"So weak, so weak!"

"Hey, hey, hey, is this all the super S-level secret realm is?"

"Ha ha ha ha——!"

Chen Tianyu burst into laughter.

The surrounding red-horned dragons had been completely wiped out by him!


Chen Tianyu suddenly found a golden crystal core in front of him.

He walked forward slowly and picked it up.

""S-level crystal core?"

He murmured, looking at the crystal core between his fingers, and then Chen Tianyu turned his head to look at Yan Yu.

He threw it directly at him.

""Yan Yu, the alien crystal core you want."

Chen Tianyu said bluntly.

After all, he didn't need this kind of thing, but Yan Yu needed it very much now.


Yan Yu looked at the alien crystal core thrown over and quickly took it.

He instantly felt the huge alien energy in it!

"There can't be anything wrong!"

"This is the heterocrystalline core... an S-grade heterocrystalline core!"

"I actually... I actually got thrown here like trash.……"

Yan Yu was amazed.

He looked up at Chen Tianyu, feeling a little bit unbelievable.

"As expected... that man……"

""It's even more terrifying than the last time they met."

Li Fengwu sighed.

Although she was already shocked during the previous battle with the Tang family, the rumors of killing a seventh-level beast in seconds and the scene in front of her... that was even more terrifying.

"What, do you plan to absorb it after you have finished it, or absorb it now?"

Chen Tianyu turned his head to look at Yan Yu and asked

"I...I'll wait until everything is resolved before absorbing it.……"

Yan Yu looked at Chen Tianyu and said nervously.

Facing such a strong man, who wouldn't be nervous?

Even Li Fengwu, who was standing beside him, was speechless, and her mind was filled with thoughts.

"Okay, let's keep going."

Chen Tianyu turned his head and looked at the secret realm and shouted casually,"Hey, hey, hey~ Is this the super S-level secret realm? Isn't it too weak?"

"Moshimoshi~ Can you be stronger?"

He shouted.

But the consciousness of this super S-level secret realm seemed unexpectedly smart, and did not get angry because of Chen Tianyu's ridicule.

The three of them continued to move forward.


I don't know how long it took.

Yan Yu and Li Fengwu were sweating profusely, and their clothes were soaked.

Yan Yu had already taken off his upper body clothes, revealing his strong and refined muscles, but his yellow skin was almost roasted red.

And Li Fengwu... wanted to take off her clothes too... but she was a woman, a woman who hadn't put on underwear...

For the sake of a woman's dignity, she could only endure it.

"After this trip, I will definitely lose a few pounds when I return.……"

Li Fengwu couldn't help but complain.

After all, the surrounding environment was too hot.


"I'm almost done……"

Yan Yu couldn't help but say.

At this moment, his consciousness became a little hazy.

The surrounding environment... was just like a huge oven!

"I feel like it's getting hotter around me...……"

Li Fengwu murmured

""Well... we are almost at the center of the secret realm."

Chen Tianyu said calmly.

Then he suddenly stopped and looked forward.

He saw three people standing on a cliff!

And below, there was a circular flat land, in the center of which was sleeping a bird with flames all over its body?

"This... could this be... the legendary phoenix?"

"A phoenix with the same abilities as mine?"

Li Fengwu asked curiously.


"No, it's not a phoenix."

Chen Tianyu touched his chin and said


"What is that?"

Li Fengwu was a little confused and turned to look at Chen Tianyu and asked

"Look at his feathers... they are very conspicuous, and they don't have the five colors of the phoenix."

"I think... that's not a phoenix, but a red bird."

Chen Tianyu analyzed with a serious expression.

""Vermilion Bird?"

Yan Yu asked in confusion.

He had never heard of this species.

Li Fengwu also tilted her head, looking a little confused.


Chen Tianyu was a little surprised and asked,"Don't you know? It's Suzaku."

Hearing this, the two shook their heads.

It seemed that they really didn't know what it was.

Chen Tianyu:ʕ •ᴥ•ʔ……

"Really... I really doubt whether you have not learned history well, so let me explain it."

Chen Tianyu looked helpless, and then said,"Suzaku... is one of the four great mythical beasts in ancient China!"

"The Red Bird, Azure Dragon, White Tiger, and Black Tortoise are collectively referred to as the Four Spirits of Heaven.……"

"Moreover, the origin of the Vermillion Bird is even older than that of the Phoenix... Although I am not very clear about the details, but... this guy!"

"It's a divine beast!"

He became more and more excited as he spoke.

His heart was filled with excitement!

Even his sunglasses couldn't hide the excitement in his eyes!

But he suddenly retracted that expression and said calmly:"It's a pity that this guy's strength is restricted to the secret realm, otherwise he should be stronger!" Hearing this, Li Fengwu and Yan Yu were a little dazed.


"If I'm not mistaken, this Suzaku should be... the strongest in this secret realm, right? It should be a sixth-level beast.……"

""Stronger... How strong would it be?"

Li Fengwu asked.

She couldn't imagine how strong it could be...

"How strong? Well... at least level 10!"

Chen Tianyu said casually

"Ten…Tenth level!! ?"

Li Fengwu and Yan Yu were dumbfounded.

But after all, it was said by"Gojo Satoru", so it seemed very credible.

"But... since Suzaku exists in the"database" of the secret realm, it should really exist in this world, right?"

"I really want to see the real body. This fake creature is really boring."

Chen Tianyu said with a little expectation.

He still wanted to see it with his own eyes. After all, it was a creature in ancient books. As for the secret realm, it can only be regarded as a data projection at most, but it is a data projection with a physical body.

However, in this respect, it really makes people feel that this secret realm is very much like a technological product.……


"Main body? Above level 10?"


Li Fengwu was moved when she heard this.���Almost fainted.

If what"Gojo Satoru" said was true, how strong would he be!

However, Yan Yu waved his hand and said,"No, no, no, after seeing this kind of thing, it's a question whether you can survive."

Chen Tianyu looked at the sleeping Suzaku, grinned, and said bluntly,"Then... I won't be polite!"

He said.


In an instant, Chen Tianyu appeared on the red flat ground below!

""Hey... wake up, little red bird!"

Chen Tianyu kicked it straight up.

The red bird suddenly opened its red eyes.


It flew into the air.

Its eyes fell on Chen Tianyu, full of contempt.

""Human, what do you want to do?"

A voice spread from above.

Hearing this,

Li Fengwu and Yan Yu on the cliff were dumbfounded.

Li Fengwu's mouth trembled as she opened her mouth and said:

"Just now...that Suzaku spoke!!?"

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