Over the Ye Family.


The helicopter kept turning.

Yan Yu looked down and said,"Zhang Hejian, this is the right place, right?"

At this time, Zhang Hejian was sitting in the driver's seat, smoking a cigarette.

"Ye's house, this is it."

"I'll go down now."

Zhang Hejian said, pressing the cigarette into the ashtray with one hand and extinguishing it.

"No need."

Yan Yu's voice came from behind.

"No? Then how do you……"

Zhang Hejian hadn't finished speaking.


Yu actually pushed the door open and jumped down.

""Hey, hey, hey!"

Zhang Hejian was completely numb.

Yan Yu was much more impulsive than he expected!


Ye Family Mansion,


"Hehe, grandpa and father have gone to the Yan family, now no one is watching us~" a young man laughed

"Yes, yes! That’s great~ I’ve been forced to practice martial arts before, and now I can finally relax~"

Another girl at the side also agreed.


At this moment!

Something fell from above, making a loud noise!

Smoke and dust rose all around in an instant!

""What...what happened!"

This shocked them instantly.


A sword energy came!

It went straight through the girl's body, and the girl was split in half in an instant!

The red blood splashed everywhere in an instant!



The young man was startled and quickly turned his head to look at the person coming from the smoke.

Then, the young man gritted his teeth, his eyes turned red, and he stared at the smoke.

His fingers suddenly turned into claws, his teeth became extremely sharp, and his body suddenly became huge, and the skin on his body seemed to be bursting!


The boy shouted.

His face became extremely strange.

The girl who was cut in half began to deform. The body inside the skin seemed to grow bigger, stretching the outer skin to reveal the real green skin inside. The whole body was like a giant lizard man!

The smoke and dust dissipated.

Yan Yu walked out and saw the wreckage on the ground that did not look like a human at all. He was a little surprised.


"This... I didn't expect that the people living in the so-called Ye family are not even human beings?"

He said

"Damn it! Now that you know our secret, you go to hell!"

The young man looked at Yan Yu intently.

At the same time!

A lot of people appeared around him in an instant, and they all surrounded Yan Yu!

A terrifying force suddenly erupted!


The young man rushed towards Yan Yu, and his figure had changed.


"go to hell——!"

The young man shouted angrily.


He grabbed at Yan Yu with his claws!

Yan Yu held a black sword in his hand, his face froze!

The young man in front of him was cut in half by the sword in an instant!


Yan Yu suddenly shouted!

But the sword energy was not over yet, and it rushed straight forward!


There were loud and tragic noises.

I saw several people in front of me were cut in half, and blood was scattered everywhere!

This blow was extremely powerful!

"What a joke!"

"The blood of my alien race is stained, die!"

"How could this guy...……"

"If the ancestor wasn't in the Yan family, how could you be so arrogant!"


Everyone was talking about it.

Their faces were extremely nervous, and their bodies swelled up one by one, turning into lizard men.

"Is that old guy Ye Fengtian in the Yan family?"


"In that case! I, Young Master Yan Yu, will wipe out the entire Ye family first!"

A terrifying aura of chaos erupted from Yan Yu's body.


"Let me show you the skills that are the result of the fusion of the super S-level God-given sword ability and my Chaos Sword Heart!"

He inserted the sword into the ground, and Yan Yu's eyes condensed,"The field is unfolded - Chaos Sword Realm!"

The entire Ye family was instantly enveloped in darkness and disorder. If you look from a distance, you will feel that this is similar to a huge square.

"This...what is this!"

"I can’t see anything!"

"what happened——!"


All the people in the Ye family were stunned.

Because in the chaos and darkness, they could not see a single light!

If there was light, they could see clearly...

Everything around them was black, except for the empty space inside.

There were also many black swords on the ground!

Each of these swords was a sword of chaos!

But - only Yan Yu could use it.



"What is this!?"

Zhang Hejian had just landed the plane outside the Ye family when he saw the endless darkness that had enveloped the Ye family.

He was so shocked that he ran over there!

However, the terrifying darkness made Zhang Hejian dare not take another step forward!

"Damn it... What on earth is going on!"

Zhang He drew out the long sword from his waist with a swish.


He slashed at it with his sword!

But when the iron sword touched the"darkness", it disappeared in an instant!

When the sword fell, half of the sword body was missing!


"What on earth is this?"

Zhang Hejian was completely stunned.

The sword in his hand was a specially made iron sword, dozens of times harder than an ordinary iron sword!

He didn't expect it to be destroyed so easily!

He was dumbfounded.

It was just a plane stop, and this happened?


Chaos Sword Domain.

Swish, swish, swish——!

Long black swords appeared out of thin air in the air, pinning all the"aliens" of the Ye family to the ground!


"I am going to kill you!"

"When grandpa comes, you will die!"


There was constant noise all around.

The people of the Ye family also shed their"human" skins and became like green-skinned lizard men.

���It's really disgusting~"

"The so-called mysterious Ye family turned out to be a group of green-skinned monsters covered with bumps?"

"The so-called Ye Fengtian is also the same, right?"


Yan Yu laughed loudly, and then said in a harsh voice,"Ridiculous! It's really ridiculous!""

"The Yan family... was defeated by something like you!"

If he had been so powerful before, how could he have ended up like this?

His talent was already world-class. If he had worked harder before, no matter what the Yan family said, he would never have ended up like this!

"I say... what species are you?"

Yan Yu grinned.


He stepped on the lizard man.



The lizard man screamed again

"Well, the sounds and voices are exactly the same as humans, which is really strange."

Yan Yu touched his chin, feeling a little surprised.

After all, he had never seen such a strange creature.

"You...will die a horrible death!"

"The gate to the fairyland is open! We, the"aliens", will definitely destroy all the members of Zhejiang Hai!"

"Not to mention your Yan family, the remaining four families in Zhejiang will surely die!"

Yan Yu raised his eyebrows slightly, tilted his head, and asked:"Aliens?"

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