small countries on the dividing line. No matter how the fight ended, even if it was thousands of miles away, the unlucky ones would not be the five major countries themselves.

As a result, this time, Konoha was directly pushed to the high ground by someone pushing the tower. This was not playing King of Glory. There was no combat power bonus in the high ground. On the contrary, there were quite a lot of valuable bottles and cans at home.

Although the Kingdom of Thunder cannot be said to be poor, it is obviously not as wealthy as the Kingdom of Fire. When a group of barbarians from the Cloud Ninja entered the Kingdom of Fire, it was like rats entering a rice vat. They could easily plunder a large amount of wealth.

But all these wealth were cut from the Fire Nation. The Fire Nation daimyo was almost in a hurry during this period, writing letter after letter, urging the Konoha ninjas to drive away the Kumo ninjas.

Not only that, being invaded by other ninja villages into their own country is also a huge blow to Konoha's reputation. The mission execution system of Konoha ninja villages is almost entirely supported by reputation. Once the citizens of the Fire Country are against If Konoha loses confidence, a large number of tasks will be lost immediately.

Under this situation, Konoha couldn't help but be impatient, because as long as the Kumo ninja stayed in the Land of Fire for one more day, Konoha's losses would be greater, and everyone would have to be impatient!

"So this is ah."

Uchiha Feiyu nodded indifferently. As a lone ranger, he had no interest in the specific operation of Konoha, but if he thought about it carefully, he could understand Konoha's current predicament.

"In other words, the real war is about to begin? Is Yun Ninja Village willing to fight us? Now they are taking advantage. As long as they stand firm, we can only attack their camp."

"Don't worry, the head you sent is very useful. The ninjas of the Yamanaka clan dug out a lot of information from it."

"Relying on this information, we have a detailed understanding of Yun Ninja's logistics, transportation, resource and material storage points, patrol routes, and barrier techniques. Even if Yun Ninja wants to make adjustments, it will not be effective in such a short period of time. Not too big.”

"Use this period to cut off the opponent's logistics, kill the opponent's patrols, and destroy the opponent's supplies. With the character of those barbarians in Yun Ren, they will definitely not give up with us when the time comes!"

"Forcing the opponent to come out for a decisive battle? This is a good strategy."

"So this task is left to you and Minato-kun!"

Uchiha Feiyu's eyes suddenly became dumbfounded:

"Well, the difficulty of this mission is a bit high, isn't it? Isn't it enough for Namikaze Minato alone? He has the Flying Thunder God Technique, so he is not afraid of going deep behind enemy lines and being besieged."

Orochimaru sighed lightly. He had already understood the character of his apprentice and knew how difficult it was for him to carry out dangerous tasks. Fortunately, he had also made some preparations. :

"This mission is successful. I can teach you both the software transformation technique and the cell activation technique. These two ninjutsu are my absolute best."

Software modification techniques and cell activation techniques may seem inconspicuous among the many forbidden techniques that Orochimaru knows, but they are actually the real basic ninjutsu.

Software modification can greatly increase the flexibility of the physical body, thereby performing strange attacks. The softened body can also increase its own explosive power.

In addition, software modification can also improve resistance to blunt blows. Orochimaru can even resist Tsunade's strange power punches with this attack. It can be said that the core of Orochimaru's physical skills is software modification.

As for the cell activation technique, to a certain extent, it is very similar to the Thunder Chakra mode. By constantly stimulating one's own cells, it strengthens one's physical strength, reacts to the nerves, and increases one's chakra.

Although not as powerful as the Lightning Chakra Mode, the Cell Activation Technique is gentler and more delicate, and can maximize the potential and complete the body.

In addition, these two ninjutsu also have a complementary effect. Practicing them together can allow an ordinary ninja to gain the foundation to become a jonin.

It should be noted that there is no real, systematic method to improve the essence of life in the ninja world. The so-called Chakra Refining Technique, as the name suggests, is just a technique.

Therefore, in theory, the chakra and physical talent limits of every ninja have been fixed since birth.

Cell Activation Technique plus Software Transformation Technique is a very rare ninjutsu that can improve the talent limit of ninjas. Uchiha Feiyu is naturally very interested in this.

It's just that he and Orochimaru used to say that they were master and apprentice, but in fact it was just a relationship of interest. Orochimaru never taught him this kind of basic ninjutsu.

"These two ninjutsu are great, but they don't help me much right now."

Although he had already been tempted, Uchiha Feiyi showed hesitation on his face. He did not agree immediately, but tentatively wanted more.

"So what do you mean?"

"I want other things, such as - Hashirama cells!"

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