Dark clouds suddenly rose around the Yan family. The north wind blew.

Step, step, step -

Yan Yu walked slowly with a sword. Zhang

Hejian was hiding on the hillside behind him, watching the scene with a nervous look on his face, and he couldn't help swallowing his saliva.

Cold sweat broke out on his body.

Behind him was the helicopter.

""Yan Yu... Is that man really okay?"

He was worried.

Then a light bulb suddenly lit up in his mind, as if he had thought of something, and turned to look at the helicopter.


In an instant, Zhang Hejian ran over.


He rummaged around in the driver's seat, and then ran back with a whoosh.

He actually had a camera in his hand!

"This kind of rare battle must be recorded!"

Zhang Hejian also looked solemn, turned on the camera and pointed it in the direction of Yan Yu.


The gate of the Yan family.

Hanging above it were the pale heads of Yan Sha and Yan Yang.

And in front... were the seven masters of the Ye family and Ye Fengtian who had been waiting for a long time!


Ye Fengtian laughed wildly.

He waved his hand, and the wind and clouds surged!

Ye Fengtian looked at Yan Yu with his eyes fixed, and then continued,"I didn't expect that the Yan family kid would dare to come!"

When Yan Yu saw the two heads with his own eyes, the anger in his heart arose spontaneously, rushing straight to the top of his head.


A black aura surrounded Yan Yu!

Slowly... a huge black shadow was formed, and a huge aura burst out!

"This is... In just a few days, the child of the Yan family has already developed a sword heart. His talent is not bad."

Ye Fengtian was really moved.

He had seen Yan Yu's situation in the Ye family in the jade pendant before, so he was not so surprised. Only those who practice swordsmanship can have a sword heart, and those who have a sword heart are very powerful.

"When a man has been away for three days, he will be looked at with new eyes. Three days ago, you took the heads of my father and my grandfather... Today is the day when your head will fall to the ground, Ye Fengtian!"

Yan Yu's face was solemn, and his tone was even more sonorous and powerful.


Ye Li stood up and continued,"Boy, you were just running away with your tail between your legs a few days ago, but you are so confident today?"

"Ridiculous! It's really ridiculous!" Hearing this, Yan Yu grinned.

"So confident?"



Yan Yu laughed heartily.

The clouds in the sky seemed to start to stir!

The black aura around Yan Yu gathered behind him and turned into a long-haired boy wearing an ancient robe and holding a black sword!

The man looked very similar to

Yan Yu! Ye Fengtian saw this.

He was stunned, and then... his face gradually became stunned!


"This, Kenshin in human form... they look the same!"

"Is it possible?……"

A bad thought came to Ye Fengtian's mind.

He began to tremble all over.

""What's wrong? Father?"

Ye Li asked hurriedly, still a little puzzled.

"That man, actually...actually is the reincarnation of an immortal from the upper realm!"

Ye Fengtian swallowed his saliva, began to shiver all over, and his face was filled with fear.


As soon as these words came out, the other seven masters of the Ye family were dumbfounded.

"Immortal reincarnation!!"

""Father, is this the boy? Is he the reincarnation of an immortal?"

Ye Xing asked hurriedly.

"That’s right, the founder once said that the shape of the sword heart is the will of the sword immortal!"

"If the sword immortal dies, but the sword spirit remains intact, future generations with the same will will inherit it!"

"That person looks exactly like this kid. The appearance of a reincarnated immortal won't change. He must have looked like this in his previous life.……"

"The sword heart and the human body are exactly the same. This kid from the Yan family... is definitely the reincarnation of the sword immortal!"

Ye Fengtian was also amazed at this time.

After all, even he didn't expect that the guy in front of him was actually the reincarnation of the sword immortal!


Yan Yu frowned, he was really confused by what the other party said.

How could he not know that he was the reincarnation of some sword immortal?

"No wonder this guy... actually has such a talent for cultivation. It must be because of the merits of his previous life, which were all added to this life."

"Ordinary people can't... just a few days to reach the master level from the dark energy!"

Ye Fengtian still remembers it now.

When he first saw Yan Yu, Yan Yu was just a dark energy, but now he is a master.

It's only been a week!

Ask the mortals, who can do this?

"Humph! So Ye Fengtian, do you want to surrender?"

Yan Yu still said in a cold voice.

Hearing this,

Ye Fengtian smiled, and then continued,"Surrender?"

"Even if you are the reincarnation of an immortal, I, Ye Fengtian, may not be afraid of you!"

"But it’s just right, I will get rid of you now before you grow up!"

"In this way...you will die in my hands, right?"

He said.

His mouth curled up again, and his expression softened.

Obviously, he was not afraid of Yan Yu.

"Although you might have been an immortal in your previous life, that’s all from your previous life!"

"And... since you were killed, you must not be some powerful immortal~"

"That’s right, if he was so powerful, how come he couldn’t even protect his father and the old man of your Yan family in this life?"


Ye Fengtian laughed loudly after saying that, and then looked at Yan Yu with a frenzy, and said,"Sword Immortal? It seems that he is just so-so. What Yan family? Sword Dao family?"

"You are still being stepped on by me!"

"So what if it’s a kendo family? So what if it’s a sword immortal?"

"Today, I will crush you, the sword immortal! Let your father and the old man of the Yan family see! The so-called Yan family sword art will be shattered to pieces under my body!!"

Listening to the other party's endless words, Yan Yu's face became gloomy.


"Yan family? Kendo?"

"In this case, I will tell you... what is the Yan Family Sword?——!"

Yan Yu held the black sword in both hands and faced the crowd in front of him.

At this moment, the surroundings were unexpectedly quiet.

The group of masters in front of Yan Yu did not even dare to act rashly!

Above Yan Yu's head, the clouds in the sky swirled. Under his feet, the ground was churning like mud. Chaos and disorder seemed to be surrounding him.

"It's just the Ye family!"

Yan Yu's eyes narrowed.

The black shadow behind him merged with him in an instant.

He opened his mouth suddenly:


The black sword fell!

A black sword energy flew forward!


A shocking gap was cut out between the ground and the sky! The black sword energy cut through space and slashed towards Ye Fengtian!

Ye Fengtian just subconsciously dodged a step...


His entire shoulder was chopped off.

A master warrior behind him was also cut in half by this sword!



They shouted quickly.

Ye Xing quickly stepped forward to help Ye Fengtian up.

The Nighthawk, who was cut in half, slowly turned back into his original lizardman appearance.

Yan Yu looked calm, looking at everyone with his eyes, and said:

"The top of the sword, proud of the world, only my Yan family has the sky!"

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