Starting to practice magic from Uchiha

Chapter 93 Hashirama Cells and Uchiha

After hearing Uchiha Feiyu's words, Orochimaru's expression changed slightly, and he spoke in a low and hoarse voice:

"How do you know such a thing?! Danzo told you?"

The research on Hashirama Cells and Wood Release is a taboo topic in Konoha. Except for a few high-level officials, almost everyone else knows nothing about it.

After all, the so-called Hashirama cells were left behind by the first Hokage, the founder of Konoha. Studying the corpses of his ancestors was obviously not a good name.

Not only that, because of the Wood Release experiment, the number of dead ninjas and experimental subjects definitely exceeded three digits, which caused a great disturbance in Konoha, and even made the research on Hashirama cells top secret.

Even now in the entire Konoha, apart from the experimental subjects and researchers, Danzo and the Third Hokage are probably the only two people who know that the research on Hashirama cells has not been discontinued.

Orochimaru knew very well that his teacher, the Third Hokage, even if he knew about Hashirama's cell research, he would definitely pretend not to know, let alone leak it out. The only one who could leak the secret was Danzo.

"It doesn't matter how I know it. What's important is that the teacher should have Hashirama cells on his hands, right? As long as you give me a copy of Hashirama cells, I will be willing to complete this task!"

After Uchiha Feiyu finished speaking, the expression on Orochimaru's face changed. After a moment, he smiled slightly and nodded:

"Okay, as long as you are willing to complete this task, I will provide you with Hashirama cells!"

As soon as these words came out, Uchiha Feiyu was slightly stunned. The so-called asking for a high price and paying back the money on the ground. When he first made this request, Uchiha Feiyu did not expect to be able to obtain Hashirama cells so easily.

"Is it possible that my cheap teacher attaches great importance to this action? That's right. Nowadays, the only person who can compete with cheap teacher for Hokage is Namikaze Minato."

"In the previous battle with the Kumo ninja, Konoha's entire army was wiped out, and the commander Namikaze Minato was naturally to blame. In this case, the possibility of Orochimaru taking over will naturally increase."

Although Namikaze Minato failed, it was actually more because the Kumo ninja invested too much strength. If he were replaced by any Kage-level ninja from Konoha as the commander, he would definitely not be able to please him.

But no matter what, failure is failure. After such a defeat, the prestige of this golden flash has naturally dropped significantly.

Except for the golden flash, the only people who can compete with Orochimaru for the position of Hokage are Tsunade and Jiraiya. However, these two people don't care about the position of Hokage, and even avoid it.

It can be said that as long as Orochimaru wins this war, then if nothing unexpected happens, the position of Hokage will be in his possession. It's no wonder Orochimaru spent so much money.

...No, I regard Hashirama cells as blood, but in fact these things can proliferate. To Orochimaru, Hashirama cells are just a big secret. To him, if you divide them a little bit, it doesn't matter at all. What a loss.

Orochimaru didn't want Hashirama's cells to leak out, more for confidentiality reasons than because he felt how precious these materials were.

It may be because of these two points that Uchiha Feiyu obtained Hashirama cells so easily.

"In that case, let's make it a deal and give me the mission information!"

In fact, after training the Kusanagi Sword into the Shasha Sword, Uchiha Feiyu was no longer opposed to this task. Now, not only can he get two ninjutsu, he can even get such good things as Hashirama cells. , Uchiha Feiyu naturally agreed.

Orochimaru was also straightforward in doing things. He didn't even wait for Uchiha Feiyu to go on the mission, and directly sent the mission reward, which included not only his two original ninjutsu, but also a small tube of Hashirama cells.

However, when handing over Hashirama's cells, Orochimaru looked at Uchiha Feiyu and spoke quietly:

"I have been researching Hashirama cells for a long time, but so far, there is no way to integrate Hashirama cells into the human body without any sequelae, and there is not even a successful wood escape experimental subject."

"During the study of Hashirama cells, I also discovered a characteristic. Hashirama cells represent the ultimate Yang escape chakra. If there is also the ultimate Yin escape chakra to neutralize it, it may offset its terrifying power. The backlash.”

Having said this, Orochimaru stopped talking and just stared at Uchiha Feiyu with interest.

Uchiha Feiyu picked up the Hashirama cells and chuckled:

"There is an underground secret room at Minagawa Shrine where the Uchiha clan often holds meetings. There is a stone tablet in the secret room, which records some secrets about the Sharingan..."

"There is a saying in it, which is called two mutually exclusive forces. When they are combined into one, they can achieve all things!"

Seeing that his cheap apprentice wanted Hashirama cells, Orochimaru obviously guessed something, so he opened his mouth to test. Uchiha Feiha simply told him the answer directly.

"Two forces that repel each other, and become one, can bring about all things..."

Orochimaru chewed this sentence several times, with a look of sudden realization on his face:

"It turns out that my guess was right. To control the power of Hashirama's cells, what is needed is not the powerful Yang escape chakra, but the ultimate Yin escape chakra."

"So when the Senju clan's ninjas were conducting experiments on Hashirama's cells, almost all of them turned into big trees because of the cells going berserk. This is because the Senju clan is only proficient in Yang escape and not Yin escape!"

"It seems that if you want to conduct wood escape experiments, the best test subjects are the Uchiha clan!"

But when he said this, Orochimaru also shook his head. The strength of the Uchiha clan is not weak, and it has its own system in Konoha. Even if he becomes Hokage, it may be difficult to obtain Uchiha's experimental subjects. .

Konoha, which had not experienced the Nine-Tails Rebellion, only had a somewhat indifferent attitude towards the Uchiha clan, and was not yet wary of them and regarded them as imaginary enemies.

In this case, Orochimaru didn't want to offend the Uchiha clan guys.

While thinking about it, Orochimaru looked at Uchiha Feiyu, but Uchiha Feiyu seemed to have already seen the idea of ​​​​his cheap teacher. When he saw his eyes, he shook his head:

"Don't look for me. I have a way to digest Hashirama's cells myself, but I don't want to be your experimental subject, teacher!"

"That's such a pity..."

Orochimaru's face showed a look of regret that was visible to the naked eye, which made Uchiha Feiyu have a black line in his head. The research level of his cheap teacher was indeed good, but it was a pity that the moral level was inversely proportional to his research level.

If Uchiha Feiha really dares to let Orochimaru modify Hashirama cells on him, God knows what this mad scientist will do.

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