"It doesn’t matter~"

"Anyway, now that the matter here is over, I feel relieved."

Chen Tianyu looked careless.

Since receiving the news from Li Fengwu that"Yan Yu left the secret realm and the No. 3 military zone was liberated", he has been here since the beginning. He thought he might need help or something, but in the end he was just a spectator.

"Thank you Mr. Gojo Satoru for your trouble. It's okay. Please leave the rest to me."

Chen Tianyu also nodded slightly

"" Okay, I'll leave then."

He didn't care too much. He had killed all the enemies that needed to be killed, and he had also observed the surroundings. There were no other enemies.


He disappeared from the spot in an instant.


"Just like that time!"

Zhang Hejian was also shocked when he saw this.

After all, the opponent's speed made him unable to see at all!

"Mr. Gojo Satoru is a powerful and mysterious being."

"Even though I have reached this level, it is a pity that I still cannot see how strong Mr. Gojo Satoru is."

Yan Yu sighed

"Even Master Yan���Isn't it clear?……!?"

Zhang Hejian was also stunned.

He had just seen how powerful Yan Yu was now!

"Well, I can't see clearly"

"I am still far behind Mr. Gojo Satoru."

Yan Yu's eyes were solemn.

"Young Master Yan, don't underestimate yourself. You are now strong enough to represent the Yan family alone."

Zhang Hejian waved his hand and said

"The Yan family... can represent the Yan family, but in the upcoming battle with the Immortal Realm, I don't know if they can protect the peace of Zhejiang Sea."

"If I want to become an immortal, I cannot die here!"

"Zhang Hejian……"

Yan Yu looked at him, paused for a moment, and then said,"Please, please ask the higher-ups first... when will the fairyland be opened?"

Zhang Hejian just nodded slightly when he heard this, and nodded seriously,"No problem, leave this matter to me."


After a while, the Superpower Association, Hangzhou Branch.

Vice President's Office

"Have you solved it? Mr. Gojo Satoru."

Li Fengwu sat in the main seat, holding her chin with both hands, and asked seriously.

Chen Tianyu in front of her was sitting lazily on the sofa beside her, with a lazy look on his face, and said casually:"I am not needed at all, I would not have gone if I had known."

Hearing this,

Li Fengwu was a little confused.

"Can't use it?"

"The opponent is half a step into the Supreme God Realm! How can I defeat such a being without your help?"

"Mr. Gojo Satoru, please stop being so modest.

Li Fengwu said with a serious expression.

"Oh... why am I being modest?"

Chen Tianyu waved his hand and continued,"Yan Yu is much more powerful than you think now~"

He couldn't help but smile.

After all, his brother has become stronger, so why shouldn't he be happy for him?

"Oh? Being called strong by a guy like you... If Master Yan becomes able to defeat a person who is half a step above the Supreme Realm...……"

"It's really something to look forward to.……"

There was also some surprise in Li Fengwu's eyes.

"As for the fairyland, what's going on now?"

"How long will it take to open?"

Chen Tianyu's tone was a little more serious.

After all, there were too many unknowns about these immortals. Although he was quite confident, these guys would undoubtedly cause great losses to China.

Chen Tianyu still didn't want anything to happen to his country.

"The fairyland...is expected to open within a month"

"I can't say for sure about the current situation, but I will try to contact you as soon as possible."

Li Fengwu's face also became serious.

The fairyland... is a place that Chinese people have never set foot on. At this time, every senior official in China is extremely nervous.

"What is the situation at Luomu Snow Peak at this time?"

Chen Tianyu asked again.

"The authorities are trying to create as many Supreme God Realms as possible. In the past few days... China also has one more Supreme God Realm."

"It's also a bit more hope."

Li Fengwu said this, and Chen Tianyu also became curious.

"The supreme divine realm?"

"Who is it? Tell me about it."

Chen Tianyu asked with a little curiosity.

"I wonder if Mr. Gojo Satoru... have you ever heard of the Li family's ancestor?"

Li Fengwu said.

"The ancestor of the Li family? Your family?"

Chen Tianyu raised his eyebrows and asked.

As soon as he said this, Li Fengwu almost froze in place.

"cough cough……"

"What my house!"

"It's the Li family in Beijing!"

Li Fengwu said speechlessly, and then continued,"If I had the rich resources of the Li family, I might have exceeded S-level at my age.……"

Chen Tianyu raised his eyebrows, as if he suddenly thought of something.

"By the way, it seems that my beloved disciple has an engagement with the Li family in Beijing, right?"

"What's going on then?"

He raised his chin and asked curiously.

Li Fengwu thought for a moment, and then responded:"You are talking about Li Xiaotian, right? That boy is the eldest son of the Li family, and he has been in love with Miss Mo since he was a child."

"If I remember correctly, I was at Hangzhou No. 1 Special Ability University about three or four years ago."

"It has indeed been entangled with Miss Mo for several years."

"Logically speaking, it would be easy for the Li family to deal with the Mo family. Maybe because of Miss Mo, they didn't use their family power for so many years."

"This super young master who has such perseverance in pursuing girls can be said to be quite extraordinary."

Li Fengwu also sighed a little.

After all, it is rare to have such a young master... who is so determined in pursuing girls.

"But Ningxue doesn't like this, does she?"

Chen Tianyu leaned on the sofa with both hands and said in a calm tone


"Judging from the current situation, it is indeed……"

Li Fengwu nodded slightly, and then continued,"After all, Miss Mo has hardly ever met Li Xiaotian, so the relationship between them is not as good as imagined."

"Then Li Xiaotian didn't know how long he could endure.……"

She shook her head. After all, she couldn't guess the thoughts of a young master from such a super aristocratic family.

"Well...if Li Xiaotian does anything extreme, find a way to notify me immediately.……"

Chen Tianyu hesitated for a moment.


He stood up, walked to Li Fengwu, tore off a piece of paper, and picked up a pen.

Chen Tianyu casually wrote down a number.

After he finished writing, he handed the paper over.

"This is my eldest disciple's number. If Ningxue encounters any problems, just call my eldest disciple directly."

Chen Tianyu said

"Eldest disciple!"

"Then... Miss Mo is……?"

Li Fengwu was slightly startled and asked.

Chen Tianyu raised his eyebrows and said bluntly:"Ningxue? Of course she is my second disciple."

Hearing this.

Li Fengwu also swallowed his saliva. The second disciple is so powerful and is an S-level God-given. How powerful should the eldest disciple be...

Sure enough, the past era is almost over, and next... will be the arrival of a new era!

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