
A lizardman who was nailed to the ground by a sword suddenly laughed, and then said,"That's right! The physical strength of the 'aliens' themselves is more than five times stronger than that of ordinary humans!"

"You are just a human being. Even if you reach the divine realm, you will never be able to fight against Grandpa!"

Yan Yu looked at the lizard man with an expression of great contempt.

"Take care of your own lives first."

He said in a cold voice.

Swish, swish, swish——!

Countless black swords suddenly appeared on the ground!



Miserable cries continued to be heard.

All the lizardmen's bodies were pierced by the black swords!

Soon, all the lizardmen present were killed, and their scarlet blood soaked the ground.

"Today, Young Master Ben massacred the Ye family with a bloody blow, and the first blow was to cut off Ye Fengtian’s head!"

"The Ye Family! They killed their father and grandfather! If you don't take revenge, you are not a gentleman!"

"Ye Fengtian, since you are in the Yan family, I will let you go to the Yan family to make amends for the two elders!"

Yan Yu said coldly.

He casually pulled out the black sword on the ground.

The surrounding area also dissipated in an instant, and the original dark chaos and disorder around were sucked into the Chaos Sword in Yan Yu's hand.

"Hello~Master Yan!"

"Are you OK——!"

The sound of Zhang Hejian came from not far away. The heavy and frequent footsteps came quickly. Zhang Hejian, who was jogging over, was stunned when he saw the green-skinned corpses on the ground.

"What the hell?!"

"What the hell is this!"


Zhang Hejian was stunned.

Isn't this the Ye family?

Why are there so many lizard-like monsters on the ground around?

"Well, this is what the Ye family really looks like."

"A monster in human skin...claiming to be an alien race."

Yan Yu nodded lightly, frowning slightly.

He raised the pitch-black"Chaos Sword" in his hand, staring at the long sword.

"Alien...alien race?"

"The Ye family is actually this kind of existence! ?"

"Never heard of it.……"

Zhang Hejian looked puzzled

"Of course you haven't heard of it."

"According to them... they are from the Immortal Realm."

Yan Yu's voice was indifferent.

He was wondering... what was the connection between the Immortal Realm and these so-called alien races.

According to what they said, it seemed that there were aliens in the Immortal Realm?

Could it be that... there were their people in the Immortal Realm!?

Even without thinking, one would know that the so-called"immortals" were extremely powerful. If revenge would lead to these"trouble""……

His strength may be far from enough!

""Immortal Realm!"

Zhang Hejian was shocked.

Could these guys be undercover agents sent by the Immortal Realm early on?

"Well, it's very likely"

"Also, the old guy Ye Fengtian is not here. He is probably still in the Yan family."

"I didn't expect that old guy...really liked my mansion and wouldn't leave."


Yan Yu said, turned around and looked at Zhang Hejian, and then said,"Zhang Hejian, let's go."

"Let’s go to Yan’s house!"

"The old man Ye Fengtian is probably just a lizard man, wait and see how I kill him!"

As he spoke, the murderous intent in his eyes could not help but show!


"Leaving now? We just parked the plane!"

Zhang Hejian was stunned.

He had just landed and was leaving.


"Do you still want to stay with these disgusting guys?"

Yan Yu said casually. He held a black sword in his hand, and the tip of the sword pointed at the lizard man on the ground.


Zhang Hejian looked at the green lizard man with bumps all over his body on the ground, and his scalp tingled.

Then he sighed helplessly and said,"Ah... There's really no other way. Let's go."

"These things must also be reported to the higher-ups. I didn't expect the Ye family to be the accomplice of the fairy world.……"

As he spoke, he also walked towards the newly parked plane.

Yan Yu followed behind him.

Little did they know that their every move was being observed.


Inside the Yan family mansion, a jade pendant was placed on the table, and a 3D image was projected, and the image was exactly the scene of the Ye family!

The seven Ye family masters stood around, and among them was Ye Fengtian.

"This kid from the Yan family has become so powerful in just a few days!"

"Damn it! He actually discovered the secret of my Ye family!"

Ye Li said angrily, then turned to look at the middle-aged man on the other side and asked,"Ye Xing, do you think a few of us masters can beat him?"

Ye Xing touched his chin and pondered for a while.

"If it was before, maybe it would be possible"

"But the current Ye family...it's hard to say"

"That damn Yan Yang killed all 30 of our Ye family's masters, leaving only seven of us. I never expected that"

"I have to say, the Yan family's dual cultivation of heaven and martial arts... is really terrifying.……"

He exclaimed.

Yes, Yan Sha and Yan Yang were not killed by them unilaterally!

Instead, they also suffered great losses!

Yan Sha fought with Ye Fengtian!

Ye Fengtian was also injured!

But the recovery ability of the half-step supreme god realm is also quite strong!

It's just a little damage... For him, it's nothing.

But... more than 30 masters VS Yan Yang, only seven masters were left after being beaten by the old man Yan Yang!

This is the most exaggerated!

"Humph, leave this child of the Yan family to me."

"How can a mortal body compare with the descendants of immortals like us?"

Ye Fengtian said, but he grinned, and then said,"The supernatural energy... is something that the immortals have shed. It is suppressed by the immortal way. Only the people in the upper realms refine the supernatural energy into a special secret realm and throw it into the mortal world."

"Everyone in the world doesn't know that the so-called dual cultivation of heaven and martial arts actually suppresses the potential of the immortal way."

"Others laugh at my Ye family’s hard work in practicing ancient martial arts, I laugh at others who are trapped in the immortal world!"

"When achieving immortality, the stronger the superpower is, the narrower the road to immortality will be in the future."

That's right!

This superpower is created by the top immortals in the upper realm to suppress the mortals!

There is no such thing as a free lunch in the world!

Superpowers - as long as you awaken, you can get it, and you can upgrade it by absorbing the heterocrystalline core, without any practice process!

How can there be such an easy way to become stronger in the world?!

The so-called superpowers are nothing more than a special potential in the body!

There are two"pots" in the human body.

The lower one is called the"inner pot" and the upper one is called the"outer pot".

Generally, the"internal energy" is practiced first. After the practice is successful, the"inner pot" will be filled with"internal energy", and the internal energy can be released at the same time. At this time, it is a"grandmaster" warrior. When you reach the"god realm", you have mastered a certain external energy. The"spiritual energy" of the inner world can be absorbed into another"pot", which is the"outer pot"!

As the saying goes,"the inner pot contains the inner energy, and the outer pot contains the outer energy". Both have their uses.

However, the energy is a very strange thing. If the energy is absorbed when the"inner pot" is not full, the energy will also enter the"outer pot". How to say it...

Have you ever heard that: the world was opened up, the yang is clear as the sky, and the yin is turbid as the earth.

And this energy and spiritual energy are both like"clear", floating on the top of the"outer pot".

This kind of energy... once absorbed, it will be extremely complicated to fade away. Even the immortals in the upper world find it difficult to fade away completely.

It can be said that this road is the opposite of the"immortal". If you take this road, it will be extremely difficult to cultivate immortality!

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