As Venerable Yuxu took the lead in launching an attack, the terrifying powers of Xia Yan and Venerable Xuxu began to bloom.

Every move and every action releases the supreme power, a ray of light and even the groundlessness jumps to pieces. Boom

Another ray of light bloomed. _ Xia Yan flew out a hint of light from her fingertips and flew across the void towards Venerable Yuxu. The burial ground beneath the void suddenly burst into pits and pits, each with a super pit with a radius of 10,000 meters. Numerous bones were revealed from the potholes, and even the broken bones that emitted a little light like crystal jade bones seemed very mysterious.

_ "Is your strength only like this?" "It's a bit unsatisfactory, go on_" Xia Yan casually shot the Void Law of Venerable Yuxu directly and then = pointed out a trace of immortal fire flying towards Venerable Yuxu. Zizi!

The void instantly burned and penetrated _ with terrifying power swept away.

"Huh, the show has just begun." "4 Don't worry, you will definitely be satisfied. When you see my true strength, you will die."

Venerable Yuxu's Void Law is all over you, and your body is slightly twisted. The void instantly opened = fan l. ,

The unquenchable sky fire was directly banished into the endless void, and Xia Yan's trickyness exceeded Venerable Yuxu's expectation.

Whether it's the light means, or the unquenchable sky fire that is released at will.

It is a terrifying attack for the Venerable Yuxu. If you are not careful, it is very likely that you will be injured.

_ "Everyone, do you think it is the victory of Taoist Yuxu, or the victory of the person named Xia Yan?"

Somewhere in secret. A Supreme Taboo asked several people beside him.

They are all taboos on the highest ranking list. When Venerable Yuxu takes a shot, they will naturally come over and observe, and they are familiar with Xia Yan's combat effectiveness and battle methods.

Venerable Yu Xu and others were not the only ones who peered at Xia Yan. _There are also their supremely ordinary supreme powers_ at this moment, they already have that idea. The existence of being able to fight the taboos on the highest ranking list cannot be measured by a general angle at all.

"I don't know, but looking at it now, it is obvious that Xia Yan has the upper hand." "Yes, indeed, his attack methods are very strange and surprisingly powerful. "They rushed out of the climax and carried them to the starry sky, let's keep looking."

At the time they were discussing.

Xia Yan and Yuxu Supreme had already fought from the Burial Land to the Highest Land in the outer starry sky.


New original

The heavenly palace exploded and spread to the highest Tailu, and the five creatures suddenly looked up at the sky in horror.

"Late to


I saw a terrible shock wave blooming in the sky, and the faces of billions of trillions of creatures changed wildly.(Read more @

Flying heart

"This is a taboo fighting in the outer space, the whole fighting mighty, it's terrifying..."

"Are the peaceful years coming to an end? How long ago was the last taboo battle in the outer world?"

-"This kind of existence is not something we can look at. Taboo existence, existence that can be recorded in ancient books."

The supreme creature was shocked. _Venerables of the highest realm are even more diyu. Toward the place where the westerners fighting in the sky are. , I want to watch this company's shocking battle rumbling!

A ray of divine light swept across __ An uninhabited planet in countless distant distances was instantly exploded.

It is like a beautiful scene of fireworks exploding. But the terrible power makes the scalp numb.

"Die to me!"

"The void blooms."

Venerable Void carried the divine light of Xia Yan flying. Behind him, a transparent phantom appeared out of thin air. Yiwuzhang's figure stands standing behind him_ The starry sky trembles suddenly because of the terrible aura, and even the distant faint stars seem to begin to tremble slightly.

"Ha ha!"

_ "Happy, I will accompany you."

Hum on

Xia Yan didn't have the slightest fear, but with a hint of excitement, a young flame giant also stood behind him.

This is the condensed gathering of the immortal sky without dispersing, and the hot power can make the dark space and even the temperature begin to rise. Yashan

The figure of Gaotai of the billion five giants is clearly printed into the eyeworm of each Supreme Venerable_Even the taboos on the Supreme List are extremely concerned about the situation at this moment.

Venerable Yuxu manipulated the transparent phantom giant of the hundred million five zhang tall lady, like a star's fist, and instantly waved towards Xia Yan.


The cosmic void of the stars constantly erupted with loud noises. Terrible ripples rippled with the movement of the giant fist.

Xia Yan's eyes kept flashing. _ Hundreds of millions of feet behind him raised a fist together.

Clang l

It seems that the sound coming from the depths of the universe is like the explosion of the stars of the universe.

The fists of the two giants erupted in an instant, and the terrifying power swept the entire space of the universe, and the stars five light years away all exploded in an instant.

The highest place is because of the shock waves of the power of the two. _The mountain peak was smoothed, and the Taihai instantly turned through, and the Taidi was constantly turbulent.

= The concealed supreme will suddenly appeared in a transparent light covering the entire supreme land at this moment.

The highest place of restlessness gradually calmed down. The mask very smoothly blocked the impact of Xia Yan and the Supreme Venerable. Xia Yan resisted the attack of the Supreme Venerable. Seeing the state of the highest land at this moment, his eyes narrowed.

The supreme will to kill oneself against the five releases. Xia Yan remembers it very much_ a smile appeared on the corner of her mouth.

Suddenly Xia Yan shook off the fist attacked by the Supreme Venerable Yuxu, and then the figure of the billion-meter tall Taitai suddenly moved.

A terrifying divine light immediately attacked the mask of the Highest Land.

On the box

The huge impact instantly echoed the entire highest place, and the highest creatures saw the existence of the taboo and shot towards the highest place empty. His complexion was pale and the whole body was trembling constantly, and his eyes were filled with confusion. "What's going on, why is the taboo of starry sky fighting going to the highest place?" With this voice, I almost thought that the protective shield of the Supreme Will was broken. "Damn it." Who is this man_ dare to attack the highest land, are you not afraid of the will to obliterate him?"


The supreme will of the highest land seemed to perceive Xia Yan's provocation.

Suddenly, a divine light shone from the highest ground in a blink of an eye and then crossed the layers of space, piercing Xia Yan's billion-five-zhang flame figure. ,


"Is Xia Yan really a bully? You can only cause this kind of injury to me. The attack in the Highest Land is nothing more than the unquenchable flame giant that penetrates Xia Yan and the sky fire is instantly replenished and restored as before.

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