"Damn it……"

"This sword...even the sky was cut off!"

Ye Li looked at the torn sky and couldn't help swallowing his saliva.

The ground beside him was also cut into a bottomless crack!

It's hard to imagine that this was done by one person!

"I said I would cut the sky today……"

"Witnessed by my father Yan Sha and grandfather Yan Yang!"

Yan Yu said, his eyes looking at the two heads hanging in front of the door, gritting his teeth, holding back tears, and continued,"The descendants of the Yan family, Zhan Tian is the master, from today... I, Yan Yu, will be the head of the Yan family!"

"Ye Fengtian, today is also the day you die!"

As he said this, his eyes turned to Ye Fengtian.

Upon hearing this,

Ye Fengtian lost his previous indifference.

After all... he really didn't expect that the other party could actually hurt him.

"Damn it!"

"Just because of you... Just because of you, a kid from the Yan family, you want to kill me! ?"

"You kid, you look down on me too much!"

He said nervously.

At the same time, his muscles swelled up and the human skin on his body was torn apart.

He turned into a naked green-skinned lizard man.

"Oh my!——!!!"

Ye Fengtian shouted angrily.

Then, his broken arm suddenly grew

"You are just a kid from the Yan family, how dare you compete with me and other foreign races! You really don't know what's good for you!"

"Even if I die here today, and the ancestor comes to Zhejiang, the child of the Yan family... you just wait.……"

Ye Fengtian hadn't finished speaking yet.

Yan Yu's figure flashed and appeared in front of him in an instant!


He chopped down with a knife!


Ye Fengtian's hands turned into extremely sharp claws and blocked in front of him!

He blocked the black sword of chaos!

"Ha ha ha ha——!"

Ye Fengtian's eyes widened and he laughed wildly,"Little devil, your sword is only this good!"

"a ha ha ha——!"

Seeing this,

Ye Li shed his human skin in an instant and turned into a lizard man!


He appeared beside Yan Yu in the blink of an eye and was about to grab Yan Yu with one claw!

"Yan Yu! Your death is coming!"

"Ha ha ha ha——!"

Ye Li burst into laughter


Yan Yu held the sword in both hands.

Facing Ye Fengtian's block, he slashed with all his strength!


This sword!

Cut Ye Fengtian's body straight off!

But it's not over yet!

This sword is still moving forward!


It slashed towards Ye Li beside him!

It just formed a semicircle of black sword energy!

Ye Li's sturdy body was also split in two by this black sword energy!

Bright red blood gushed out and sprinkled on Yan Yu's body...

But the black sword energy has not disappeared yet, and it keeps attacking forward!


The other five masters saw the sword energy coming, and they had no time to escape.

"Quick! All luck!"

"Let's block this together……"

One of them just said it, but they were too late!

The speed of the sword energy actually increased several times in the middle!


After just one sound, this sword actually cut several masters of the Ye family in half!


Only half of Ye Fengtian's body was left, but this guy's vitality was surprisingly strong.

He looked at Yan Yu with a ferocious expression.

"Not dead yet?"

"As expected of a… Godly… Lizardman?"

Yan Yu tilted his head and picked up the long sword in his hand.

Swish, swish, swish—!

He slashed at Ye Fengtian several times again!


That night, Feng Tian screamed, and then there was no sound after a few more slashes.

"The Ye family is no more than this.……"

Yan Yu turned his head and looked at the two heads hanging on the gate of the Yan family.


He chopped off the two heads in an instant!

Then he quickly held them in his arms.

"Father... old man……"

"I am avenging you, right?……"

Yan Yu murmured.

He held two cold heads in his arms, his face was pale, his eyes were blurry, and the corners of his mouth drooped...

He was in even more pain.


At this time, Zhang Hejian ran over, his face full of surprise, and then he said,"Master Yan, you actually defeated these guys!"

"That sword that cut through the sky just now was so cool!"

"It's exactly the same as Master Yanli in the past——!!!"

Hearing this,

Yan Yu slowly turned around and looked at Zhang Hejian.

At this time, Zhang Hejian saw the two heads in Yan Yu's hands, and his face also felt lost.

"Mr. Yan and Brother Yan Sha……"

"Hey, Master Yan……"

"Please accept my condolences……"

Zhang Hejian said to Yan Yu with some helplessness

"I understand that since they are gone... I will not stand still."

"Next, there are the alien races from the fairy world, so we can't just stay where we are."

Yan Yu said calmly.

After all, how could he slack off after hearing the news that the fairy world was most likely the enemy?

Or rather, he didn't dare to slack off.

At this time, a white-haired man suddenly appeared on the wall of the Yan family.

Yan Yu seemed to have noticed it, and quickly turned his head to look!

"It's you!"

""Gojo Satoru!"

Yan Yu directly called out the man's name.

Yes, this man is"Gojo Satoru""!


"Gojo Satoru waved his hands at the two of them and laughed.

Then he jumped down from the top.

"Oh my, these are really monsters."

Chen Tianyu looked at the lizardmen on the ground, and his face was also a little surprised.

"Well, I really can't imagine that these guys... are actually the accomplices of the fairy world."

"Could it be that... all the people in the Immortal Realm are like this?"

Yan Yu also said


Chen Tianyu raised his eyebrows, a little puzzled.

"Oh, right... Mr. Gojo Satoru doesn't know yet, right? The Yan family... is the inner response of the fairy world!"

Yan Yu said solemnly.

Upon hearing this,

Chen Tianyu was also a little surprised.

I really didn't expect that these guys who look like lizards are the inner responses of the fairy world!

Chen Tianyu looked at the two heads of Yan Sha and Yan Yang of the Yan family, and suddenly remembered something.

「"The immortals feed on our human race!"

Yes, that was recorded in the Blood Immortal Record!

If these guys were the immortals' accomplices, these two bodies must have been eaten by these lizardmen!

But with so many lizardmen dividing them, this group of lizardmen can't improve their strength much. When

Chen Tianyu thought of this, he stopped thinking.

Instead, he looked at Yan Yu and said,"Not bad, Yan Yu... In just a few days, the improvement is so great."

His eyes can see the powerful energy in Yan Yu!

That extremely chaotic chaotic power!

It is extremely powerful.

Yan Yu looked at Chen Tianyu with an expression of great respect and said,"Thanks to your help, Gojo Satoru, otherwise I would not have come to this point today."

Zhang Hejian also scratched his head and said with a smile,"I'm so sorry... Mr. Gojo Satoru, I actually misunderstood you at that time.……"


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