The rain gradually stopped, the dark clouds gradually dispersed, and the sunshine of the past shone again from behind the clouds.

At the entrance of the Association of Superpowers.

Yan Yu stood directly opposite the entrance, the sun shone on his face, but he looked a little hesitant. After all, it was rumored that... the Association of Superpowers had such a"Superpower Law". After entering, you must accept the mission before you can leave, otherwise the extraordinary people in it will take you to the Superpower Bureau and lock you up.

Although he had never been to the Association of Superpowers to carry out a mission, as the second son of the Yan family... Mr. Yan had already registered him in the Association of Superpowers.

As long as you register, you will be bound by the Superpower Law.

And as a first-class family in Zhejiang and Hai, their original strength can be recognized, so there are special benefits...

For example, one of them is: you can be listed in name and do nothing without being kicked out of the association, and you will receive a certain salary every month.

This is also the reason why Yan Yu has not entered the secret realm for so long since he registered with the Association of Superpowers, and as for those salaries, they are naturally from the Yan family's treasury.

Otherwise, Yan Yu would not have been hungry for a day and couldn't even afford a bun.

"Damn it!"

Yan Yu gritted his teeth, and then continued,"Even if I go in, there's no one to form a team!"

He was not familiar with the secret realm, and it would be even more troublesome if no one formed a team.

But if he didn't go to the secret realm, he couldn't upgrade his God-given supernatural power. Now if he wanted to become stronger, this was the easiest way.

""Hey, young man! Do you want to become stronger?"

A voice he had never heard before came from behind.

Yan Yu turned his head suddenly.

He saw a white-haired man wearing sunglasses suddenly appear, with a faint smile on his face.

Although he had never seen him in person... but Yan Yu was very familiar with this man!

""Five... Five Satoru!!!"

Yan Yu couldn't help but exclaimed

""Hmm~ Not bad, you still recognize me?"

Chen Tianyu smiled brightly.

For him, meeting his brother in another identity was really interesting.

But he understood that Yan Yu's thoughts at this time were probably similar to his own after Luo Qingyu's death.

"Uh... well, I know your apprentice."

Yan Yu was obviously a little reserved.

"Hahaha, I know!"

Chen Tianyu laughed, and then without saying much, he asked directly,"Ahem... I plan to go to a secret place today, I wonder if you are interested?" Yan Yu's eyes lit up when he heard this.

"What! You... want me to be your teammate?"

Yan Yu's face lit up, but he hesitated, and then said,"But... I'm too weak to help."

Chen Tianyu raised his eyebrows lightly and said nonchalantly,"Weak? It doesn't matter~"

"It doesn’t matter if you just watch from the side, because in this world… no one is stronger than me~"

His face was full of confidence… it was the confidence of an undefeated god of war!


Hearing this, Yan Yu swallowed his saliva.

Then, Yan Yu suddenly recalled what Chen Tianyu said.——

「Sensei Gojo Satoru... is the strongest!」

「No one can be called a"monster" more than him."!」

But Yan Yu suddenly realized something, looked at"Gojo Satoru" and said quickly:"But, we are still short of one person! I remember that the secret realm requires three people!……"

Chen Tianyu turned around with an indifferent look on his face and said casually:"Just follow me. As for the other person, he will show up." As he said that, he walked straight into the association.

Hearing that,

Yan Yu gritted his teeth and stopped hesitating, and hurriedly followed.


Inside the Superpower Association,

Chen Tianyu walked in with a relaxed look on his face. There was a reception desk not far in front of him.

He walked towards the reception desk.

"Hello, you are...……"

When the receptionist saw Chen Tianyu, her expression froze for a moment, and then she quickly said,"Please wait a moment! I will go and inform President Yang immediately!" As soon as the words fell, she turned around and ran inside.

Nowadays, almost everyone in Zhejiang Hai doesn't know Gojo Satoru's appearance and name.

"I haven't said anything yet... Well, forget it."

Chen Tianyu looked a little speechless.

Although he did want to find President Yang, he didn't expect the front desk to go and inform him before he said anything.

"Go directly to President Yang...?"

"As expected of this man... Could it be that he asked President Yang to help find someone?"

Yan Yu murmured.

After all, if"Gojo Satoru" knew President Yang, it would be much more convenient, and he could just find someone to come.

At this time, Chen Tianyu walked to the beverage machine on the side, which provided various beverages.

He took two disposable paper cups from the side and poured two cups of Coke.

He walked towards Chen Tianyu and handed him a cup of Coke.

"Here, young man, this is yours.

Chen Tianyu said bluntly

""Ah... Thank you, thank you!"

Yan Yu felt a little flattered and quickly took the paper cup, looking at the black cola with bubbles inside.

A refreshing smell entered Yan Yu's nose, making him feel very comfortable.

Chen Tianyu picked up the cola and drank it down with a"gulp".


He showed a happy look on his face.


Yan Yu murmured, and then continued,"You and Brother Chen's hobbies are really similar!"

Chen Tianyu just smiled lightly. If he changed a little, his brother would probably recognize him.

Yan Yu took the Coke in his hand and drank it.

Now, he suddenly felt that the Coke in his mouth was like the best thing in the world.

The bubbles jumping in his mouth constantly comforted his damaged heart.

As he swallowed the Coke in his mouth, the sense of urgency in his heart was instantly relieved.


After a while, heavy footsteps came one after another.

A sturdy middle-aged man wearing a black coat was walking towards them from a distance. He had a stern face and a goatee.

"Chairman Yang, nice to see you again."

Chen Tianyu smiled and waved to Chairman Yang, his expression very nonchalant.

The moment he saw Chen Tianyu, Chairman Yang's expression changed immediately, and his original majesty was gone.

He ran to Chen Tianyu's side with a whoosh, smiled and nodded and bowed, saying:"Oh! Mr. Gojo Satoru, you really came!"

"I don’t know... what are you doing here today?"

This sudden change... made the originally nervous Yan Yu dumbfounded, his mouth wide open, his eyes full of astonishment.

After all, President Yang's transformation was too great. Although he had never met President Yang of the Hangzhou branch, he had heard that he was a legendary figure!

And he was also an S-level God-given, very powerful!

But such a strong man greeted"Gojo Satoru" with a smile, which shows that this"Gojo Satoru" must be no simple person!

Chen Tianyu raised the corners of his mouth slightly, spread his hands and said:"Didn't I say it before?"

"There are only two of us here, and we want to go to the secret realm... President Yang, can you open a green channel for us?"

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