Starting With 100 Trillion Spirit Stones

Chapter 577 : An instant collapse of the battle!

Terrifying power is constantly blooming in the outer universe of the Highest Land, and every silk energy can even kill the existence of the Supreme Emperor Realm with two strikes. After the Supreme Will cast a divine light on Xia Yan, there was no more movement. Obviously, if Xia Yan does not take the initiative to attack the highest land, the Supreme Will will not take the initiative to attack Xia Yan. But not necessarily afterwards.


"Your opponent on Xia Yan is me._See Xia Yan attacking the highest land._Causing the Supreme Will to issue a counterattack


The cosmic void of Yiwuli jumped to pieces in an instant, like a star, waving his fist with the might of annihilation towards Xia Yan.

Buzzing. As if the prestige of the ancient existence of the universe had exploded, Xia Yan's mouth fish evoked a curve.

"_If your strength is just like this"

"Then you can leave the stage __ I Xia Yan is destined not to be someone you can look at."

The supreme might explode on her body __ Xia Yan truly let go of her strength.

The void is turbulent. Only the burning indestructible jade will distort the void of Yiwuli. _Pang Tai's body, which was made up of the immortal sky fire for hundreds of millions of feet behind him, instantly transformed into a round of blazing sun.

The supreme sages who came to watch the battle all felt the terrible temperature, and even their bodies could not bear this kind of temperature.


_ "Isn't it his true strength before?"

Venerable Yuxu looked at the immortal jade dust whose power suddenly changed too much. At this moment, the power of Tianchen's blooming is a little numb even if he faces it. Zi Zi Zi

It felt like burning paper= that the entire space was burnt and distorted by Bu Wu Yu Shao.

Banglonglong l Xia Yan manipulated the billion-inch figure behind him to wave towards the Venerable Yuxu.

The Pi Mie Tianhuo wrapped around the fist made the complexion of everyone present too changed.

"Not good evening!"

Divine light flickered in his eyes. The Fist Worm Venerable Yuxu, who struck from Xia Yan's control of the tens of thousands of feet, sensed a fatal emergency. The body is trying to avoid it. But suddenly realized that the void around him didn't know when it was frozen.

He is being imprisoned in the void at this moment.

"What's the matter? Venerable Venerable Yuxu still doesn't evade. Even if he is hit, he will be seriously injured."(Read more @

"Yu Xu. You can deal with this trick pi, hurry up. You have been beaten! _" "End Lord"

Tao people,

There is the Supreme Supreme Being able to remind Venerable Yuxu (level but only the motionless "? Venerable Yuxu."

Everyone knows it's over


The flame fist like a star is like a profit

The fist that the blade pierced through the thin paper immortal sky passed through the body of Venerable Yuxu.

In just the past three breaths, the billion-dollar figure summoned by Venerable Yuxu disappeared in an instant. Venerable Yuxu could only watch Xia Yan's flame fist keep throwing too far in his own eyes.

The fatal sense of crisis made his scalp numb, but there was nothing to do.

"Be careful of this child" __ "Don't be an enemy!! !_" A wry smile resounded throughout the universe, and the supreme taiwan who came to watch the battle were taken aback when they heard the words of Venerable Yuxu.

Why did the overbearing and invincible Venerable Yuxu say such a thing.

Accompanied by Xia Yan manipulating the billion-five-zhang figure, the star-like fist swept across the place where the Venerable Yuxu was.

In this way, the existence of a taboo on the highest ranking list perishes. "Be careful what I do, what can you change."

"Willing to work for the Supreme Will_Then you should be ready to be killed and withdraw your hands calmly.

In Xia Yan's eyes, Gujing Wubo seemed to be a normal thing to kill the Venerable Yuxu, but other people don't know who the Venerable Yuxu is, but the existence on the highest list is a super existence with the highest power. It is a living taboo of the ancients_ countless years old and left countless legends. But today the Venerable Yuxu fell in front of them or was killed by Xia Yan, a young, terrifying, mysterious, terrifying existence.


The supreme earthquake trembled. _Countless supreme beings have passed a message in their minds that taboo has fallen.

One hundred million and five trillion creatures are so surprised that taboos are called taboos.

That's because the existence of invincibility, but now the taboo has fallen.

Qiang Shang

When countless creatures were surprised, even shaken by the fall of Taboo. The Will of the Highest Land appeared in unexpected circumstances.

A voice from the depths of the universe resounded through the highest ground, and then suddenly there was no expression in the heavenly palace, no face resembling a human eyelid.

The roar was like a roar.

The human face suddenly opened his mouth slightly and said that the terrible light suddenly shot out from the mouth. He attacked Xia Yan in the void of the universe. Vaillant is endless. Even the space is too large to burst.__The law of time, countless original laws under the push and destruction of the divine light, all disappeared.

""Finally can't help it anymore _?" "It just so happens that I am very angry with you too. "

Xia Yan saw that the Supreme Will finally couldn't help but make a shot at herself, and suddenly a sneer appeared on her face.

Looking at the divine light attack, _ judging from just now, he is not yet an opponent of the supreme will.

It also needs to be promoted to the highest nine levels of Consummation. If Xia Yan doesn't guess wrong, the strength of the Supreme Will is definitely higher than that of the highest level. _ Let's just glance at the supreme powers who originally came to watch the battle _ there are many taboo powers on the highest list.

They were shocked when they saw the Supreme Will attack.

The Supreme Will rarely appears. It can even be said that the __ Supreme Will will never appear if it is not harmful enough to destroy the Supreme Land (of the King's Money). But at this moment the supreme will has appeared and it is because of Xia Yan. In other words, can Xia Yan's existence subvert the supreme land?

When they think of this place, they all feel cold and terrible. When Xia Yan looks at them, they suddenly feel too bad and want to escape. But it is too late.

The Supreme Will roared endlessly. _I found out that Xia Yan's goal is to devour the creatures in his world.

The speed of the divine light is even more terrifying, as if it has crossed the space and is shrouded in Xia Yan. "Just let you repay the part of what the Highest Land did to me."_"Are you ready?"

Xia Yan smiled faintly_footsteps were taken in an instant, and these few top-ranked powerhouses all sensed that they and others were imprisoned in an instant. Five ways to move!_

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