Military Region No. 3.

At the entrance to the Super S-level secret realm.

Many extraordinary people stood in front of it, while Zhang Hejian sat on a chair beside him, frowning.

"Damn it, are those guys trying to scare me?"

Zhang Hejian cursed.

He had been waiting here for a day and didn't know what was going on.

Generally speaking, if someone couldn't get out in three days, then he would never get out.

He used to have some friendship with the Yan family, but now that the Yan family was completely wiped out, he would naturally not let the last seedling of the Yan family die!


Suddenly, a hole appeared in front of the entrance!

"This... this is!"

Zhang Hejian stood up instantly.

He frowned and looked at the vertical hole with a nervous expression!

The hole appeared in front of him out of thin air as if it was tearing the space apart!

""Everyone on alert!"

Zhang Hejian shouted quickly.

All the extraordinary people picked up their guns!

They all looked intently at the mysterious hole!

Trample, tramp, tramp - the sound of footsteps came from it.


A sword energy was slashed out!

Boom boom!

The terrifying sword energy rushed directly to the hundred-meter-high wall!

Boom boom!


In an instant, the hundred-meter-high wall was cut into two halves!


The guns in the hands of the extraordinary people were directly scared off.

Zhang Hejian's eyes almost popped out, staring at this scene in amazement.

""Shit! Who... who is that person!"

He quickly turned around and looked at the hole.

And from that hole, a voice suddenly came out.

""I will not change my name or surname, the second young master of the Yan family... Yan Yu."

The male voice came from it.

Then, step, step, step -

Yan Yu walked out of the opening, and the black sword in his hand made the surrounding extraordinary people feel very oppressive.

"Yan...Young Master Yan!"

"This, this... just now you released your 'internal energy', you... have reached the Grandmaster level!!!"

"'s only one day, right?"

"No, that's not right. How is this possible?……"

Zhang Hejian was a little confused, and then continued,"Even a master can't release such a terrifying attack.……"

Yan Yu raised the corner of his mouth slightly, stretched out his hand and pointed the black sword forward, and said:"Impossible? Nothing is impossible in front of me!"

"However, I have to thank Gojo Satoru for helping me reach Super S Rank!"

"Being wrapped in that strange energy, my whole body was shed, and even my warrior level was elevated to Grandmaster!"

"And he also comprehended the Chaos Sword Heart!"

"This sword is not that sword——"

"The Yan family is in decline?"

" should be, the Ye family...should be destroyed!"

Yan Yu's eyes narrowed.

A terrifying aura suddenly burst out from his body!


This breath immediately made Zhang Hejian tremble all over.

"This this!!!"

"What kind of talent is this!!!"

"In just one day, he actually...surpassed S-level? Grandmaster……"

"He is several times more terrifying than that guy Yan Li!"

""Monster... naked monster!"

Zhang Hejian simply couldn't believe what he saw.

The person he was worried about the last second, the next second, his strength was beyond his imagination!

It was too outrageous!


"Zhang Hejian, the secret realm has been solved, why are you still here?"

Yan Yu looked at Zhang Hejian strangely and asked


"Has the secret really been solved?"

"No... this is super S-class……"

As he spoke, Zhang Hejian was a little numb.

Yan Yu's attack just now seemed to be no different from the super S-level secret realm!

After all, let alone ordinary S-level, it is impossible to break their wall, even ordinary super S-level is difficult to break.

In addition, that attack brought the internal energy out, the power of the master……

"What's impossible... Didn't Mr. Gojo Satoru solve the secret realm before?"

Yan Yu frowned, his face also had a bit of weirdness, and then continued,"Although I don't know how long it has been, anyway, this super S-level secret realm has been solved."

"I have to go now. I don't have time to chat with you guys any more.……"

At this moment, there was only revenge in his mind! He had to go to the Ye family now!

Cut off the head of that damn Ye Fengtian!

And Zhang Hejian was also stunned.

He didn't expect that what Gojo Satoru said was true. After all, it was really too shocking to solve the super S-level secret realm in 20 minutes!

That... How strong is that Gojo Satoru? Is he stronger than the current Yan Yu?

Seeing that Yan Yu was about to leave, Zhang Hejian also walked forward quickly and said,"Master Yan... I will go with you!"

"The Ye family is now in opposition to the country, and the country has difficulty controlling affairs in the supernatural world. If this scourge can be eliminated, it would naturally be the best!"

"Before, my identity had been bound by the super S-level secret realm, but now that the super S-level secret realm has ended, I can be considered a free person!"

"I am also unhappy about the Yan family's affairs! If I can help, that would be the best!"

Zhang Hejian's face also became serious.

He really wanted to help Yan Yu. After all, the Yan family had some friendship with him.

"Hmm? Zhang Hejian, are you sure?"

"This... will kill you."

Yan Yu's face also became serious.

Although they were friends, the other party didn't need to risk his life, so Yan Yu felt a little puzzled.

"No problem!"

"I, Zhang Hejian, have guarded this super S-level secret realm for half my life. Now that the secret realm is released, I am only left with a broken life!"

Zhang Hejian's mouth also grinned.

"I really don't understand……"

Yan Yu looked at him in confusion, and then continued,"This won't do you any good."

Zhang Hejian shook his head.

"What are the benefits? What do I need this for?"

"I, Zhang Jianhe, always do what I want to do!"


"Okay, let’s go!"

"Just take the helicopter we took before!"

He said as he waved his hand and walked forward.

Although Yan Yu was puzzled, he did not refuse this kindness.

His strength has greatly increased, and he can get to the Ye family faster by taking a helicopter!

At this moment, he just wanted to go to the Ye family and kill them all!

To calm his anger!


Yan Yu responded and followed behind him.

The extraordinary people behind him watched the two of them leave.

Then they began to speak.

"Uh...what should we do?"

"The super S-level secret realms have been solved, so let’s go home and sleep."

"Isn’t there a three-month holiday after the secret realm ends?"

"I mean, go home."


Ye's Martial Arts School,

Female Martial Arts Training Area

"Not bad? It's only been a few days and you two have already reached the peak!"

"You can be considered a genius."

Ye Mengxuan said as she looked at Tang Yueran and Mo Ningxue in front of her, her face also slightly surprised.

However, these two people do have some physical foundation, plus daily sparring training, so they can control it very quickly.

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