"This…is this, outside the military zone?"

"What's going on? ? ?"

Li Fengwu was full of questions.

She still didn't quite understand the situation.

This was a forest under the volcano. The golden sunlight from the sky fell on the two of them.

"What else can happen? It just came out~"

"If you transform into a phoenix with your supernatural power, you should be able to fly, right? I'll leave first."

Chen Tianyu waved his hand and said so.

Next, wait for Yan Yu to come out and see what happens.

If the official wants to wipe out the Ye family, it will probably take some time.

As for the half-step supreme god in the Ye family, there is probably no one stronger than him in the capital.

Maybe there is, but it's not that easy to find

"Wait, Mr. Gojo Satoru, can you leave me your contact information or something?"

"Well... I just thought it might be easier to communicate in the future, like in secret places or something.……"

Li Fengwu's face was slightly red, and her fingers were entangled with black hair.

"Uh... I don't have that kind of thing"

"However, I hope you can do me a favor."

Chen Tianyu said

"You say."

Li Fengwu said without hesitation

"I need you to help me keep an eye on Yan Yu. If he comes out, just let Mo Ningxue notify me."

Chen Tianyu said bluntly.

After all, Mo Ningxue would definitely not be able to find"Gojo Satoru", and then go find me as"Chen Tianyu", which would not be a big problem.

"OK, I understand."

"I will have someone look after this, Mr. Gojo Satoru, don't worry."

Li Fengwu nodded, and then continued,"But in fact, if Mr. Gojo Satoru takes action, that Ye Fengtian should not be a big deal."

Chen Tianyu heard this and shook his head.

"Didn't you hear him?"

"To avenge oneself and to have others avenge one's grievances...are two completely different things."

"If I help him... he will only feel weak and powerless for the rest of his life... this will become his lifelong demon."

Chen Tianyu said seriously.

"So that's it... But if Mr. Gojo Satoru cares so much about him, why doesn't he accept him as his apprentice?"

Li Fengwu looked strange.

Because she just saw the scene where"Gojo Satoru" rejected Yan Yu.

"As for accepting a disciple...he is not suitable. Why do you care so much about such a small matter?"

"I won't talk to you anymore. I have to go."

Chen Tianyu didn't say much. After a whoosh, he disappeared completely from the spot. Li Fengwu was indeed a little dumbfounded. She instantly knew how she disappeared there just now.

""It actually has... an ability similar to teleportation?"

Li Fengwu murmured, and then touched her shoulder and continued,"You touched me just now, so you can teleport me?"

"But...what abilities did he use in the secret realm?"

"This is really……"

"A mysterious man……"


After a while.

Xia Yutong's room

"Brother Tianyu, are you back?"

"But can you please not suddenly appear every time and scare me?"

Xia Yutong's face was red at this time, and she started to yell.

Yes, Chen Tianyu, who had just used teleportation, scared her again. At this time, Xia Yutong was still rushing to finish her homework.

As a result, Chen Tianyu's voice came from behind, how could she not be scared?

"Ahahaha, don't mind it~"

"Anyway, you didn't get seen changing clothes~"

Chen Tianyu waved his hand, looking nonchalant.

"Changing...changing clothes and being seen?"


"Seems like a good idea……"

Xia Yutong touched his chin and whispered

"What did you say?"

Chen Tianyu raised his eyebrows and said


"Ahem, Brother Tianyu, you are welcome to do whatever you want. I am doing my homework!

Xia Yutong was startled like a frightened little rabbit, and quickly turned around to do her homework.

Chen Tianyu smiled and looked at the little girl's back. He really felt that she was a little cute.

He lay on the bed, and it must be said that the bed was soft and very comfortable.

Chen Tianyu took the phone, opened the camera carelessly, and then began to fiddle with it.

The camera was facing Xia Yutong's back.

"Yutong, how much homework do you have left?" he asked.


"There are still three papers left. Brother Tianyu, do you want me to write them?"

Xia Yutong turned her head and yelled.


Chen Tianyu took a picture of it.

"Brother Tianyu, you took a sneak shot of me!"

Xia Yutong muttered and quickly stood up, pouting at Chen Tianyu.

"No, delete it quickly!"

She said as she flew towards Chen Tianyu on the bed, her little hand reaching out for Chen Tianyu's phone.

""No, no, no~"

Chen Tianyu said with a smile.

His hand stretched out to the distance.

Xia Yutong's hand was short, and no matter how far he stretched forward, he couldn't reach Chen Tianyu's hand.

"Woo woo woo……"

""Stupid Brother Tianyu! I'll fight you!"

Xia Yutong pouted, kicked her legs and moved forward again.

Chen Tianyu just reached out to grab her shoulder and push her down, but she came up again, so he grabbed her soft thing directly... It was so soft……

"Brother Tianyu……"

Xia Yutong, who was caught, immediately hugged her chest and shrank back.

Tears immediately soaked her eyes.

"Wuuuuu...Perverted Brother Tianyu!"

"You're pinching me!"

Xia Yutong tightly protected her chest, like a little girl being bullied.

Xia Yutong:꒦ິ^꒦ິ

Chen Tianyu:(꒪⌓꒪)

Didn't you bump into me?

He was dumbfounded.

But it was really soft. It had a bit of inertia when I grabbed it. It was hard not to pinch it.……


Chen Tianyu coughed tactically, and then said,"Don't be angry, pat your head~"

He stretched out his hand and rubbed Xia Yutong's hair.

Xia Yutong pouted and said,"Humph, this is something that can be solved by patting the head!"

Seeing her arrogant look, Chen Tianyu couldn't help but smile.

It must be said that this little girl is very cute.

"So what do you want to do?"


Chen Tianyu took out his phone and handed it to her.


Xia Yutong took the phone, a sly smile flashed in her eyes, and then she turned on the camera.

"Hehe...don’t just take pictures of me!"

""Brother Tianyu wants to come too!" she yelled.

Then, she put her hand on Chen Tianyu's shoulder, picked up the camera and started taking pictures together.


The photo of the two was completed.

"Not bad!"

"Set it as screen saver~"

Xia Yutong smiled and set the photo as the screen saver, and then handed it to Chen Tianyu.

"You are not allowed to change it! This is the punishment for taking pictures of me!"


Xia Yutong squinted her eyes and looked very happy.

Chen Tianyu took the phone and looked at Xia Yutong's brilliant smile on the screen saver, and couldn't help but curl his lips.

"No change"

"Very good."

He also laughed, turned to look at Xia Yutong, and said softly.

Hearing Chen Tianyu's words, Xia Yutong also raised her little head proudly and said,"Isn't it~"


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