Chen Tianyu was standing there.

He raised one arm above his head, his palm facing the huge tentacle, and the Kraken's tentacle stopped abruptly just a hair's breadth away from his palm.

Chen Tianyu glanced at Yan Li beside him, then turned to look at the Kraken, and whispered,"I can't let you ruin the hero's integrity.……"

His eyes narrowed!


A pale blue sphere burst out from his hand!


The powerful pulling force instantly tore the tentacles above apart!

Chen Tianyu's mouth opened.

His eyes condensed!

The pale blue sphere continued to tear along the tentacles!


The Kraken let out a painful wail, which was extremely piercing!

The people around him covered their ears again.

""What are you arguing about... I'll send you... to the west!"

Chen Tianyu showed an excited expression, and controlled the pale blue sphere with both hands!

The pale blue sphere tore the entire huge tentacle apart!

Then it rushed straight up from the root of the tentacle to the dark red head of Kraken!

Kraken endured the pain.

His other tentacles all moved forward, trying to block the pale blue sphere!

But... tearing——!

There was only a continuous tearing sound, and the tentacles fell one after another.

"Your experience... I will accept it!"

Chen Tianyu finished speaking.

Cang continued to move towards the heart in the Kraken's body!


That Cang, like an existence that could annihilate everything, burst out from the Kraken's body again!


The Kraken made a faint sound, and its two red eyes slowly closed.

【Congratulations to the host for destroying the seventh-order mutant beast Kraken and obtaining the five enlightenment templates. Progress increased by 0.2%】

That huge body slowly floated on the sea...

Kraken - dead!

"This...that man really did it!"

"And... he killed the seventh-level beast so easily! ?"

Wang Zha was amazed.

Even the super S-levels like them were unilaterally suppressed, but that man killed the Kraken in a second with his own body.

Then, he seemed to have thought of something, and said with a trembling lip,"Could he be the legendary... Supreme God Realm!"

Hearing this, Lian Ye hurriedly looked at Wang Zha

"Supreme God Realm! ?"

Lian Ye was shocked.

Then he turned his head and looked at the five beasts not far away, his eyes widened.

The spiritual energy had just begun to leak out, and it had not yet officially revived, and there were actually humans in the world who had reached the Supreme God Realm!

It was normal for the beasts to say so, but for humans... it was really too outrageous!

And just behind the two of them.

At some point,

Luo Wutian had already come down from the city wall.

And behind him were Yang Baxiong and Commander Zhang!

"This guy... is really a monster!"

Luo Wutian looked at Gojo Satoru and sighed.

Even Yang Baxiong was almost dumbfounded.

He thought Gojo Satoru was at most a super S-level existence, but the facts seemed beyond his expectations!

""We in China... actually have the Supreme God Realm!"

Yang Baxiong murmured in a low voice.

Commander Zhang was so shocked that he could no longer speak.

At this time,

Chen Tianyu had already walked slowly towards the few people.

"Hello everyone~"

"Now that the matter has been resolved, I will leave."

Chen Tianyu looked at the few people standing there in a daze and waved his hand lazily.

""Wait... Mr. Gojo Satoru! Please wait a moment!"

Luo Wutian hurriedly stepped forward and said.

Chen Tianyu looked at him with a puzzled look on his face.

"What? Is there anything else?

He asked

" possess such a powerful force, and have eliminated disasters for our Daxia, why don't you join the Psychic Association?"

"There may be no other existence like you in Daxia. If you join the Association of Superpowers, you will definitely get countless money and various benefits."

Luo Wutian asked hurriedly.

After all, the other party was not a member of the Association of Superpowers. Such a powerful person did not have any privileges in China. He walked among the common people like an ordinary person.

If he encountered something, wouldn't it be bad?

Such a strong person should be befriended if there was no unexpected situation.

"Oh... I'm not interested, but I will go into the secret realm occasionally, and I'll ask President Yang to open a green channel for me when the time comes."

Chen Tianyu spread his hands and said so.

Upon hearing this, Yang Baxiong was shocked and said quickly:"No problem, of course no problem! If you want to come to the secret realm, just tell me!"

Seeing this, Chen Tianyu nodded lightly.

Then, he glanced at everyone again, and suddenly found that the two people seemed familiar.

""Huh? Aren't those the Wolves and the Bulls?"

Chen Tianyu suddenly opened his mouth.

He remembered that these two people should be on vacation.

"They... they were replaced because of insufficient numbers. What's wrong... do you know them?"

Commander Zhang asked hurriedly.

He really didn't expect that the big man in front of him actually knew those two extraordinary people!?


"Well~ General Luo, let them have a good vacation~"

"It's so hard to take a vacation, and you're pulled here to be a substitute. How hard it is."

Chen Tianyu smiled and waved his hand, turned around and planned to leave.

Looking at his back.

Luo Wutian nodded quickly and said,"You are right, you are right."

He didn't dare to slack off on him anymore.

If he had known that the other party was in the Supreme God Realm, he would never dare to be so casual!

"Okay... I won't say much, you can rest assured... I won't do anything to threaten China."

"If China is in danger, I will do my best to help."

Chen Tianyu said, and then disappeared in an instant.


Seeing Chen Tianyu disappear so quickly, Luo Wutian couldn't help but sigh,"As expected of... the Supreme God Realm!"

"Sigh... I hope that during this period of time when the spiritual energy is leaking, China can have a few more supreme gods, otherwise... if the fairyland is opened, everything will be difficult."

Yang Baxiong also walked to Luo Wutian's side, and then said:"I never thought that Mr. Gojo Satoru would be so strong... I thought he was just a super S-level……"

"But... now it has far exceeded expectations……"

Commander Zhang looked at the remaining extraordinary people, who were still in a daze.

After all, they had just killed a seventh-level monster!

"Hey! Stop standing there! Look... bring all the wounded inside!"

"And the corpse of the Kraken, keep an eye on it! The seawater around here also needs to be purified!"

""Stand up!"

Commander Zhang shouted to the extraordinary people.

After all, these finishing tasks are indeed troublesome.

The surrounding seas are polluted by the supernatural mutated wastewater, and they must be purified!

If this polluted water flows into the city, it will definitely be very troublesome.

The remaining extraordinary people also heard what Commander Zhang said, and they all stood up quickly.

Some things... can't be left unfinished.

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