"No…something’s wrong!"

"Look at... Yanli's hair……!!!"

Lian Ye opened his mouth quickly.

I saw Yan Li's hair seemed to be turning white from the end, as if it was absorbed by the body...

At this time, Yan Li gritted his teeth, holding the golden giant sword in his hand, facing the tentacles of the Kraken, he seemed to feel the difficulty.

"What's going on!?"

Wang Zha frowned, and then continued,"Do you feel... that the Kraken's pressure seems to be stronger than before!?"

Everyone watched this scene nervously, not even daring to blink.

"Hey! Look... Yan Li seems to be having a hard time resisting! Could it be that... this is the true power of the Kraken?……!?"

"Yan Li's sword just now not only failed to defeat the Kraken... but it brought out its more terrifying power!"

Looking at this scene, Liu Xie shouted out his own inference.

After all, Yan Li could have cut off the opponent with a casual sword just now, but now... such a powerful attack has been deadlocked for so long!

This situation is really tense!

"Damn it! Go help Brother Yan Li!"

Lian Ye reacted.

Without saying anything, he rushed forward!

His speed was also very fast!

With a flash of lightning in his hand, a trident shaped by thunder quickly appeared!

Swish! Lian

Ye threw the trident in his hand towards the tentacle! The trident flew straight towards the tentacle! Bang!


"How is this possible?

Lian Ye was surprised.

This move was his most penetrating skill, but it was just like tickling the opponent.

""Shit... are you kidding me! Hey!"

He gritted his teeth.

Looking at the giant monster Kraken in front of him, he was just like a pitiful ant!

He understood... with his strength, he could not do anything!

"What a jerk.——!"

""Go to hell! Monster!"

A superhuman rushed up with a rocket launcher.



The rocket was fired instantly. The shell hit the black skin of the Kraken, but there was no damage at all.

"Hey... Cannonballs are useless against this kind of monster.……"

Lian Ye looked at the extraordinary person and said.

But the extraordinary person looked at Lian Ye, frowned, put his hands beside his ears, and shouted:"What did you say? I can't hear you?!"

Obviously, the extraordinary person's ears were no longer working because of the repeated demonic sounds.

Lian Ye:(ー ー゛)

"I say! It’s not feasible to use cannonballs to kill this kind of monster!!!"

Lian Ye also shouted loudly.

"Oh! There is no other way!!! We, the extraordinary people, have no other way to attack, and 90% of them were killed by this sound wave!!! One shell doesn’t work! Then ten shells! A hundred shells!!!"

""We, the remaining extraordinary people... must fight to the end!!!"

The voice of the extraordinary person was very loud.

It seemed that he couldn't hear it unless he spoke louder.

These passionate words really made Lian Ye's blood boil.

"Damn! You are such a man!"

""It makes my blood boil!"

Lian Ye shouted, his face full of excitement, one hand pointed at the Kraken, and shouted,"This black egg! Die for me!"——!"

Four thunder tridents appeared in front of Lian Ye!

Whoosh whoosh whoosh!

The four tridents, with the terrifying power of thunder, shot towards the tentacle at the same time!

Bang bang bang bang!!!

The four tridents pierced into the flesh of the tentacle at the same time!

"Give me a call ah ah ah——!!!"

Lian Ye suddenly shouted.

The terrifying power of thunder enveloped it!

But it still did almost no harm to the Kraken.……

"Damn it! Wang Zha! Liu Xie! Attack now!"

"Fight for this opportunity for Yan Li!"

Lian Ye shouted.

The remaining extraordinary people around also picked up rocket launchers and aimed at the Kraken!

Whoosh whoosh whoosh!

Several rockets were fired.

There were only roars, and fireworks appeared on the black skin of the Kraken, but it had no effect.

This weapon could not cause any harm to the Kraken!

And the black mecha controlled by Liu Xie also floated up quickly.

"This thing is really tough! The laser just cooled down!"

""Stinky octopus! Eat your daddy!"

Liu Xie shouted.

The sphere on the black mecha instantly turned red!

Whoosh! The red laser burst out!


"Fuck... this meat is so fucking tight! Before, I could still see some marks, but now there is no damage at all!"

"This black guy is so fucking awesome!"

Liu Xie cursed.

His expression became more serious.

He kept attacking him, hoping to cause him more damage!

But it was useless! It was useless at all!!!

He deserved it so much!

"Vines! Get up!"

Wang Zha said in astonishment.

He waved his hands, and saw several vines quickly pushed up against the tentacle!

Boom boom!!!!

There were bursts of artillery roars.

At this moment, everyone standing on the field was fighting!

Fighting with all their might!

And Li's condition was obviously not as good as imagined!

He gritted his teeth, his face was a little pale, and his body strength seemed to be weakening


"Control the sword with your life! Xuanyuan Sword! Break——!"

Yan Li suddenly shouted!

He turned his vitality into a continuous stream of golden light, and slashed at the black and hard tentacles!

The golden giant sword became even sharper!


Just like the friction between the sword and steel, a violent sound was made.

The golden sword gradually cut into the black tentacles!

But... Yan Li's vitality also weakened very quickly!

His body was aging visibly! His skin was loose and dry, crow's feet appeared on his face, his face became bony, and a white hair fell down.……


His eyes condensed, and he concentrated all his strength on the point where the sword and the tentacle touched!


A flash of golden light, and it was cut in half!


The huge black tentacle fell down suddenly!

At the cut of the tentacle, a golden light was left around...

At this moment.

Yan Li not only cut off the tentacle, but also cut off the soul, life, and vitality of the tentacle... with this knife!

And the golden light suppressed its cell division, and the tentacle could not regenerate in a short time!


Yan Li inserted the sword into the ground and half-knelt on the ground.

At this time, he... turned into a white-haired old man!

Forcibly using the Holy Sword Heart, excessive consumption of vitality, his life span was greatly reduced!

"Is this all I can do?"

Yan Li's eyes were filled with indignation, but he was also helpless.

Unexpectedly, the opponent's strength was far beyond his imagination. Even if he used up all his lifespan, he could only cut off a section of its tentacles.


He whispered, feeling his eyelids as if being dragged down by a thousand-pound iron block, extremely heavy, and muttered,"I'm sorry.……"

"Yan Yu, his father... and the old man, maybe... this is the end.……"

His eyelids finally closed, and his hands rested on the hilt of the sword...

It ended quietly...

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