Military Region No. 3,

Super S-Class Secret Realm.

At this time, it was not white, but abnormally chaotic, with scenes constantly switching around.

Old housing area, school, Yan's residence...

Yan Yu was in the center of this space, with his eyes closed, suspended in mid-air.

The surrounding scenes had no order at all, they might be upside down, mirror-turned, or even viewed from an impossible angle like underground... It was very chaotic, and could be described in two words - disorder.


"Damn, this is so annoying...what the hell is going on?……"

Yan Yu gritted his teeth, holding his head with both hands, his mind was a little messy.

I don't know why, when he was constantly absorbing the heterocrystalline core, the chaotic memories in his mind emerged uncontrollably, without any rules at all!

And it was extremely strong, the surrounding environment gradually began to rotate with the picture in his mind!

The feeling of the world spinning made him miserable!


Yan Yu shouted angrily.

The picture in his mind was actually stuck on Yan Sha and Yan Yang's heads, hanging at the door of the Yan family mansion.

This was... the picture when he was watching the news.

At the same time, the surrounding scene also turned into this picture.

"Father... old man……"

A drop of dark red blood and tears flowed from the corner of Yan Yu's eyes.


The drop of blood and tears fell to the ground.

The dark red blood and tears turned into pure black.

The whole scene became dark, like chaos, and nothing could be seen.

"Get stronger...get stronger...must get stronger!"

Yan Yu gritted his teeth.

Behind him, a black shadow appeared.

"S-level... is still too weak……"

"That man... is half a step into the supreme god realm!"

"Get stronger... must get stronger! I want to kill him with my own hands!"

Yan Yu kept his mouth shut and didn't speak.

But the voices came from all around, as if it was his inner voice.

The terrifying energy suddenly erupted from his ground!

Get stronger... can be even stronger!

Can't... can't stop here!

The gap is too big! The gap is too big!

The Yan family - can't give up just like that!!!!

I saw that the huge energy was like a golden light, which instantly enveloped him!

Yan Yu's body was surrounded by a ball of light!

This... is also the only light in the surrounding"chaos".

From this moment on... he will begin to transform!


The Yan family, the mansion.

Ye Fengtian sat on the sofa, turned his head and looked at the middle-aged man beside him and said,"How is it, have you found the child of the Yan family?"

The man shook his head, looking helpless.

"No, father, we tried every possible way and searched everywhere in Zhejiang Province, but we couldn’t find it!"

"Moreover... it is said that the authorities have already begun to gather troops and are ready to deal with us at any time."

The man seemed a little worried.

If we confront the authorities, it would not be a good thing!

"Humph! The spiritual energy has only just leaked a little bit, how could there be someone who can enter the half-step divine realm as quickly as I did?"

"It is only because of the guidance of the great ancestor that I can reach the half-step divine realm so easily!"

"What do they have?"

Ye Fengtian said calmly.

Yes, the reason why he is so powerful is because of the guidance of the ancestor!

"Father, you are right.

The man nodded slightly and said

"And the kid from the Yan family probably won't be able to become a great man! Call everyone back and we'll wait for the fairyland to open."

"When the ancestor returns to the human world, Zhejiang Sea will belong to our Ye family!"

"You have to know that the founder... is a strong man in the Qigong period! He doesn't need to eat or drink, and his life span is more than 6,000 years!"

"His strength is so terrifying! There is absolutely no one in China who can defeat him!"

Ye Fengtian couldn't help but sigh.

The road to immortal cultivation is also something he is looking forward to.

"No need to eat or drink?! Is this... an immortal?"

"I really want to see what the fairyland is like.……"

The man seemed to be looking forward to the opening of the fairyland.

To them, the fairyland was unattainable.

"Anyway...with the opening of the immortal, our"alien" mission can always be completed.……"

"Huh... Five thousand years have passed, and countless people of my race have died of old age.……"

Ye Fengtian's vicissitudes of life seemed to be relieved a little.

"At that time, we can go to the immortal world and enjoy happiness, right? Father……"

The man seemed to smile a little

"That's right, Ye Li, by then we can all go to the fairyland! This is also what the ancestor promised!"

Ye Fengtian showed a hint of excitement at the corner of his mouth, which was a smile of expectation for the future.

The middle-aged man called Ye Li was also very excited when he heard this. He didn't expect that one day he could go to the fairyland!

This is a place that countless ancestors could only dream of, how lucky they are! What a lucky generation the Ye family is!

"Okay, let’s stop here."

"Ye Li, you should go and gather those people back first, and we will just wait for the arrival of the ancestor."

Ye Fengtian said bluntly.

Hearing this,

Ye Li nodded and replied,"I'll go right away."

He turned around and walked out of the door.

"Humph...Yan Family? I don't understand how such a small family dares to go against my Ye Family."

"How ignorant... As for the remaining descendant of the Yan family, let him live in the inferiority and fear of incompetence for the rest of his life!"

As he said this, Ye Fengtian grinned and laughed suddenly,"Hahahaha——!"

"Ha ha ha ha——!!!"

His laughter echoed throughout the Ye family mansion


One day later, in the Super S-level secret realm, the light ball in the secret realm had cracked a little.


A light voice came from inside.

A smooth cut appeared on the light ball from top to bottom, and it went straight through the light ball!


The light ball shattered like glass!

Then it turned into a golden flash and disappeared...

The person who came out was Yan Yu.

But he was a little different from before.

In just one day...

His black hair grew a lot longer, even to his waist.

His eyes seemed darker, deeper, and sharper.

"This... is chaos……"

He murmured.

Then, he stretched out a hand... and saw a black long sword appeared in his hand, which was completely different from the previous iron sword.

This sword exuded a disordered aura, which was even more terrifying!

Darkness, chaos, confusion - this is what the world really looks like.

The bright and beautiful surface of the world is just what others want to show you.

When people have experienced the darkness of the world, when people see the world through the surface... people - will become a part of the chaos.

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