October 8th.

It's already the eighth day of the holiday. The weather outside is not good today, and it's raining heavily.

Old House District.

Building 28, Room 502.

Chen Tianyu sat on the soft sofa, watching the news on his phone, but his brows were furrowed. He couldn't believe what he saw!


He murmured.

Chen Tianyu slid the screen and saw a video below. He quickly clicked on it and the video on his phone soon played.

「Host: Shocking news! Ye Fengtian, the head of the Ye family in Zhehai, dispatched dozens of masters to attack the Yan family!」

「Host: Ye Fengtian, the patriarch of the Ye family, has already reached the terrifying state of half-step supreme godhood!」

「Host: And... Ye Fengtian actually killed Yan Sha and Yan Yang from the Yan family! Their heads were hung at the entrance of the Yan family's residence!」

「Host: That night, Feng Tian took the Yan family for himself and boasted that he wanted to unify Zhejiang and Hai! This is a rebellion against China!」


"The Yan family... unexpectedly……"

"but���Didn't the news mention Yan Yu's case? He should be fine.……"

Chen Tianyu thought secretly.

But... this kind of thing really made him unable to calm down.

He clicked on Yan Yu's message column, which was still a message from a few days ago.

Chen Tianyu sent a message again.

「Chen: Brother Yan...are you still alive?"

But... the other party obviously did not send any news immediately.

This was also within Chen Tianyu's expectations.

"Brother Yan, you really are a face-conscious guy.……"

"Well...if you encounter any problems, just tell me about it, brother. Really?……"

Chen Tianyu shook his head helplessly.

Then, his figure changed. He turned into Gojo Satoru and stood up.

Step, step, step...


He slowly walked towards the balcony and opened the horizontal door.


The wind blew around.


Chen Tianyu took a breath, spread his hands, grinned and said,"The wind is so noisy today, Brother Yan... I'm here to find you!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he disappeared from the spot in an instant.


Next to the breakfast shop, there is an awning. Under the awning, a young man is sitting on the ground, holding a mobile phone in his hand, staring at the screen intently.


「(Note) Brother Chen: Brother Yan...are you still alive?」

"Brother Chen……"

Yan Yu murmured in his mouth, holding his forehead, silent for a while, opened his mouth to take a breath, and said helplessly,"Huh... Let's not tell him."

There was sadness in his dark eyes, tears fell drop by drop, and he felt very uncomfortable


"how come……"

"In just a few days, the Yan family ceased to exist.……"

Yan Yu hugged his curled legs tightly with both hands, tears rolling down like beads from a broken string, and then he buried his head deeply.

At this time, an old man walked out of the breakfast shop nearby.

"Young man...what's wrong with you?"

""Are you... in trouble?" the old man asked.

Yan Yu raised his head and looked at the old man.

"Mr. Huang……?"

His eyes were a little blurry.

It was as if he saw Mr. Huang in the past.

"Mr. Huang...?"

The old man looked puzzled, and then he said,"Young man, are you seeing things? I'm not Mr. Huang... You can call me Old Wang."

Hearing this,

Yan Yu seemed to be more awake, and quickly wiped his eyes and looked forward again.

He saw that the old man was in tattered clothes and skinny. His face was six points similar to Mr. Huang, but his back was not as hunched as Mr. Huang's, but slightly bent. He didn't have white hair like Mr. Huang, but black hair.

"No... Sorry, I got the wrong person.……"

"I'm a little confused."

Yan Yu covered his head. He supported himself with his other hand and slowly stood up.

"Young man, are you in trouble? Here... this is for you."

Mr. Wang said, handing him a bottle of Coke and three buns.

"I think you young people like to drink Coke, right? I just came in today. I still have three meat buns. Are you full?"

"If you are not full, come and get a few more."

While speaking, Mr. Wang had a smile on his face, and his tone was indeed full of pride.


Yan Yu couldn't help swallowing his saliva when he saw the buns in the other person's hand. He hadn't eaten for a day.

After all, he was running away, so how could he have time to get the money?

The fragrant smell of the meat buns entered his nose, breaking his last line of defense.

He immediately took the Coke and meat buns handed over by the other person, and wolfed them down.


"Eat slowly, eat slowly, no one will snatch it from you……"

Wang Lao smiled and said. After a while, he ate the three meat buns. Then he opened the Coke with a swish and gulped it down.


"This Coke is so refreshing! It feels like... it's the best drink I've ever had in my life!"

"Is the Coke upgraded?"

Yan Yu looked at the bottle of Coke in confusion, but the packaging was the same as usual.


Lao Wang laughed, took a look at what Yan Yu was wearing, and then continued,"Little brother, judging from the way you are dressed, you must be a young master from a wealthy family, right?"

"What happened?"

Yan Yu smiled bitterly and shook his head.

"A rich young master? Maybe I thought I was a rich young master... But, it was all superficial.……"

"Huh... This world is chaotic, this world is uncertain, and everything in this world is undefined."

He was a little dazed, and then continued.

This time, they failed because they did not see the difference in strength clearly.

They overestimated themselves and underestimated the enemy.

If the Yan family had used these three days to escape, at least... Father and the old man could have lived, even if they were barely alive.

Moreover, the Yan family thought that Tianwu Shuangxiu was too powerful.

They all thought that as long as it was Tianwu Shuangxiu, they, as S-level godsends, were master warriors, and had swordsmanship... They thought that even if they were only half a step into the supreme god realm, they could fight!

They wanted to take a gamble!

But reality poured cold water on them.……

"Maybe... this bet should not have been made."

Yan Yu's eyes were downcast, and he murmured.

Hearing this,

Lao Wang also nodded in agreement, and then continued,"Yes... this world is chaotic, with countless sufferings, but young man, don't be discouraged.……"

"Since there is suffering in this world, there is naturally kindness. I, Old Wang, want to be a bit of kindness in this chaos."

"「"Meet the Breakfast Shop" came about like this."

Old Wang said.

He looked up at the five big characters on the sign.

And Yu was also amazed at Old Wang's ideal.

He didn't expect that the old man in simple clothes would become one of the few"light" in this chaotic world."


The rain was still pouring down around, but on a rooftop stood a white-haired man wearing sunglasses.

Although it was raining heavily, the man's clothes were not wet at all.

His pale blue eyes looked through the sunglasses at Lao Wang and Yan Yu not far away, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth. He said:

"found it."

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