Just when Yan Sha, Yan Yang and Ye Fengtian were in a stalemate!


Yan Yu rushed forward at high speed.

He concentrated all his energy into the sword and slashed at Ye Fengtian's neck.


The sword was stuck at Ye Fengtian's neck, unable to penetrate any further!

"Little Ghost……"

"But you are just in the Transformation Realm, and you dare to draw your sword against me?"

Ye Fengtian said, looking at Yan Yu with his eyes, his brows seemed to be furrowed, and he shouted,"And... if I remember correctly, you... are a descendant of the Yan family! ?"

"Your father killed my grandson, are you... ready?!"

As he said this,

Ye Fengtian's eyes suddenly became sharp!

""Oops! Yan Yu! Get out of the way!"

Yan Sha saw that the situation was not good and immediately yelled at Yan Yu.

But he was still a step too late!


A strong air spread out instantly like a shock wave!

The three of them were repelled by this airflow!

Ye Fengtian turned to Yan Yu, kicked his legs, and shot out like an arrow!

His hands formed into sharp claws and grabbed towards Yan Yu!

"Not good!"

Yan Sha saw that the situation was not good and clenched his teeth.

Then, a red power covered his whole body like a flame!


Yan Sha turned into a red lightning and rushed away!


Yan Sha quickly stood in front of him and used the Killing Star Sword in his hand to block the pair of claws of Ye Fengtian that were harder than steel!

"Humph! Even if you are a Tianwu dual cultivator... you want to block my attack? Wishful thinking!"

Ye Fengtian shouted.

The fingertips of his hands gradually became sharper, and even became inhuman, like a real……"Claws" generally!


""Yan Yu! You go first! Quickly!"

Yan Sha shouted.

In order to resist this attack, his whole body turned red and veins on his body bulged!


Yan Yu suddenly froze in place.

He wanted to go up and help, but at this moment, he realized how weak he was...

He could do nothing.……

"Want to run...it's not that easy!"

"Yan family, this is the end of today!"

"Don't even think about running away!"

A middle-aged voice suddenly came.

Many Ye family members came over the wall from all directions and surrounded the three people!

The person who spoke was the older one who led the group.

Yan Yang was shocked when he saw these dozens of Ye family members!

Because he could see that these guys... were all masters!!!

Many of them were even just one step away from the divine realm!!

Yan Yang grabbed Yan Yu's arm in an instant.


He turned his head to look at the place where Yan Yu had cut the wall before, with a firm gaze, and rushed forward!

His speed was extremely fast, like a green meteor, breaking through the heavy encirclement in an instant!


With a loud bang, he directly knocked open the wall with the cut!

There was smoke and dust all around!

Yan Yang threw Yan Yu behind him, and shouted with a serious face:"Yu'er! Run!"

"These guys... can't be dealt with by someone like you who just broke through the transformation realm!"

He looked solemn, turned around and faced the Ye family disciples alone!

"Damn! This old man runs so fast!"

"Quick! Get over there!"

"It hasn’t gone far, it’s right there!"


The Ye family member noticed it quickly, turned around and rushed towards Yan Yang.


"Grandpa, father……"

Yan Yu hesitated for a moment, then his eyes became firm and he said,"If I run away, I will be a coward!"

But Yan Yang shouted angrily,"Idiot! What's the point of you being an incompetent burden here? You will only be a burden to me and your father!"

"Do you still want your father to save you? You are only at the level of enlightenment, but you don't even have the swordsmanship.……"

"Look, all the Ye family disciples in front of you are at the Grandmaster level. A weakling here... will only die!"


Yan Yang's words were very realistic and cruel.

Weak, incompetent, burden, drag... These words of condemnation, like steel needles, deeply hurt Yan Yu's heart.

Yan Yu clenched his fists, his nails even digging into the flesh, and turned his head to look at Yan Sha who was still struggling behind him.

And Yan Sha also glanced at Yan Yu with difficulty, and was reluctant to let go. His red eyes flickered, as if all the words were in this one glance.

He understood instantly that his father was obviously giving him a chance to escape!

His eyes were sore, and he couldn't help but shed tears.

Yan Yang seemed to have noticed Yan Yu's condition.

He turned his wrinkled cheek to the side, with a little helplessness in his eyes, and said softly:"Don't worry, Yu'er!"

"Your grandpa, my old bones are still strong! Go quickly and wait for good news from your father and me!"

Seeing this, Yan Yu wiped away his tears and shouted,"Grandpa! Don't lie to me!……"

"You must...you must stay alive!"

Seeing this,

Yan Yang smiled faintly and replied,"I will.……"

He finished speaking, and then quickly turned his head, his eyes fixed on the attacking masters of the Ye family.

"Yu'er, let's go!"

"Don't look back, run! Keep running!"

"Until you're far away from here——!"

Yan Yang's words were very sharp.

Next... he will face several masters of the Ye family!

Yan Yu saw this.

He also gritted his teeth and ran back, not daring to slack off!

Step, step, step - he ran away, and behind him, there was a ping-pong sound.

There were also screams...

He kept running and running...

He didn't know how long he had been running, and he couldn't hear any sound...

But he still kept running forward, he didn't want to be a burden……

"I clearly want to help���Busy, but can't do anything……"

""Will... come back alive?"

Yan Yu murmured, his voice trembling slightly.

A wave of pain gradually appeared in the corners of his eyes, and tears rolled down drop by drop like beads that had broken off the string.

His heart felt as if it was pierced by thousands of fine needles at the same time, and grief surged into his heart like a tide.

"Brother...I...I...what should I do?……?"

At least he didn't hear his father's or the old man's voices amidst the screams.

This was the most comforting thing for him during this journey.


He didn't know how long he had been running until he ran into a crowded city. As the crowds of people passed by him, he gradually slowed down his pace.

Turning around, he... didn't know if his decision was right.

However, compared to the Ye family, which had many masters, he, who had just entered the realm of transformation and had not yet mastered the sword heart... was undoubtedly a burden.

In the entire Yan family... he was the weakest and the laziest...

He never worked hard to practice, and thought that he was born in a big family, and was destined to have a carefree life, and the Dark Realm would be enough for his whole life.

But... this world is ever-changing, and even a big family cannot guarantee that it will not waver.

The weak... will only be bullied, and it may be too late to practice now.……

"Father, old man... he should be okay, right?"

""Brother...are you really leaving like this?"

Yan Yu whispered softly, his head lowered.

However, his eyes revealed an undisguised confusion.

At this moment, Yan Yu was like a young man who had lost his soul, wandering aimlessly in the bustling and noisy crowd.

His steps were staggering, and his body was trembling slightly, like a candle in the wind, which could be blown out at any time.

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