The sun rises slowly, and the warm light spreads all around, making people feel extremely warm.

At eight o'clock in the morning,

Chen Tianyu is on his way to school.


The phone in my pocket suddenly rang


Chen Tianyu took out his phone as usual and found that it was Yan Yu who replied to his message.

「Brother Yan: Brother Chen, I have already got the A-level crystal core. I have something to deal with recently... I will come to you after I have sorted it out."

Seeing Yan Yu's message... Chen Tianyu also felt strange. He didn't expect that the idle second young master also had something to do?

Maybe... it was Yan Li's matter?

Thinking of this, Chen Tianyu didn't think much about it.

「Chen: Okay, Brother Yan, finish your meal soon, and then we can go out for a meal.」

「"Brother Yan: No problem!"

Seeing Yan Yu's reply.

He seemed to feel a little relieved.

Today's weather is quite nice. This time he and Mo Ningxue made an appointment to meet at the school gate.

After all, it was a holiday, and there wouldn't be so many people going to school. If there were people going to school during the holiday, they would just be people borrowing the venue to practice.

Autumn is getting deeper, and the breeze is blowing.

Feeling the refreshing breeze, your mood will be much happier, as if all the negative emotions in your body are dispelled.

Perhaps, everything... is getting better


At the entrance of Hangqi University of Supernatural Powers.

Mo Ningxue was waiting quietly at the entrance as before, but today... her secretary Yang Qiqi was also there.

Because she was only here to get a crystal core, Mo Ningxue was only wearing casual clothes outside, not the school uniform as usual.

And Yang Qiqi was not dressed as usual this time, and was wrapped up a little more tightly.

After all, it was quite cool recently, and wearing too little would easily catch a cold

"Ningxue, the card for Ye's martial arts school has been processed. Why don't we go to the martial arts school to practice later?"

Yang Qiqi said as she stood beside Mo Ningxue.

Yes, they were also going to formally start learning ancient martial arts. Recently, they heard that there was a mysterious strong man in Ye's martial arts school.

Naturally, they all chose Ye's martial arts school.

"Let's get the alien crystal core first, and then see if Senior Brother has any other plans... If there are no plans, we will go to practice."

Mo Ningxue said directly.

She also remembered that Gojo Satoru asked her to practice ancient martial arts, but she was quite busy some time ago.

Now that she is on vacation, she has time to practice.

"Well... that's fine too"

"After all, he is the eldest disciple of Gojo Satoru~"

Yang Qiqi also nodded her head, understanding what Mo Ningxue meant.

The other party was Gojo Satoru's eldest disciple, so the two girls naturally did not dare to be too slack with him.

"Hey... Ningxue, I feel like there are so many things going on recently... The people in Beijing are urging me to do something, and I am almost fed up with it."

Yang Qiqi put one hand on Mo Ningxue's shoulder, feeling helpless.

"Just ignore it."

"Ignore it."

Mo Ningxue's face darkened when she heard this.

She didn't want to be a tool for the family marriage. She had been in a cold war with the other party for three years because of this matter. She didn't expect that it was still so difficult.


Seeing that Mo Ningxue was the same as always, Yang Qiqi also looked helpless.

But now it might be the best way. If you confront the other side, you can't say what the outcome will be.

But for Yang Qiqi, it is really annoying if it is not resolved.

Not only is the master nagging, but sometimes there are calls from the other side at home, and you have to find a way to refuse...

Perhaps in the entire Mo family, only Mo Ningxue, who has always ignored it, doesn't care.

At this time.

Chen Tianyu also came from a distance. There were not many people at the school gate, and the two girls standing there were also very obvious.

""Oh, sorry for the wait."

Chen Tianyu waved at the two girls and shouted.

Hearing the voice, the two girls also stopped talking and turned to look in the direction of the voice.

"Fortunately, I didn't have to wait for a few minutes."

Mo Ningxue shook her head, and then said,"Since Senior Brother is here, let's go."

Yang Qiqi also nodded repeatedly

"Let's go!"

The three of them walked towards the teaching building, and as they walked, they chatted for a while.

"By the way, Senior Brother, I am now S-level... A-level heterocrystalline cores are not very useful. I can give them to you if you need them."

Mo Ningxue suddenly said.

When she said this, Yang Qiqi's eyes showed a little surprise.

It must be said that Mo Ningxue's attitude towards people is really different sometimes. She is very indifferent to the young master in Beijing, but she takes care of Senior Brother in various ways.

If the young master in Beijing knew about this, wouldn't he be furious?

"No, no, it’s no big deal if I take my junior sister’s things…hahahaha……"

Chen Tianyu scratched his head and refused with a silly smile.


After a while, they walked into the principal's office.

At this time, the three principals were in the office. Wu Qing sat in the main seat, while Ye Cheng and Mu Jinluo sat on the sofa beside him.

In addition, there was another girl.

Chen Tianyu recognized this girl. She was the girl who was in the team with Zhang Hao and Deng Geng in the midterm exam.

But Chen Tianyu didn't know her name.

""Oh! Please sit down!"

Wu Qing saw that the person who came was Mo Ningxue, and he hurriedly greeted her.

No one dared to be inappropriate to the eldest lady of the Mo family.

The three of them also sat on the empty sofa beside them.

"I didn't expect that Mo's results were quite good this time! He actually got more than 5,000 points this time!"

"You know, other students don't even have more than a thousand points!"

Mu Jinluo beside him also smiled and nodded, feeling very satisfied.

"And I heard that he is the student of the super S-level Gojo Satoru? I was really shocked!"

Ye Cheng also sighed.

And this matter was naturally told to him by his daughter Ye He.

At this time, Ye He was sitting next to Ye Cheng. She felt that Chen Tianyu looked a little unfamiliar.

"By the way... this student, you came just in time... your name is Chen Tianyu, right?"

Wu Qing looked at Chen Tianyu and asked in a strange tone.


Chen Tianyu looked at Wu Qing and said indifferently

"If I remember correctly, Chen didn't even get 100 points in this exam, right?"

"And it seems that he quit halfway. Not long after entering, the points stopped increasing."

Wu Qing looked at Chen Tianyu and asked with a frown.

"Oh, yes, I just went in for a short while and then left."

Chen Tianyu waved his hand, very casually, then looked at Wu Qing and continued,"So... what does Principal Wu mean?"

But Wu Qing frowned and looked at Chen Tianyu.

""Student Chen Tianyu, do you think... are you qualified to take this A-level heterocrystalline core?"

Wu Qing's words seemed heavy.

At this time,

Mo Ningxue's brows were also furrowed, and she seemed to be a little dissatisfied.

In terms of points, Chen Tianyu was indeed not qualified to take this heterocrystalline core.


"I remember the rules are based on the team, right? Since I'm the first... I'm definitely qualified, or... Principal Hang Qi, do you want to go against the so-called 'rules' you mentioned now?’?"

Chen Tianyu touched his chin and looked at Wu Qing. The aura he exuded was no weaker than that of the other party.

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