"Miss Mo... the second disciple?……"

Li Fengwu murmured.

She fell silent for a moment, and no one knew what she was thinking.

"We have finished talking about what we need to talk about, and it is time for me to leave.

Chen Tianyu waved his hand and said.

He turned around and planned to leave this place.

""Okay, then please take care, Mr. Gojo Satoru."

Li Fengwu quickly stood up and said to him.


At the same time, in the fairyland, the lower world, the foreign land, and the spirit pavilion, there was a big word"night" written on the cabinet, and there were countless stones in it, and these stones had lost their original light.

These stones were called"life spirit stones", and each"life spirit stone" could be bound to a person.

If a person died, then these stones would also become dark.

"Broken, all broken!"

A middle-aged man held his head and cried out, his eyes full of ferocity, and said,"The souls of the descendants of the Ye family have all gone dark!"

"Damn it... Ye Family on Earth! What happened?"

"The soul is cut off and human life is gone!"

"Have all the alien races that exist in the human world been destroyed?……"

The middle-aged man looked extremely angry.

These alien races were all his descendants from hundreds of years ago!

"Damn it, there is no accomplice now! Which bastard ruined my plan?"

"This vengeance, when I take over Zhejiang, I must avenge him!"

The middle-aged man was wearing an ancient robe, his face full of indignation.


At this time, the door of Lingge was knocked.

""Great Elder Ye, Sect Master Yan said that a meeting is about to begin... a meeting about the Immortal Realm, and he wants you to attend."

A man's voice came from outside.

The man called Great Elder Ye was naturally this middle-aged man.

"Got it."

That night, the great elder clenched his fists and said with grief.

After all, although this matter made him sad, at this critical moment, he had to suppress his emotions.

"Okay, Elder Ye, please come to the hall as soon as possible. The food is ready. It is a two-legged sheep in the foundation-building stage."

"I will take my leave for now."

The words fell outside the door.

Then there was the sound of footsteps leaving.

"Oh? A two-legged sheep in the foundation-building period"

"The food today is very rich~"

Elder Ye stretched out his long tongue and licked his lips, seeming to be looking forward to it.

For their alien race, cannibalism is the most convenient thing to practice.

And the delicious food makes them very enjoyable.


The hall.

The decoration is classical and luxurious, with eight huge pillars supporting the whole house.

In the main seat sat a charming black-haired woman, holding a long pipe in her hand, the smoke was floating.

In the two rows opposite her sat three men, and one seat was empty.

Step, step, step -

Elder Ye walked into the hall with heavy steps.

Then, he slowly walked to the seat closest to the main woman.

"Elder Ye, you are a little late today!"

The man beside him said to Elder Ye with a smile.

But Elder Ye's face was extremely ugly. He couldn't control his emotions after all.

""I'm sorry, Master Yan. The reason why I came so late is because I got some heartbreaking news today."

Elder Ye said.

He covered his heart with one hand, feeling grief-stricken.

Master Yan frowned, and his fair and charming face was puzzled.

"Elder Ye...what happened?"

Sect Master Yan frowned and asked.

"Today, I was feeling uneasy and went to the Spirit Pavilion to take a look…but I never expected that the life spirit stones of my descendants in the mortal world had all gone dark!"

"I guess... the sect leader should understand what this means!"

Elder Ye looked anxious.

"What! So... all your Ye family's spies in the mortal world are dead?"

"Could it be...that we were discovered by those guys?"

"But how is it possible? Elder Ye used the best natural resources to nourish them.……"

The man next to him also exclaimed.

And this man... is Elder Liu, the third elder of our sect.

"Yes... Over the years, I have been using jade pendants to give them various treasures of mine so that they can practice well."

"They were also told not to go out into the world and to concentrate on their cultivation."

"But who would have thought that these soldiers who had been raised for a thousand days would be destroyed so soon!"

"Even… I couldn’t even wait for the day when I would go to the mortal world!"

Elder Ye’s face was filled with anger.

After all, it would not be long before he could reunite with his descendants!

But… they were all dead!

"My condolences……"

"Elder Ye."

Sect Master Yan also put down his pipe, lowered his head helplessly, and paid silent tribute to Elder Ye.

"But... I want to know who in the mortal world can compete with the younger generations of my Ye family!"

"I am really angry! Extremely angry!"

"Sect Master, how many days will it take for the gate to the fairyland to open?!"

"Please give me the Zhejiang Sea!"

Elder Ye turned his head to Sect Master Yan and said solemnly.

He really wanted to know what kind of existence in the Zhejiang Sea was enough to defeat those extremely powerful younger generations!

To be honest, Elder Ye couldn't figure it out no matter how hard he thought.

"Since Elder Ye has such an idea, I will naturally help him."

"The gate to the fairyland will definitely open within a month!"

"Elder Ye, please prepare well for this month. The first wave of attack will be handed over to you."

"Let me let you vent your anger in the mortal world first, what do you think?"

Sect Master Yan asked with a serious look on his face.

"This is naturally the best!"

"They are just a bunch of mortals! Below the level of immortals, we are all ants!"

"The mortal world? It's just a big ant nest!"

Elder Ye's face also showed a little excitement.

He seemed satisfied with this distribution.

Then, Elder Ye continued:"I will definitely make those damn two-legged sheep become our food!"

"But... speaking of food, why haven't they been served yet?"

"I heard that today’s food is a two-legged sheep in the foundation-building stage?"

"Oh, yes! Let’s not talk about this for now, hurry up and serve today’s dishes!" Sect Master Yan shouted.

In order to ensure the temperature of the dishes, they always wait until everyone is present before serving them.

At this time, the four elders and the Sect Master were all here, so the dishes could be served.

After a while ,

"The food is here——!"

Someone outside shouted.

Then, several beauties came over with large plates.

On the plates... it was not hard to see that they were naked, roasted humans!

In the alien race, the so-called humans... were called two-legged sheep!


"Let's eat!"

I saw that person eating the human beings on the plate in front of him, with drooling in his mouth.

"Oh... this 'lamb leg' smells so good, it's cooked well!"

"A steady stream of energy flows into the body, worthy of being a two-legged sheep in the foundation-building period!"


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