In the Super S-level secret realm, the ground around was actually red, with white smoke everywhere, and there were many red lava rivers nearby.

The heat waves were rolling, and the terrifying temperature even distorted the surrounding space.

"It’s so hot… What’s going on in this secret realm?"

Yan Yu wiped his sweat.

He followed behind the two of them, sweat pouring out of his body.

"Fortunately... my God-given ability is"Phoenix Transformation", which gives me a certain immunity to high temperatures."

"But... I have to say, the temperature here has long exceeded the limit of ordinary people, at least it is close to 100 degrees"

"Just like a high temperature steam room……"

Li Fengwu opened her mouth and spoke.

Even she took off her clothes a little, revealing her white shoulders.

Her cheeks, neck, chest... were covered with sweat.

Chen Tianyu didn't feel anything."Infinity" isolated the temperature outside, and there was only his own temperature on his body.

The temperature from the outside world could never reach Chen Tianyu's body, and that was enough.

"Oh, why are you walking so slowly~"

Chen Tianyu raised his eyebrows and smiled.

There was not even a drop of sweat on his body.

"You...are indeed a monster.……"

"In such a high temperature, a martial artist in the transformation realm and a person with fire-type supernatural powers felt uncomfortable, but you could be so casual about it."

Li Fengwu was also surprised.

She couldn't understand a monster like Chen Tianyu at all. She felt that he had transcended the scope of"human"


"It's okay~"

Chen Tianyu turned his head slightly, his face full of indifference.

Obviously... the high temperature around him did not affect him at all.


""Just hold on a little longer."

He said casually, and continued to walk forward.

Li Fengwu looked helpless, the red ground was extremely hot, and the temperature had already been transmitted to her through the soles of her shoes.


"It's really hot.……"

Li Fengwu gritted her teeth.

She really wanted to take off her clothes, but she was not wearing any underwear today...

At that time, President Yang said he had something urgent to do, so he ran out in a hurry without changing.

I didn't expect it to be this kind of thing!

But she didn't want to make any mistakes this time. Seeing this existence above the supreme realm showing its divine power, she had no choice but to bite the bullet and come.

At this time, Chen Tianyu had already walked forward for a distance, and the two were left behind in an instant.

"Hey, don't walk so fast, wait for me——"

Li Fengwu shouted and quickly chased after him.

"And I……"

Yan Yu was sweating from the heat and walked forward quickly.

The two quickly followed.

Chen Tianyu was walking on the hot land as if he was taking a daily walk.

Step, step, step... several people walked on the hot ground with uneven steps.


A red Western dragon suddenly flew up from the magma!

There were two horns on its head and two wings on its body that flapped and flew in the air!


The giant dragon screamed at Chen Tianyu and the other two.

Seeing this, Yan Yu and Li Fengwu quickly covered their ears.

"It's so noisy……"

Chen Tianyu also scratched his ears, but his eyes looked indifferently at the dragon.

"That is... the fifth-level exotic beast"Red Horned Dragon"!"

"He has a very high resistance to fire. Mr. Gojo Satoru, I leave it to you... My fire has no effect on him!"

Li Fengwu shouted to Chen Tianyu.

"Really? A fifth-level beast? Why is it so rubbish?"

Chen Tianyu felt a little annoyed.

He made a"gun" shape with his hand and pointed it at the red-horned dragon.


Chen Tianyu said softly.

The head of the red-horned dragon suddenly disappeared!


Then the red-horned dragon fell to the ground in an instant and turned into fragments and disappeared.

"Oh my god! What... just happened?"

Yan Yu, who was originally a little confused and nervous, was instantly awakened, his eyes widened, he walked forward quickly, and then opened his mouth repeatedly,"Just now... where is that fifth-level dragon?"

"How come……"

Li Fengwu also swallowed her saliva and murmured,"This... you know, a fifth-level alien beast is equivalent to... an S-level God-given one."

"Just... just got killed in an instant?"

She was stunned and even rubbed her eyes, wondering if she had seen it wrong.

Although she had heard of the deeds of this"Gojo Satoru", hearing and seeing are two different things.

"Seconds?! Was it...was it that man who did it?"

Yan Yu instantly turned his head and looked at Chen Tianyu.

At this time, Chen Tianyu had just put down his hand that was aimed at the red-horned dragon.

"Is it worth making such a fuss just because you killed a beast of this level?"

Chen Tianyu looked at the two of them and smiled faintly, as if he had just stepped on an ant.


Yan Yu's face was stiff.

He seemed to recall that sentence in his mind.——「No one can be called a"monster" more than him."!」

"It's really a naked monster.……"

He smiled bitterly.

If this man could help him, maybe he could really become stronger here.

"Okay, it's solved, let's move on……"

Chen Tianyu hadn't finished speaking yet.

Swish, swish, swish!

Several"Red Horned Dragons" sprang out from the surrounding lava rivers.」!

"Roar, roar, roar——!!!"

The red-horned dragons suddenly shouted at him

""Hey, hey, hey, what are you all arguing about?"

Chen Tianyu frowned.

He felt extremely irritated and turned to look at the group of red-horned dragons.


Chen Tianyu suddenly discovered that among these red-horned dragons, there was one that seemed different.

Its skin was redder, its body was even bigger, and there was a golden crystal embedded in its forehead.

"This is the"Red Horned Dragon King"! Its power is between the fifth and sixth levels!"

"It's also pretty scary...but……"

Li Fengwu looked at Chen Tianyu.

For that man, it shouldn't be a big deal, right?

And the result was naturally the same.

Chen Tianyu raised his hand again.


He whispered.

The head of the Red-horned Dragon King in the sky disappeared in an instant just like before.

Then it fell and disappeared.

"Roar, roar, roar——!"

Seeing this, the red-horned dragons around also shouted.

Then they all rushed towards Chen Tianyu.

But Chen Tianyu's face was extremely calm. He just held the"gun" and whispered:"Bang bang bang……"

I saw the red-horned dragons in the sky falling down one by one and turning into pieces.

"No... No way, this is a joke……"

Yan Yu was stunned.

Judging from the other party's nonchalant look, how could he fight an S-level beast?

He was clearly playing!

Yan Yu looked at his hand, and turned it into a gun, pointing it at a red-horned dragon, and whispered:"Bang?"

In an instant, the red-horned dragon's head also disappeared.


Chen Tianyu's hand was also aimed at the red-horned dragon.

The attack just now was also made by Chen Tianyu.

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