Yan's family, in the hall of the mansion.

Yan Sha told Yan Yang the news he had just learned, his face showing a sad look.

"This... this... Yan Sha, are you telling the truth? You can't joke with me about Li'er's life!"

Yan Yang's eyes widened and he kept saying

"How could I be kidding!"

"Father... This is the news from the Superpower Association just now. Li'er...really……"


Yan Sha covered his forehead with a headache.


Yan Yang slumped down on the sofa, his eyes becoming dull.

Yan Li was the eldest son of the Yan family, and a supreme master of both heavenly and martial arts!

He was the pride of their Yan family, and the backbone!


Yan Yang was in great pain.

Even though he had seen many storms, he could not remain calm before hearing the news of his grandson's death.

Yan Sha also lowered his head, his face extremely painful, but he knew that he had to endure the pain at this time!

After all, this was... a critical moment for the Yan family, and the other party had a strong man who was half a step into the divine realm!

Yan Sha was furious at this moment.


He hit the table with one hand and smashed the glass table in front of him!

"Yan Sha, control your emotions, Yu'er is still outside!"

"He has been thinking about cultivation recently, so it is better not to tell him about this.……"

"Don't make too much noise."

Seeing this, Yan Yang also hurriedly said.

After all, it was quite rare for Yan Yu to want to practice, and he really didn't want to make a big fuss about this matter.

""Ah... I know, father."

Yan Sha also had a helpless look on his face.

"Yan Li is gone, and it will be even more difficult to fight against the Ye family!"

Yan Yang shook his head, his face looked extremely vicissitudes.

Little did he know that Yan Yu had heard everything at the door.


"The invincible brother……"

His tears fell sadly.

At this moment,

Yan Yu felt a pain in his heart and his mind was in a mess.

But he also understood.

If his brother was gone, then... he could only rely on himself!

He must also help in the fight against the Ye family, and he couldn't be so powerless anymore!

"Now is not the time to be sad."

Yan Yu murmured to himself.

He forced himself to calm down. He should not be immersed in sadness now. After all, this is a critical moment for the Yan family! He can't be so lazy!

If the Yan family fails, who will inherit Yan Li's reputation?

He gritted his teeth secretly, his eyes condensed, and he seemed to have made up his mind.


Yan Yu turned around and sat cross-legged on the lawn.

His expression was full of determination.

"Brother, I relied on you to protect the Yan family."

"This time, it's my turn!"

He thought to himself.


Yan Yang also walked out slowly. He immediately adjusted his mood and took two steps forward.

Then, he saw Yan Yu's slightly red eyes and frowned brows.

Yan Yang's mouth curled up slightly, as if he knew something.

"Ahem... Yan Yu, if you want to enter the realm of transformation, you must master the energy in your body within three days! And use it at will!"

"Do you have confidence?"

Yan Yang said

"No problem!"

Yan Yu replied immediately, his tone was even more firm.

Seeing this.

Yan Yang nodded with satisfaction, and then continued:"Okay! Meditate for a while and start the actual combat exercise!"


The next day.

East of the city.

On the main road.

Today is a beautiful day with clear skies and bright sunshine. The bustling crowds also make the surroundings lively. It is a wonderful day for going out.

"Really, Brother Tianyu, do we have to go to Ye's Martial Arts School to play computer games?"

Xia Yutong yelled.

She didn't go to the store to help today. After all, it had been two days in a row, and she had to take a break.

But this morning, Ye Mengxuan asked them to go over to play, and Chen Tianyu was quite happy, but Xia Yutong was full of jealousy.

"Oh, what's wrong?"

"Isn't it good that Ye's martial arts gym has free computers to play with? Think about it, if you go to an Internet cafe, it will cost more money?"

Chen Tianyu took Xia Yutong's hand and said seriously.

After all, who doesn't like to get something for free?

For Chen Tianyu, the free computer is really a source of happiness.

Xia Yutong:=_=

"Then I'll pay. Anyway, my dad will definitely pay me when he hears that I'm hanging out with you."

She muttered.

"Are you stupid? Why spend money when you can do without? Spendthrift~"

Chen Tianyu said jokingly.

Chen Tianyu:ꉂ(ˊᗜˋ*)


"I'm not a spendthrift! Humph!"

"Since you want to go, I will go with you!"

Xia Yutong said, but she couldn't get angry. After all, Chen Tianyu was holding her hand tightly.

It made her feel warm inside, and she couldn't get angry at all.

"So good, so good~"

"Yutong, you are the best~ Do you want to eat anything? I will buy it for you~"

Chen Tianyu said with a smile.

There are snack bars everywhere in the city, it is very common. If you want to eat, it is just right to buy it now.

"That, that! Fried skewers!"

"And the fried chicken, ice cream, and French fries……"

Xia Yutong looked at the shops on the roadside and pulled Chen Tianyu over.

I have to say, this little girl was really active when she saw these things!


Along the way.

This little girl took a big bag and filled it up. Others went shopping for clothes, but this little girl was different.

This big bag was filled with all kinds of snacks, and it was carried by Chen Tianyu.

But for Chen Tianyu, this bag was not that heavy, it could only be said to be average.

"I said, can you finish eating?……"

Chen Tianyu was holding a large bag of food in one hand and an ice cream in the other.

He actually liked eating ice cream. Today was a good day with a bright sun, so it was no big deal to buy an ice cream.

"If we can’t finish it, we can still have Mengxuan, right? And Alu is here too, right?"

"Really, you don't want to go there empty-handed and get a computer for free, do you? Go to the girls' place, at least bring some food with you!"

Xia Yutong said to Chen Tianyu seriously.

After all... even if it is an exchange of interests, if they always give unilaterally to Chen Tianyu, wouldn't the relationship be too ambiguous?

That would definitely go beyond a normal friendship, and Xia Yutong would never let this happen!

"Ah? It seems to make sense."

Chen Tianyu was stunned by Xia Yutong's words. It seemed not good to come to the other party's house without bringing anything.

"It really is!"

"Brother Tianyu doesn't understand the ways of the world at all! Next time, please prepare some food~"

Xia Yutong looked at Chen Tianyu seriously, and leaned closer to him.

Seeing the other party's serious look, Chen Tianyu also scratched his head, nodded awkwardly and said with a smile:"Okay... I know."

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