
Chen Tianyu said coldly.

A tearing sensation came from his neck, and Zhuque's eyes widened, almost feeling unbelievable.

""Damn human... I will remember this grudge!"

Suzaku shouted.

Then its body instantly broke into pieces, and the surrounding scorching environment also cooled down instantly.

Only a red crystal core fell to the ground.


Chen Tianyu walked forward leisurely and picked up the red crystal core on the ground.

Suddenly, he felt that the energy contained in it was really not a little bit.

It was amazing!

"This is super S Level 1 Heterogeneous Crystal Core? This huge amount of energy, ordinary C Level ability, can be directly upgraded S"Level up!"

Chen Tianyu couldn't help murmuring.

At this time, the surrounding environment also turned white, and the original cliff turned into flat ground.

Yan Yu and Li Fengwu were behind Chen Tianyu.

The two quickly ran over.


"Finally the temperature has dropped, I almost became dry!"

Li Fengwu looked refreshed.

She just felt that she was finally relieved, she couldn't stand the heat before.

"Yan Yu, this is super S"I'll give you the super-level crystal core."

Chen Tianyu threw the crystal core in his hand to Yan Yu and said calmly.

Yan Yu quickly took it.

"Super...super S"You just gave me a super-level alien crystal core like that?"

His eyes were still a little dull.

He had never thought that he would be able to come into contact with such a thing one day, and conquering such a secret realm seemed to be nothing to"Gojo Satoru".

All of this... made Yan Yu feel amazed.

"Oh my god, is this the end?"

"It feels like we didn’t do anything!"

Li Fengwu was also a little dumbfounded. She didn’t even understand how it ended.

She saw a bird and a man chattering for a long time, and then the bird rushed directly towards"Gojo Satoru".

And then... was killed instantly?!

"But it's super S Level"

"I... am invincible." Chen Tianyu's face was calm and natural.

S The secret realm is like a toy that he can easily destroy.


Li Fengwu swallowed her saliva and couldn't help but said,"What a monster!……"

Chen Tianyu turned to look at Yan Yu and said,"Please send us out first."

"You can just absorb it here, practice for a while and then go out. Vice President Li should also submit the task."

"One S Level heterocrystalline core, a super S Level 500 Crystal Core… Young man, I look forward to your growth."

He smiled at Yan Yu.

"I will definitely not let Mr. Gojo Satoru down!"

Yan Yu said seriously, then suddenly hesitated, and then looked at"Gojo Satoru" and said,"I wonder... can I take Mr. Gojo Satoru as my teacher?"

Chen Tianyu:( ̄△ ̄;)


"This? Ahem, forget about this."

"But when you need help, I will definitely be there."

Chen Tianyu said quickly.

It would be too strange if his brother became his apprentice. He should just refuse silently.……

"Uh... Well, I'll send you two out first."

Seeing this, Yan Yu didn't say much.

Since the other party was not happy, there was no chance.

Then Yan Yu took the two crystal cores, and saw Chen Tianyu and Li Fengwu flash by, and then disappeared in an instant.

"The Ye family...Ye Fengtian!"

"When I come out this time... I won't let any of you go!"

Yan Yu's face was also ferocious, and he gritted his teeth and said angrily.

His anger had long swept through his heart, but he had never been strong enough.

Next, he sat cross-legged on the ground and began to absorb the two alien crystal cores.


Military Region 3

"Phew~ It’s better outside~"

"The air is so fresh. I really want to go back and take a shower. My whole body is sticky.

Li Fengwu took a deep breath and sighed.

Zhang Hejian, who was about to doze off, suddenly saw the two of them and was a little confused.

Tap, tap, tap...

He quickly stood up and walked over.

"What's going on? Why did you guys come out?"

"Could it be that the secret realm had vomited it out in advance?"

Zhang Hejian asked hurriedly. He then took out an old cell phone, checked the time, and said,"This... is only twenty minutes?"

"It shouldn't come out so quickly, what's going on?"

He looked at Chen Tianyu and the others nervously.

Then he looked left and right and found that someone was missing.

"Hey? Where did Yan Yu go! ?"

"Not already……"

Zhang Hejian felt something was wrong

"Don't think too much, the secret realm has been solved."

Li Fengwu said seriously, and turned to look at Chen Tianyu and said,"It's all thanks to Mr. Gojo Satoru."

Zhang Hejian:(´°Δ°`)

"What did you say?"

"Solved... Solved!?"

Zhang Hejian suspected that he had heard it wrong, and then said,"No, I must have heard it wrong, please say it again."

Li Fengwu:(°ー°〃)


She said again.

Zhang Hejian: ヽ( ຶ▮ ຶ)ノ!!!

"No no! How is that possible! You have to know that this secret place has a history of nearly a hundred years!"

"From my grandpa to my dad… to me!"

"Damn it, are you kidding me!"

"It was solved in 20 minutes? I have been guarding it for half my life! You told me it was solved in 20 minutes!! ?"

Zhang Hejian looked as if he had seen a ghost.

He seemed to not believe anything he said.

Chen Tianyu:⊙_⊙

Li Fengwu: ⊙ω⊙

"Didn't you ask us to solve it? I told you it was solved, but you still don't believe me?"

"You will know when Yan Yu comes out."

Chen Tianyu was speechless.

Then he walked out directly.

"I have to go back and take a shower, I don't want to talk to you anymore."

Li Fengwu rolled her eyes at him and followed him.

"Bastard! Do you think I was fooled?"

Zhang Hejian turned around abruptly, and then shouted loudly,"Surround them both, I damn doubt that you killed Young Master Yan in the secret realm!"

"If Master Yan hadn't come out, you should have stayed in the Extraordinary Bureau first!"

Chen Tianyu's eyes twitched. Was it so unbelievable that he could pass the Super S-level secret realm in 20 minutes?

"Really are……"

Chen Tianyu shook his head slightly, feeling extremely troubled.

He reached out and grabbed Li Fengwu's shoulders.

Li Fengwu suddenly felt the big hands grabbing her shoulders, and her cheeks instantly flushed.

""Mr. Gojo Satoru?"

She looked at"Gojo Satoru" with some confusion.


The two of them disappeared among the extraordinary people in an instant!

""Where are the people?!"

Zhang Hejian was stunned when he saw this.

He quickly walked forward.

Looking around, there were only a group of extraordinary people. There was no sign of Chen Tianyu and Li Fengwu.

"Damn it!"

"What the hell is going on!"

He said, turning his head to look at the secret gate, gritted his teeth and muttered,"Damn it... Then wait, if Master Yan can't come out, I will definitely put you two on the wanted list throughout the city!"

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