"It's me. Oh my, I didn't expect that the eldest daughter of the Mo family and the secretary have such a hobby~"

"I saw something incredible today."

She turned her head slightly, and her words were full of meaning.

She covered her mouth and looked at the two women on the side. She seemed to want to laugh, and her eyes narrowed into crescents.


Mo Ningxue smacked her lips and stopped talking.

Her way of dealing with such things was usually to ignore them directly. The more she talked, the more trouble she would cause.

After all, she was not good at speaking.

"I didn't expect... Is the eldest daughter of the Mo family also here to learn martial arts?"

""It's not easy to become a warrior~"

Tang Yueran said to the two of them jokingly, and quickly changed into simple training clothes. There were also several white strips of cloth wrapped around his hands, mainly to protect his hands.

Mo Ningxue and Yang Qiqi also changed into clothes.

"Well, if the spiritual energy is revived, Tianwu dual cultivation will become the mainstream."

"You must become a warrior to have a place in the future supernatural world."

Mo Ningxue was very direct.

Although she said so, she knew what to do in her heart, but at this moment, she... knew nothing about this aspect.

"Oh? That's right~"

"As expected, the eldest daughter of the Mo family also knows a lot... In the next era, it will be an era of dual cultivation of heaven and martial arts!"

Tang Yueran looked at the two of them with a smile, then waved her hand and said,"Let's go, let's practice together?"

Mo Ningxue and Yang Qiqi looked at each other for a moment, and then looked at Tang Yueran.


Mo Ningxue responded.


In the female warrior training area, apart from the three of them, there were no other women practicing. After all, ordinary women did not have the perseverance to practice.

The spiritual energy had not yet officially revived, so naturally there were not many people practicing.


Tang Yueran took a breath, then stared at Mo Ningxue in front of him and said,"I have only been practicing for a short time, and I have just grasped the threshold of Ming Jin a little bit."

"This time we don't use super powers, we can just fight like warriors, how about that?"

Mo Ningxue nodded slightly, with a bit more seriousness in her eyes.

She majored in super powers and knew nothing about physical skills.

However, in order to improve her super powers, she often went to secret realms, and her physical foundation was quite solid.

"Ningxue! Come on!"

Yang Qiqi shouted to cheer for Mo Ningxue.

But Mo Ningxue had no time to pay attention to her at this time. After all, all her attention was focused on Tang Yueran, and she dared not slack off.

Tang Yueran clenched her fists and raised the corners of her mouth slightly.


She immediately threw a punch at Mo Ningxue!

Mo Ningxue also quickly blocked the punch with her arm, and then counterattacked with another fist.

The two fought back and forth like this.

And Yang Qiqi's black eyes below looked at the two pairs of"big white rabbits" swaying back and forth, and she felt a little dizzy.


"How come you are so strong and big? Oops, I feel dizzy.……"

Yang Qiqi covered her eyes, feeling dizzy.

She slowly lowered her head, her plain chest in sight, she hugged her arms involuntarily, squatted down, and a sense of loneliness rose in her heart.


"How do you guys eat?……"

She suddenly felt inferior, her face sad.

The two people on the ring were still fighting back and forth, and it was difficult to tell who would win.

At first, they just tried their hands and made simple tests.

The hooks, straight punches, and blocks were like flowing water, seemingly easy, but actually hidden mysteries.

When the warm-up was almost done, the two gradually got into the state.

Behind... whoosh!


Tang Yueran swung her legs and hit Mo Ningxue!

This blow was so powerful that Mo Ningxue kept retreating.

Tang Yueran had a stern face, her white toes firmly gripped the ground, and she kicked hard!

Her body rushed out like a sharp arrow, and then she quickly threw a punch, with a wisp of fist wind, and attacked Mo Ningxue!

Seeing this, Mo Ningxue was too late and could only block with her hands in front of her!

Bang, bang, bang!

She threw punch after punch!

Mo Ningxue could only keep blocking with her arms!

But at this time!

Tang Yueran smiled and punched him in the stomach!


This punch really hit the target.

"cough cough……"

Mo Ningxue coughed lightly, her eyes widened, and she immediately hugged her stomach and half-knelt down with a painful look on her face.


""Little Ningxue~ It seems that she is still a little short~"

Tang Yueran said with a smile, and stepped forward to touch Mo Ningxue's hair.

Mo Ningxue was indeed holding her stomach, her eyes were sore, and tears welled up in her eyes as she looked at Tang Yueran. Her originally cold cheeks actually showed a trace of grievance.

The blow just now... For a girl like her who has never trained, it was really a bit heavy.

But her pitiful appearance was really cute.

Tang Yueran was stunned when he saw it, and his face turned slightly rosy.

This guy... So cute...

At this time.

Yang Qiqi also noticed the situation of Mo Ningxue on the stage, and hurriedly ran up

"Ningxue, how are you!"

Yang Qiqi shouted.

She quickly came to Mo Ningxue, her eyes full of worry.

"Well... not bad……"

Mo Ningxue said stubbornly, but her hands were still tightly covering her stomach.

""Alas... Ningxue, don't be so stubborn."

Seeing Mo Ningxue's unyielding appearance, Yang Qiqi rubbed her forehead helplessly, and then reached out to touch her back.

A warmth entered Mo Ningxue's body, and the pain in her stomach disappeared immediately.


Mo Ningxue took a breath, stood up with trembling legs, looked at Tang Yueran, her eyes became more serious, and said,"Come again!"

Seeing Mo Ningxue's high spirits, Tang Yueran also smiled slightly.

"Oh, what a stubborn girl."

"I really can't do anything to you."

Tang Yueran said.

She clenched her fists and got ready.

"No way... are you still here?"

Yang Qiqi on the side was speechless, it turned out that she was here just to be a"treatment box"?


Yan's family, in the courtyard.

Yan Yu held his breath and concentrated, closing his eyes to feel the flow of the"qi" around him.

Yan Yang walked slowly beside him, saying:"The so-called state of transformation is to be able to fully control the internal qi, and by controlling the 'internal' qi, the strength of the body can be maximized."

"If Yu'er wants to break through the realm of transformation, he must first gradually control his inner energy.……"

At this time, creaky!

Yan Sha suddenly opened the door and walked out of the room, his face looking unexpectedly ugly. He glanced at Yan Yu who was meditating, and then looked at Yan Yang.

"Father, please come here... I have something to tell you."

His face was heavy and he said

""What happened?"

Yan Yang was a little strange, and looked at Yan Yu who was practicing, and said,"Yu'er, practice well, I'll come over later."

He walked into the room with Yan Sha.

Seeing the two of them go in, Yan Yu also opened his eyes with a little curiosity.

He turned his head to look at the door, and a little curiosity arose in his heart.

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