Starting to practice magic from Uchiha

Chapter 94 Killing and Enraging the Cloud Ninja

In the early morning sunshine, Uchiha Feiyu came to a cloud ninja's resource and material warehouse silently.

This resource point is a stronghold used by Kumo Ninja to make detonating talismans. The detonating talisman requires pulp made from special chakra trees to be made into paper, so that it can be used to write the detonating talisman.

The Kingdom of Thunder belongs to the plateau area, most of which are savanna landforms, and resources in this area have always been in short supply. On the contrary, here in Konoha, there are extremely abundant resources of such trees.

It is also very troublesome to transport chakra trees back to the Kingdom of Thunder, so Kumo Ninja simply created a resource point here specifically for making and storing detonating charms to support the front line.

"There is quite a bit of the idea of ​​taking something from the enemy and using it against the enemy. These ninjas in the Naruto world are quite comprehensive in terms of war."

After circling the entire stronghold for several times, Uchiha Feiyu sighed, drew out the Kusanagi sword from behind, and slashed down with the sword. There was only a crackling sound, and the surrounding warning barrier was suddenly completely destroyed by the evil spirit. Break open.

Although the barrier was completely broken and had no effect, at least the warning effect was exerted. The ninjas who had stayed in the stronghold to defend or make detonating symbols suddenly rushed out one by one.

"One jounin, one special jounin, and more than 30 chunin. What kind of combination is this?"

Uchiha Feiyu looked at the ninjas who rushed out with a strange expression. The Great Ninja Village basically followed the principle of three to four-person teams, and the ninja team in front of him was too disorganized.

But when Uchiha Feiyu saw the Chuunin running out with some detonating talisman papers in their hands, he suddenly came to his senses. It turned out that these Chunin were all tool men who drew detonating talismans!

"Be careful, the other party is a ninja from Konoha!"

"Just one person... is looking down on us!"

"Everyone, come together and kill this brat!"

Uchiha Feiyu turned a deaf ear to the noisy voices of the cloud ninjas in front of him, and just gently raised the Kusanagi sword in his hand.

The light of thunder and lightning flashed on his body, and in an instant, this electric light had shot into the crowd of cloud ninjas.

"So fast, ugh!"

"Thunder Chakra Mode..."

A faint thunder light shone, and the blood mist flew out of the sky. With the three Magatama Sharingan and the White Fang sword technique, Uchiha flew into the sheep like a tiger, and in a moment, the blood flowed into the river.

Under the reflex nerves and dynamic vision that were stimulated to the limit, every move of the Kumo ninja in front of him seemed to be slowed down more than ten times. Often when Uchiha Feiyu pierced the opponent's throat with a knife, the opponent also had to slow down. It takes a moment to react.

Even that jounin had no power to resist in front of Uchiha Feiyu. At most, he could see Uchiha Feiyu's attack, but his body couldn't react, and he died with a little understanding.

When the electric light on Uchiha Fei disappeared, all the Kumo ninjas had turned into corpses. He summoned the big snake from Ryūchi Cave, carried away the corpses, and then walked into the stronghold.

After a while, the entire Kumogakure stronghold was completely burned. Uchiha Feiyu lightly tapped the detonating talisman in his hand, estimated the quantity, and then couldn't help but tilted his mouth:

"More than 50,000 detonating talismans... This is the result of these ninjas working day and night for a month. How did Xiaonan save 600 billion detonating talismans?"

Anyway, it is impossible to make them one by one like these detonating charms. Otherwise, let alone the Akatsuki organization, even if all the ninjas from the five great ninja villages were put together and worked day and night for 100 years, they would not be able to produce so many. Detonating charm.

After receiving the detonating talisman into the scroll, there is never too much strategic material like this. Uchiha Feiyu then opened the intelligence scroll and began to look for the next target.

For three consecutive days, Uchiha Feiyu first took away the Cloud Ninja's detonating talisman stronghold, then successively killed several Cloud Ninja's material transport teams, and finally killed a Cloud Ninja team that was preparing to return to the Land of Thunder for rotation. .

The Ninja World War is not only extremely cruel, but also protracted. Under normal circumstances, all major Ninja Villages will allow Ninjas to fight for half a year and rest for half a year, alternating with each other to avoid being too tight and unable to bear the pressure physically and mentally. .

At the same time, these teams who retreated from the battlefield also had the obligation to escort the wounded back to the village.

However, after this team was targeted by Uchiha Feiyu, not only were most of the rotating ninjas killed, but none of the wounded escaped, and all of them were killed.

In the case of medical ninjutsu, the ninjas who can still be called wounded are basically disabled. Generally, any ninja who is soft-hearted and shameless will not do anything to these disabled people.

Unfortunately, in Uchiha Feiyu's eyes, most of the so-called ninjas are just a group of materials plus NPCs. Injured ninjas only mean that materials are easier to collect.

In an ordinary town on the border between the Land of Fire and the Land of Frost, Uchiha Feiyu looked at the Kusanagi Sword with a pale glow in his hand, and a smile appeared on his face.

"After killing so many people, the evil spirit in the Kusanagi Sword has finally been perfected. With this, I don't need to be afraid even against the Third Raikage!"

But at this moment, Uchiha Feiyu seemed to feel something and pulled out a trident-like dagger from his arms.

With a bang, a figure appeared next to the dagger. With golden hair and young and handsome appearance, it was the golden flash of Konoha, Namikaze Minato.

"Minato Jonin, why are you here? Is there anything new on the battlefield?"

Looking at Minato Namikaze who appeared in front of him, Uchiha Feiyu asked with some confusion.

Minato Namikaze nodded and said hurriedly:

"Yes, I don't know what the Cloud Ninja has been stimulated by. Now the whole army has been dispatched and is ready to fight us!"

"I came here this time because I received a message from Lord Orochimaru that he would take you back to the front line to participate in the final decisive battle."

What stimulation did the Cloud Ninja receive? Uchiha Feiyu's mind turned, and he thought of the ninja rotation unit that he had killed.

It's nothing to just kill the Cloud Ninja who left the battlefield, but in addition to that, Uchiha Feiyu also killed two or three hundred disabled ninjas, and took all their bodies back to the Ryuchi Cave with the big snake, preparing to refine them in the blood pool.

In the eyes of the Cloud Ninja, this is probably just feeding the wounded to the snake directly, and there is no body left.

Killing these disabled ninjas was already a very cruel and despicable thing, but not even sparing their corpses was even more cruel.

Uchiha Feiyu had long known that this approach would definitely anger those Kumo Ninja barbarians, so he was mentally prepared for the information from Namikaze Minato.

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