
Tiandidiandao Hotel.

Yan Yu stood on the stage, staring at Ye Tianhen in front of him, his eyes becoming heavier.

As a dark realm warrior, he clearly felt the difference in strength between himself and the other party!

The other party's aura was more terrifying than his own!

He held a long sword and looked at Ye Tianhen with a solemn expression.

"The Yan family? I heard it was a family of swordsmen? Haha...but its descendants are just dark realm warriors?"

""Hey~ Isn't he too weak?"

Ye Tianhen looked at Yan Yu and sneered mercilessly.

"Weak? Humph! If my brother wasn't here today, otherwise... a bastard like you would be chopped into pieces in just a few strikes!"

"How can you be so wild here?!"

Yan Yu fought back without showing any weakness, but his eyes were still closely observing the other party's movements, not daring to be careless.

"Your brother……?"

"Sorry, never heard of it."

"I only know……"

Ye Tianhen raised his mouth with a disdainful smile, then his eyes widened, and he suddenly roared,"Anyone who is arrogant in front of me will die! Even if you are the young master of the Yan family, it is no exception!"

He took out eight cards from the box of cards and held them between his fingers!

Swish, swish, swish--!!!

Eight cards flew towards Yan Yu in the blink of an eye!

At this time, Yan Yu also felt that it was not good, and directly created three long swords to resist!

Ding Ding Dang Dang--!

Those playing cards collided with the long swords, and it actually made a sound like a collision with steel!

Even those long swords were scratched!


A club A quickly passed over Yan Yu's right face!


Yan Yu took a deep breath.

His originally white cheek now had a bloodstain!

"Damn it!"

Yan Yu gritted his teeth.

He stretched out two fingers and pointed forward.


The three long swords flew towards Ye Tianhen!

But Ye Tianhen just stretched out three fingers calmly.

Whoosh whoosh! Dingdang Dingdang!

The three swords were shattered in an instant!

At this moment,

Mo Ningxue in the audience also looked at this scene solemnly.

Yan Yu was Chen Tianyu's brother and also her friend, so she naturally couldn't ignore it.

At this time, her slender jade hands were placed behind her back, and began to condense cold air, ready to attack at any time!

Tang Yueran, who was leaning against the wall, also touched her chin with her jade fingers, watching the battle on the stage with interest.

Ye Tianhen grinned.


He appeared in front of Yan Yu in an instant, holding a red 2 in his hand and slashing at Yan Yu's neck!

Obviously he was going to kill in front of all the families!


Yan Yu's eyes widened in shock!

He couldn't resist at all!

At this critical moment... When

Mo Ningxue raised her hand to release the cold air……

""Yan Sha!"

With just one angry shout, the old man of the Yan family sat on the stool, his voice like a bell!

Whoosh! A shadow shot up like an arrow, rushing onto the platform!


A blood sword broke through the air and blocked the red 2 that looked like steel!

And that figure was Yan Sha!

Seeing this, Mo Ningxue felt relieved and slowly put down her hand.

"Ningxue, do you want to save him?"

Mo Haitian's sharp eyes noticed Mo Ningxue's little action and asked. But

Mo Ningxue just glanced at him indifferently without saying anything.

Even to her own father, she was still as cold as before. She would not say a word if she didn't want to say anything.

Seeing this,

Mo Haitian could only shake his head helplessly and continue to look at the

""Little devil! Don't be too presumptuous!"

Yan Sha quickly stood in front of Yan Yu!

His thick body gave Yan Yu an extremely strong sense of security.……

"Hey... Uncle, this is a battle between our younger generation, you should get out of the way, okay?"

Ye Tianhen also frowned and said

"Oh! Go away?"

"You just wanted to kill my son and you want me to go away! ?"

"Are you going to let my son be killed by you?"

Yan Sha shouted angrily.

A huge red shadow suddenly burst out from behind him!

It was filled with suffocating murderous intent!

Seeing this.

Mo Haitian recognized it at a glance, grinning and said:"This is... Killer Star Jianxin……"

Killing Star Sword -

This is a famous sword owned by a fierce general named Xue in the Tang Dynasty, and Yan Sha obviously inherited the sword heart of this Killing Star Sword!

Known as the Killing Star and chosen by the Killing Star Sword Heart, the killing intent he possesses is naturally not too weak!

Ye Tianhen, who felt this killing intent, looked at Yan Sha holding the red Killing Star Sword in one hand.

He couldn't help but tremble all over.

This terrifying killing intent... Even as a master, he could hardly resist it!

"Hey...you, what do you want to do!"

"Don't forget, the Ye family is behind me!"

Ye Tianhen's tone was a little nervous, as if he was frightened by this murderous intent.

"The Ye family...hahaha!"

"What a great night family!"

"Then today... I will have a fight with the Ye family!"

Yan Sha's mouth opened, revealing a trace of bloodthirstiness.

At this moment!

A bloody murderous intent instantly swept the whole place!


Ye Tianhen was so frightened when he saw this that he turned around and tried to run away!

"Want to run? It's too late!"

"You want to kill my son - die!"

I saw Yan Sha slashing the killing star in his hand!

Swish -!

The red sword energy was released!

It easily cut off Ye Tianhen's neck!


The head fell to the ground and rolled around.

Zizi - the terrifying blood in the master's body also erupted directly from the neck!

Crash -!

A huge crack was also cut on the wall behind Ye Tianhen!

Everyone thought it was over.

But... it's not over yet!

Wow -!

A ball of red flames wrapped around Ye Tianhen!

In an instant, his body was crackling and burning.

Among them, the green jade pendant on Ye Tianhen's waist floated up leisurely!

It emitted a green glow!

Yan Sha frowned and quickly protected Yan Yu behind him!

"Who is it! Who killed my grandson?"

A hoarse old man's voice came from the jade pendant.

Upon hearing this, Yan Sha also slowly walked towards the jade pendant.

"Oh? This voice... is the ancestor of the Ye family!"

""Ye Fengtian!"

He suddenly said.

Although the Ye family was very mysterious, Yan Sha had seen them a few times.

After all, sometimes the country had dinner parties, and even the most mysterious family had to go.

"You...are the kid from the Yan family! ?"

"It was you who killed my grandson!!!"

A terrifying aura seemed to come through the jade pendant!

Even through the jade pendant, it could make everyone shudder!

"God Realm... No, this is……"

""Okay… Ye Fengtian, you old fellow have already entered the Supreme God Realm?"

Yan Sha suddenly felt something was wrong.

Just through the jade pendant, he could feel that the other party’s power was extraordinary! He didn’t expect that the spiritual energy had just been leaked, and the other party’s power seemed to be completely beyond the realm of God!

The other party smacked his lips and said,"Humph! I haven’t reached the Supreme God Realm yet. Now I’m only half a step into the Supreme God Realm!"

"But it is enough to deal with ants like you!"

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