"Yes, but so what?"

"Do you think you are strong enough to deserve this...A-grade alien crystal core?"

"I think... it's better to give this crystal core to classmate Mo."

Wu Qing spoke again in a strong voice.

He had investigated before and found that Chen Tianyu was just a C-level God-given person, and a space storage...

Giving this to him made Wu Qing feel that it was too meaningless.

It would be better to give this crystal core to Mo Ningxue, and perhaps it would bring the Mo family closer.

It can be seen that Chen Tianyu didn't know what the other party meant when he said this.

Obviously, the other party wanted to regret it.

Even Yang Qiqi couldn't stand this scene.

"He doesn't deserve it!"

Mo Ningxue's cold voice spread all around in an instant, and at the same time, the coldness on her body also burst out.


The suffocating cold instantly covered the entire office!

"That's right! How come he doesn't deserve it? I also think he deserves it!"

Yang Qiqi also spoke unconvinced.

Seeing Mo Ningxue and Yang Qiqi angry, Wu Qing also felt bad instantly!

Seeing that the other party was so protective, it seemed that the other party also had a good relationship with Chen Tianyu?

However, according to the information... one is the eldest daughter of the Mo family, and the other is a poor person in the old housing area.

The two should have no relationship, right?

No, the two came together today, and I thought it was a coincidence... Could it be that the two are still friends!?

At this time, Wu Qing's thoughts were full of thoughts, and he suddenly regretted what he had just done.


"Since classmate Mo has said so, I won't say any more.……"

Wu Qing said quickly.

If he continued, he was afraid that Mo Ningxue would get mad.

"This kind of ice power... Mr. Mo, is your God-given ability at S level?"

Mu Jinluo asked hurriedly.

This ice power was obviously much stronger than the ice power in the previous assessment, and Mu Jinluo was also surprised.


"He is my senior brother, you... must not be disrespectful to him."

Mo Ningxue looked at everyone and said in a cold voice.

As soon as these words came out, everyone around was shocked!

"What? Senior Brother!"

Ye Cheng shouted, and then hurriedly said,"That means this little brother is also...that person's disciple!"

Wu Qing widened his eyes. He never expected that this seemingly insignificant guy really had such an identity!?

He stared at Mo Ningxue, as if expecting her answer.

Mu Jinluo also looked serious.

"Oh... it seems there is a rumor! Student Mo has a senior brother in the school~"

Ye He thought about it, and then continued,"It seems to be... the brother of Yan Yu."

As soon as these words came out,

Wu Qing opened his mouth wide and froze.

"What! Are you telling the truth?"

Ye Cheng looked at his daughter Ye He and shouted

"Dad, can you please speak a little more quietly? It's deafening. And... it seems to be true."

Ye He touched his ears.

It must be said that his father's voice was really loud.

"One person is related to the young masters and young ladies of the two major families in Zhejiang and Hai... That's amazing……"

Mu Jinluo also nodded repeatedly, feeling amazed.

"Uh... then……"

This scene made Wu Qing look a little embarrassed, and then he looked at Chen Tianyu and said,"Ahem, just ignore what I said just now... Um, classmate Chen, please forgive me... please forgive me.……"

Chen Tianyu raised his eyebrows, then suddenly grinned and said in a weird tone,"Tsk tsk tsk, I think I'd better not do it.……"

"So that some people won't say that I'm not worthy of it. After all, I'm too weak and don't have enough points. There will always be rumors." Wu Qing was embarrassed when he heard this.

Anyone with a discerning eye could hear the sarcasm in the other party's words.

Wu Qing quickly stood up from his seat, ran to Chen Tianyu, nodded, bowed, and said with a smile,"Oh!……"

"Um... Don't be offended, classmate Chen. Just pretend I didn't say anything.……"

Chen Tianyu:(ー ー゛)

"Uncle, you change your expression so quickly.

Yang Qiqi looked at the principal in front of her speechlessly.


Wu Qing smiled awkwardly


Chen Tianyu sneered.

This principal is really a snob.

""Hey... OK, OK."

Chen Tianyu waved his hand, and then stretched out his hand and said,"Where is the hetero crystal core?"

Seeing this, Wu Qing quickly took out a box from his clothes and opened it.

Two black hetero crystal cores were placed steadily in it.

Chen Tianyu took one of them casually, and instantly felt the hetero energy in it.

Moreover, he felt the power to control the secret realm at will.

If I remember correctly, as long as I absorb the hetero energy in it, my own ability can be upgraded.

He was also a little curious. What would happen if his ability was upgraded to B level...

And Mo Ningxue on the side also took another A-level hetero crystal core, looked at Chen Tianyu and said:"Brother, if you need it, this one can actually be given to you."

Chen Tianyu also turned his head and looked at Mo Ningxue's usual cold and white cheeks.

He chuckled and shook his head, and then said:"I'm not so anxious, after all, I'm not majoring in hetero energy... But since I've taken it, it's almost time for me to leave."

As soon as he finished speaking, he stood up and walked out.

Wu Qing quickly made way for him, his mind was full of thoughts.

He was not a major in supernatural powers...

No wonder the supernatural power level was so low. It seemed that the other party was a warrior, and must be very powerful.

Everyone was silent for a while and watched him walk out of the office.


The door was closed and the person had left.


"Our little Hangqi also hides many big Buddhas.……"

Ye Cheng sighed


In that case, I will leave first.���She glanced at everyone and then continued.

As she spoke, she quickly stood up and left.

"Ah...wait for me, Ningxue!"

Seeing this, Yang Qiqi quickly followed.

After all, they still had to go to the martial arts hall together...

That's right!

Yang Qiqi also wanted to become a martial artist with Mo Ningxue!

Seeing them all leave, Wu Qing sighed helplessly.

"Ha ha ha ha……"

Mu Jinluo burst into laughter and then said,"I say, Old Wu! Be more careful when judging people next time!"

"It's really a case of losing the rice while trying to steal the chicken... If you want to be on good terms with the Mo family, at least ask around!"

"They all came here with Mo Ningxue, and we don't even know what their relationship is, and you dare to go up and say that!"

After saying this, Wu Qing lowered his head and became even more emo.

"Oh my... Mo Jia is indeed a super S-level apprentice. He was already favored by the Psychic Association and became an early trainee member of the Psychic Association. Now he has become an S-level apprentice.……"

"The future is bright. The future is bright.……"

Ye Cheng said with emotion

"Dad, that boy is not simple either... He is Mo Ningxue’s senior brother!"

"If it's a warrior... could it be a master?"

Ye He pointed his finger at his thin lips and said curiously.

"Grandmaster... If he is such a young grandmaster, then he must be thinking too much, right?"

"But why did he not perform well in the midterm exam?"

Ye Cheng asked inexplicably.


Ye He laughed, then blinked and looked at Ye Cheng and said,"Maybe he is not interested in this kind of thing like me?"

Ye Cheng: →_→


Hey, hey, hey! Dad , what are you looking at me with?٩(๑`^´๑)۶

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