The two of them unknowingly walked to the Ye family martial arts hall, and the two girls stood at the door of the martial arts hall.

One of the two girls seemed to notice the two of them and waved her arms.

"It's here! It's here!"

"Yutong, Ye Mengxuan and the others are at the door~"

Chen Tianyu said, looking towards the Ye family martial arts hall not far away.

"Hi~Brother Tianyu~Yutong~"

"You guys are here~"

Ye Mengxuan smiled and called out to the two people walking in front of her

"let's go!"

""I didn't have enough fun last time! Let me have enough fun this time!"

Chen Tianyu smiled and waved his hands and shouted, looking very natural.

Xia Yutong looked at Chen Tianyu speechlessly.

But after meeting a few times, how come they seem to be so familiar with each other?

"Hehe! Don't worry, Brother Tianyu, I'm sure you'll have a blast this time!"

"You are right! A Lu~"

Ye Mengxuan said, turning her head to look at Chu Luyao beside her with a smile.


Chu Luyao also nodded vigorously, and then her face showed a trace of ruddy, and then she said,"It will make you happy~"

Seeing this, Xia Yutong's face froze.


Alu, you are blushing like a bubble teapot!

Xia Yutong's heart was a little messy at this time, and she always felt that her brother Tianyu would be snatched away!

As they talked, they walked into the Ye's martial arts hall.

Xia Yutong looked helpless, and was silently led in by Chen Tianyu.

It wasn't long since the last time I came, and the decoration inside was not much different from the past.

After walking inside, Chen Tianyu suddenly found a big door opposite.

There was a sign hanging on the gate, and the six big words"Female Warrior Training Area" were written on the sign.

""I don't think this was here last time?"

Chen Tianyu suddenly asked.

After all, his memory was quite good. He definitely didn't have this the last time he came here.

"Oh! This was sorted out in the past two days. It was originally a vacant room."

"But recently, there are few girls who want to become warriors, and the spiritual energy has revived, so I specially sorted it out."

Ye Mengxuan looked at the female warrior training area and started to explain.

"Hey~ Girls become warriors?"

Chen Tianyu said.

There was a little surprise in his eyes, but Liu Yan had already seen the three familiar people behind the"female warrior training area".

The corners of his mouth seemed to be slightly raised with interest.

"It's quite interesting~"

Chen Tianyu seemed to have a deeper meaning when he said

"Interesting...? What's wrong?"

Ye Mengxuan tilted her head, not understanding what the"meaning" in Chen Tianyu's words was.

Chu Luyao was also confused, her eyes wandering between Chen Tianyu and the gate of the"Female Warrior Training Area".

Xia Yutong was daydreaming, pouting with jealousy.

But Chen Tianyu then retracted his gaze, shook his head lightly, and smiled:"It's okay... Let's go, didn't we finish fighting the Ape God last time?"

Hearing this, the three women's thoughts were also pulled back.

""Great! Ape God! Start!"

Ye Mengxuan cheered, her face full of excitement.

Chu Luyao suddenly remembered something, nodded her thin lips, looked at Ye Mengxuan and asked:"By the way, Mengxuan, is there an ape-man gameplay?"

"How to play……?"

Ye Mengxuan smiled lightly upon hearing this, and said,"Hey, ape man... you need to create a new account~"

"Come on, Alu, I'll show you!"

She said as she pulled Alu and opened the door of the lounge next to her and walked into the lounge.

She didn't forget to turn around and shouted,"Brother Tianyu, Yutong, you guys come quickly~"

Seeing this.

Chen Tianyu and Xia Yutong also laughed at the same time.


In the female warrior training area,

Mo Ningxue and Yang Qiqi were still punching the steel wall with their fists.



The sound was very loud and crisp.

"Hmm...? I think I heard my senior brother's name.……"

Mo Ningxue stopped her fist and suddenly opened her mouth

"Ah? Ningxue, you're not hallucinating, are you?"

"How is it possible to hear your senior brother's voice here? Hey... you don't miss him, do you?"

Speaking of this, Yang Qiqi suddenly smiled like an aunt, and then said,"I heard that when you miss someone very much, you can even hear his voice~" As soon as these words came out, Mo Ningxue blushed slightly, and hurriedly said coquettishly:"Qiqi, don't talk nonsense"

"I don't have any other thoughts about my senior brother, just now... maybe I heard it wrong."

She started to explain.

But seeing her like this, Yang Qiqi couldn't help but teased her:"Really? I thought Ningxue, you not only like Mr. Gojo Satoru, but also his apprentice~"

""Ahhhhh~ Really perverted~" As soon as these words came out,

Mo Ningxue was even more furious, and a chill came out of her body uncontrollably.

"Alas, alas, alas...wait a minute, Ningxue!"

"I'll just say……!!"



Tang Yueran, who was not far away, heard the noise and frowned.

She seemed to hear a familiar name.


Tang Yueran turned to look at Mo Ningxue and walked over.

Mo Ningxue, who was about to teach Yang Qiqi a lesson, withdrew her coldness when she saw Tang Yueran coming over.


Yang Qiqi patted her chest and breathed a sigh of relief.

Mo Ningxue turned to look at Tang Yueran, her eyes serious, and asked directly:"What's wrong? Do you want to practice?"

Tang Yueran shook his head, paused for a moment, and then said:"If I heard correctly... you just said the Five Paths of Enlightenment, right?"

"Do you know him?"

When they heard that the other party was looking for Gojo Satoru, the two women's hearts tensed up. Suddenly they remembered that Gojo Satoru seemed to have wiped out the Tang family!

Although they were wary in their hearts, they still pretended to be calm on the surface.

"I am the disciple of Master Gojo Satoru, so...what's wrong?"

Mo Ningxue looked at Yueran seriously and asked.

"What!? You are... that man's apprentice!"

Tang Yueran's eyes widened, his face horrified, he leaned forward, grabbed Mo Ningxue's shoulders, and then shouted:"Tell me! Where is that man!"

"Gojo Satoru... Where is he!!!"

Yang Qiqi was really frightened by Tang Yueran.

Seeing this, Mo Ningxue frowned. Not to mention that she herself didn't know where Gojo Satoru was, even if she knew, she wouldn't tell.

But she really didn't know, so she should tell the truth.

"I... don't know where Gojo Satoru is."

She said bluntly.

Hearing this

, Tang Yueran was also silent for a while, and her eyes met Mo Ningxue's.

But Mo Ningxue did not dodge at all, and did not look humble at all. Seeing this... Tang Yueran felt a little disappointed.

"That’s right… I tried my best but couldn’t find this man’s location… He didn’t even tell his own apprentice?"


Tang Yueran gritted her teeth, feeling very uncomfortable.

She just wanted to see Gojo Satoru again, and then kill him...

Hey... Although

, she didn't know if she could do it.

……""Gojo Satoru" is the strongest, or...rather than whether or not you can bring yourself to do it, you should focus more on whether you can defeat the opponent.

Tang Yueran's thoughts were also extremely confused, which was also due to the fact that"Gojo Satoru" left too deep an impression on her.

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