
The Kraken whose tentacles were cut off felt pain and began to scream!

The golden light... seemed to be constantly eroding the smooth cut on its tentacles!


"Damn, it's so noisy!"

Lian Ye covered his head, looked at Yan Li, gritted his teeth and shouted to the surroundings,"Hey! Yan Li... won't he already……"

His eyes seemed full of tension.

Now the situation was clear. No one present except Yan Li was strong enough to fight against this seventh-level beast!

If Yan Li fell... then this battle... would be lost!

"What a joke! If I can't beat that man... who else can beat him!"

Wang Zha shouted.

His eyes were completely filled with despair!

He never thought that the strongest among them would be defeated!

The Super S-level was only targeting a sixth-level monster... It was too much of a stretch to deal with a seventh-level monster like the Kraken.

The black mecha also fell to the ground, and Liu Xie in it looked at Yan Li who was half-kneeling with his eyes closed.

"Hey, Xiao Hei! Is Yan Li still showing any signs of life?

He asked immediately.


「Xiao Hei is scanning and detecting the status of the superpower——Yan Li」


「"Detection successful: Yan Li has lost all signs of life, and died of exhaustion of vitality."

A mechanical voice came.

This so-called"Xiao Hei" is obviously the intelligent combat AI installed on the black mecha.

"Damn it, is it not possible that he is faking his death?! Xiao Hei!"

Liu Xie asked again. But he was extremely nervous inside!

After all, his most penetrating laser had no effect on the Kraken in its second form!

「"No way."

Xiao Hei answered quickly

""Damn it!"

Liu Xie's face was grim.

At this moment, their last hope was completely shattered!


On the city wall.

The commander was also deeply shocked when he saw this!

"Is not likely to……"

"Is this battle... going to be lost?"

"Damn it! The mission assigned to me by General Luo is going to fail.……"

The commander looked at the Kraken, but his expression was extremely ugly.

He clenched his hands and his whole body was tense!

If the Kraken broke through the defense line, he would have to lead the troops to defend it!

Facing a seventh-level beast, the entire military base might be invaded!

If the Kraken attacked again... that would be a city crisis!


The commander watched this scene nervously.

But at this moment, a strong voice came from behind.

"Oh...? Zhang Weiguo, it looks like the situation is not favorable!"

And Zhang Weiguo... is also the name of the army commander.

Hearing this familiar voice, the army commander turned his head quickly!

Seeing the person coming, he was also in awe.

"Luo... General Luo!"

Commander Zhang quickly straightened up and raised his hand to salute.

At this time, Chen Tianyu also walked forward. He saw the"old man" attached to the sword at a glance.

He looked at the sword, but it was surprisingly familiar.……

"He... No, that's Yan Li! ?"

Chen Tianyu suddenly frowned and pointed at the"old man".

Although he didn't understand why Yan Li became like this, his clothes and the sword... Chen Tianyu remembered them clearly!

"Hmm? Yan Li?"

Luo Wutian looked a little confused, and then asked,"Isn't that right... Yan Li is only in his twenties? This old man doesn't look like that."

Then he turned to look at Commander Zhang and shouted,"Zhang Weiguo! What's wrong with you? You actually let an old man go to the battlefield?"

Zhang Weiguo was so frightened by this scolding that his whole body trembled

"Misunderstanding! General Luo! This little brother is right, that old man is Yan Li!"

General Zhang hurriedly explained, not daring to slack off.



When Luo Wutian heard Zhang Weiguo say this, he looked at the"white-haired" old man again. Although his figure and clothes were indeed a bit like……

"No...then how could he become like this! ?"

Luo Wutian asked hurriedly.

Yang Baxiong, who was behind him, also stood forward and frowned, looking at the"old man", his eyes were also slightly startled.

Yan Li...As one of the few geniuses in Zhejiang Hai, Yang Baxiong naturally had several contacts!

"Yes, this is what happened... Brother Yan Li……"

Yang Baxiong also asked hurriedly.

He suddenly had a bad feeling in his heart.


Commander Zhang shook his head and said with regret,"Yan Li used the Holy Sword Heart and exhausted his vitality to fight against Kraken. He has already... lost."

"And it seemed that its life span had been exhausted, but after the life-consuming blow, it only cut off one of the Kraken's tentacles.……"

After all, such a genius may have more achievements than one could imagine in the future, but he would be defeated like this. It is really a pity for his talent.……


"Brother Yanli...died in battle!!"

Yang Baxiong was shocked.

After all, he was one of the few geniuses in Zhejiang!

How could he die just like that?

"Yan Li Mo……"

Chen Tianyu looked at Yan Li and was silent for a moment.

If Yan Yu knew about this, he would be very sad.……

"What! This man is dead!"

"Damn... Such a genius's death is really a loss for Daxia!"

Luo Wutian cursed angrily. He was also filled with grief and indignation, but he had to be rational!

He looked at the battlefield.

"Lian Ye, Liu Xie... Wang Zha, in just such a short time, there are only three left among the six Super Ss?"

Luo Wutian opened his lips and murmured.

His eyes looked at the huge monster - Kraken!

"Oh wow~"

"This is a really big guy!"

Chen Tianyu looked at the huge thing, but couldn't help but curl up a smile on his face, his face full of excitement.

He swung his arms slightly, narrowed his eyes, and said with a faint smile:"I say... How about handing this guy over to me?" Hearing this, everyone turned their eyes to Chen Tianyu.

"No, no, no……"

Luo Wutian waved his hands quickly, and then continued,"Mr. Gojo Satoru, you may not know Yan Li, his true strength is even better than that of a Super S-level!"

"But all these men have been defeated!"

"We must work together now to fight for a glimmer of hope for the people behind us!"

He said hurriedly.

After all, now he just wants to do everything he can to drive Kraken out first!

They can only summon a few super S-levels now, and there is really no other way.

Because most of the super S-levels actually have their own forces and will not obey the call at will.

Because if they leave their own forces, they may be attacked by their mortal enemies, and this kind of thing is also common.

In this supernatural world, it is really difficult to guard against hidden arrows.

"Work together?"

Chen Tianyu smiled.

He turned and looked at the huge Kraken, stretched out one hand to hold the palm of the other hand, and said,"There is no other way.……"

"A little rougher.……"

"The procedure is reversed.——"

"Reversal of the technique——"

Behind him, two huge shadows of one blue and one red seemed to appear.

Chen Tianyu raised his hand and pointed his fingers at the Kraken.

The two shadows condensed together, generating a dark purple energy that could tear everything apart!

He smiled slightly and continued,"Hypostyle——"


This huge spherical energy that was powerful enough to tear apart space suddenly burst out towards the Kraken!

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