Old house area.

Room 502.

The sky outside the window is full of stars. It is already night when I get home. Time flies.

""Huh... I'm finally back~"

Chen Tianyu breathed a sigh of relief.

After all... the distance is still a bit far, and it will take some time to get back.

He changed his shoes and walked in.

Seeing that there seemed to be no one there, and Xia Yutong hadn't gone home either, he sat down on the sofa with a click.

Then he picked up his phone and looked at it casually.


Chen Tianyu suddenly saw a message from Mo Ningxue.

「Ice Rabbit: Brother, have you read the text message? We are the first place team in the midterm exam. Have you gone to get your A-level heterocrystalline core?」

"Hey... text message?"

Chen Tianyu murmured, and also flipped through the text messages.

「Hangzhou No. 7 University: Congratulations to Chen Tianyu's team for winning the first place in the mid-term exam. The university will give each of the three students in the team an A-level heterocrystalline core! Please go to the principal's office to collect it!"

The first one is!

But at that time he was still in Beihai and had no time to look at his phone, so he didn't pay much attention.

He switched back to Penguin and replied to Mo Ningxue

「Chen: I just saw it. Is it okay for me to pick it up tomorrow?」

「Ice Rabbit: OK, I think that's fine. Then I'll listen to you, Senior Brother, and go get it tomorrow."

Seeing that the other party agreed, Chen Tianyu also smiled.

"By the way, let's ask Yan Yu to come along too.……"

Chen Tianyu thought about it.

He clicked into Yan Yu's message box and started editing the message.

「Chen: Brother Yan, how about we go get the A-level crystal core together tomorrow?"

Chen Tianyu also sent the message.

However... after waiting for a while, the other party still didn't reply.

"This kid, doesn't he carry his cell phone with him? This is the first time he's been so slow in replying to messages."

Chen Tianyu also murmured.

But he didn't care and put the phone in his pocket.

Then, he stood up and was about to turn on the TV.

Bang - the door was opened instantly!


"Brother Tianyu, I'm sorry! The store was too busy today and I forgot to come back to cook!"

Xia Yutong pushed the door in a hurry, holding a bamboo basket on her wrist.

Seeing her hurried and breathless appearance, Chen Tianyu felt a little funny.

"Hahahaha...so anxious!"

"It's okay. It's okay."

"But... now that you mention it, I am indeed hungry."

Chen Tianyu touched his stomach and it was indeed empty. He only had breakfast today... I don't think he had lunch or dinner, although he bought some food on the way.

"Hehe...Brother Tianyu, wait for me~"

"I'm going to make cola chicken wings now!"

Xia Yutong yelled, put on her slippers and hurried to the kitchen

"This little girl still remembers it~"

Chen Tianyu also smiled with relief.

However, I haven't eaten cola chicken wings for a long time, and I am really a little greedy.

In my previous life, I ate it once when I was about 17 years old, and then I went to the army and had no time to eat it.

After retiring, my parents also passed away. It seems that they were hit by a large truck with brake failure.

Tap, tap, tap...

Xia Yutong put on the cooking apron, tied a single ponytail, and then ran out with hurried steps.

Then she took a bottle of cola from the box and turned to look at Chen Tianyu.

"Brother Tianyu, you watch TV, it will take me half an hour~"

Xia Yutong said to Chen Tianyu hurriedly.

Seeing Xia Yutong's virtuous appearance, Chen Tianyu couldn't help but smile slightly.

"Haha, ok~"

"Waiting for you~" he responded.

Seeing Chen Tianyu's gentle smile, Xia Yutong couldn't help but curl her lips.

She suddenly felt... it would be nice if it could go on like this forever

""Well... please wait for me for a moment~ Brother Tianyu~"

Xia Yutong looked at Chen Tianyu and said, her face slightly flushed.

Then, she quickly turned around and slipped into the kitchen.

Looking at Xia Yutong's lovely back, Chen Tianyu also felt very warm.

"What a lovely little girl."

Chen Tianyu murmured in a low voice.

Then, he turned on the TV as usual.

After all, when you have nothing to do, you have to have some fun, right?


Half an hour later,

Xia Yutong brought out the cola chicken wings and fried two side dishes.

After placing the dishes on the table, Chen Tianyu unconsciously walked to the table.

""Hmm~ It smells so good~"

Chen Tianyu sniffed it and then sighed.

A sweet cola aroma mixed with the aroma of roasted sugar makes people salivate.

""Wait a minute... Brother Tianyu."

Xia Yutong said as she ran into the kitchen.

But she came out soon with two more bowls of rice in her hands.

"It's delicious if you eat it with this~ Hehe~"

Xia Yutong said with a smile.

After all, if you eat the dish alone for a long time, it will feel a little too salty. If you eat it with white rice, it will feel just right.

And the combination of the two makes people's appetite increase greatly, and it's intoxicating~

Chen Tianyu:ԅ(¯﹃¯ԅ)


Chen Tianyu swallowed his saliva


Seeing Chen Tianyu's greedy look, Xia Yutong couldn't help but laugh and said softly,"Brother Tianyu, start eating!"

"Take a shower after eating~"

Her voice was like the command for a 100-meter sprint!

Chen Tianyu sat down quickly, holding a bowl in one hand and chopsticks in the other... He picked up a chicken wing and started to eat it.

""Ha~ That's great!"

He sighed.

A bite of food and a bite of rice, it tasted so delicious!


"Eat slowly, eating too fast is bad for your health!"

Looking at Chen Tianyu wolfing down his food, Xia Yutong began to talk to Chen Tianyu.

Seeing the worried look on the girl's face, Chen Tianyu also slowed down.

"Oh, Yutong, you are really worrying for nothing."

"Don't worry, you won't die from eating it."

Chen Tianyu said, and continued to eat.

Xia Yutong:(||๐_๐)

""Wait... Brother Tianyu! At least leave some for me!"

Xia Yutong looked at the tornado of fans and yelled again.

She immediately picked up her bowl and chopsticks and joined the fans.


After the two of them ate a lot, they quickly finished all the food.

They felt very happy!

"Phew~ It's so delicious~"

Chen Tianyu leaned back on the chair with a happy look on his face and touched his stomach.

"Hehe... As long as Brother Tianyu likes it~"

Xia Yutong sat opposite Chen Tianyu.

She supported her chin with one hand and looked at Chen Tianyu with a faint smile.

Chen Tianyu:(๑ت๑)

Xia Yutong:( ˝ᗢ̈˝ )

Chen Tianyu also saw the cute look of the little girl, and felt warm in his heart.

For a moment... he seemed to feel how warm this world was again.

However, his face returned to normal.

Because he would not forget the darkness of this world!

Now, the spiritual energy is revived, and powerful enemies are coming.

He can't be so lazy and indulge in the gentle land!

"call……"Chen Tianyu took a breath, his eyes became serious, and he said,"Yutong, I'm going to take a shower first."

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