"Two people...entering the secret realm?"

President Yang asked in a strange tone. He looked at Chen Tianyu with a frown, and then looked at Yan Yu behind him. He was a little stunned, and suddenly his eyes widened and he exclaimed,"This is...the second young master of the Yan family!"

Hearing President Yang calling out his name, Yan Yu was also a little dumbfounded.

After all, he had never seen President Yang before, but only heard of his name.

"Um, I'm Yan Yu, does President Yang know me?"

Yan Yu asked curiously.

"Of course, I remember all of you people from big families clearly."

"Alas... What a pity, I didn’t expect that the Ye family actually wanted to rebel!"

"I have already informed the people above, but things in the supernatural world are not handled so quickly. After all, the other party is half a step into the supreme god realm.……"

"Moreover, as far as I know... For the time being, there may be only one person in China who can defeat him.……"

Chairman Yang said with a serious expression

"Who is it?"

Yan Yu asked hurriedly.

Chairman Yang looked at Chen Tianyu, as if asking him whether he wanted to tell it or not.

But Chen Tianyu showed a mysterious look and said directly:"Hehe, Chairman Yang should not say it, after all,"that person" does not want to say it yet."

Hearing this.

Yan Yu was even more confused and did not understand what"Gojo Satoru" meant?

""Mr. Gojo Satoru, do you also know that person?" he asked doubtfully.


Chen Tianyu smiled, scratched his head, and said,"Who knows~"

President Yang also nodded, understanding the meaning of"Gojo Satoru".

Yan Yu:⚆_⚆?

Yan Yu was a little confused at this time.


Chen Tianyu coughed tactically, and then continued,"Anyway, let's get back to the topic... President Yang"

"The two of us are planning to enter the secret realm, what do you think?"

President Yang touched his chin and thought for a while, then continued:"Two people... this won't work. After all, the association has its own regulations, and it must be three people.……"

"Hey... I also have some official business to take care of, otherwise I would come to team up with you~"

"But! Mr. Gojo Satoru, please rest assured, I will bring someone over to you right away! Let's form a team!"

President Yang's words can be said to be full of sincerity.

"Pull one?"

"That's fine too."

Chen Tianyu didn't refuse, but responded.

After all, with his current strength, no matter who comes, it won't be a big problem.

His strength has long surpassed the so-called supreme god realm, and even he himself doesn't know how strong he is.

""Okay... Just agree to it, I'll call her back right away."

President Yang said.

He picked up his phone, walked to a corner, and quickly dialed a number.

Yan Yu looked at this scene and had a higher opinion of"Gojo Satoru".

After all, President Yang just said that he wanted to team up with"Gojo Satoru". Even if it was just a polite remark, it was quite a big deal.

And now President Yang is personally looking for someone to team up with them. Obviously, President Yang attaches great importance to"Gojo Satoru" and dare not slack off.

In the supernatural world... the strong are respected!

So... how strong is this man Gojo Satoru?


After a while, a tall beauty came in, wearing a black ancient Chinese costume.

She had a small and delicate nose, big eyes with dark red pupils, and black slightly curly hair.

Li Fengwu (example photo) saw this, and President Yang also stepped forward quickly.

"Ahem, Vice President Li, you are finally here."

"Sorry to interrupt your vacation today. There is something urgent here that needs your attention."

President Yang looked at Vice President Li and said with a serious expression.


Vice President Li turned his head slightly, and his eyes fell on Gojo Satoru. There was some surprise in his eyes, and then a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth. He walked straight towards him and said,"Oh, isn't this Mr. Gojo Satoru?"

Seeing this, Chen Tianyu also smiled slightly and said,"Oh, long time no see... Vice President Li Fengwu"

"Our team is still short of one person, I wonder if you can come and help?"

Hearing this.

Li Fengwu also understood why Yang Baxiong asked her to come.

She heard about the recent incident of"Gojo Satoru" killing a seventh-level alien beast in seconds. Although the official did not allow this matter to be spread, most of their internal staff knew about it.

Being able to kill a seventh-level alien beast in seconds can only mean that the other party is stronger than the Supreme God Realm!

After all, the seventh level = the Supreme God Realm, and it stands to reason that these two are at the same level.

Generally speaking, the same level cannot kill the same level in seconds!

Therefore, their internal staff concluded that Gojo Satoru is an existence above the Supreme God Realm, and it is even very likely that he is an immortal!

Coupled with the extremely high appearance of"Gojo Satoru", Li Fengwu's curiosity about him was also full early on.

How could she miss such a good opportunity?

"No problem! Mr. Gojo Satoru, let me team up with you!"

Li Fengwu said, and turned to look at Yan Yu, and asked with some curiosity,"I wonder who this person is?"……"

Yan Yu was also startled and nervously introduced himself:"Hello! Vice President Li, I am Yan Yu!"

He never expected that... the person President Yang called was actually Vice President Li, who is also a high-level official of the Psychic Association!

"Yan Yu... I seem to have heard of this name, and... the surname is Yan?"

Li Fengwu thought for a while, as if she suddenly thought of something, and then asked repeatedly,"Could it be... the second young master of the Yan family!"

Yan Yu was confused.

Why does it feel like everyone knows him?

President Yang knows, and now Vice President Li also knows, which makes him a little confused.

"Uh... yes."

Yan Yu nodded in response.

"What a poor child! That damn Ye family is causing such trouble in the supernatural world!"

Li Fengwu patted his shoulder and then comforted him,"Don't worry, the country will definitely take action in a few days!"

"We are already secretly accumulating manpower. We just need to wait until we have enough manpower, and then we can strike first when the time is right!"

Yan Yu nodded seriously when he heard this.

After all, the Ye family's actions were obviously a rebellion! How could the great country of China let them do whatever they wanted?


"I also want to become stronger, and when the time comes... I must personally avenge my father and the old man!"

Yan Yu's words were sonorous and powerful.

It can be heard that he was also extremely angry in his heart!

But he had been suppressing it!

"Okay, now that we are all here……"

Chen Tianyu said as he walked to a machine to accept secret realm missions.

He looked at the screen. The mission he was going to accept this time was naturally extremely difficult!

He clicked into a mission.

A mechanical voice suddenly appeared.

「Please show your identity as a superpower——」

Chen Tianyu turned to look at Li Fengwu and said directly:"Vice President Li, please... help me solve this problem."

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