On that day, the wind was howling!

Two sharp claws stretched out from the skin of the Yan Sect Master, tearing the skin apart in an instant.


After a sound, the body under the skin was exposed to the air.

The upper half was a human body, but the lower half was a snake body!

The most important thing was that the two"big white rabbits" on the upper body looked very elastic and soft.

This original body really made Chen Tianyu dumbfounded.

"Oh my god! Nuwa?!" he shouted directly.

After all, the person in front of him looked very similar to the Nuwa he knew!

It was too outrageous!


"What are you talking about?"

Sect Master Yan tilted his head with a strange look on his face.

He thought the other party would show a look of fear, but he didn't expect that the other party seemed to recognize him?

What was the"Nu Wa" he was talking about?

At this time, Sect Master Yan was also very confused.

"What is the Nuwa you are talking about?" said the Yan clan leader.

"Nuwa? You don't even know this?"

"You are still cultivating immortals! You don’t even know what immortal you are cultivating!"

Chen Tianyu looked at Sect Master Yan with disdain.

In the various immortal cultivation novels in the previous life, Nuwa can be said to be a saint.

Saints are above immortals, neither in the five elements nor in the thirty-three heavens.

Saints are immortal and have inexhaustible power in their bodies. They are a kind of transcendent existence.

Although it is not known whether Nuwa exists in this world, if she really exists, she must be very powerful.

In the world of the previous life, it is absolutely impossible for such a saint to exist, but in this world, it is not so certain.

Chen Tianyu asked in his heart:"System, if you meet a saint... do you have a way?"

And the system naturally answered very quickly.

「Host, as long as your progress is high enough, what does it matter if you become a saint?」

「Although saints are indeed immortal, they also have certain limitations. As long as the host is strong enough to transcend the laws and everything!」

「And I can control everything by myself, even if the opponent is a saint, it doesn't matter!"

The voice of the system in my mind also came quickly.

Chen Tianyu also understood.

Sure enough, his system is based on"invincibility", even a saint may not be unbeatable.

And the Nuwa that Chen Tianyu mentioned did indeed arouse the interest of the Yan Sect Master.

She temporarily suppressed her hatred in her heart.

"Nuwa...Who is the Nuwa you are talking about?"

"Is it a being similar to me?"

"Besides... you are a mortal!"

"The life span of mortals is no more than a hundred years!"

"How could I possibly encounter an alien being similar to me?"

Yan Zongzhang asked, his face full of doubt.


Chen Tianyu sighed and continued,"How come this world doesn't even have the legend of Nuwa?"

"Have you never heard of Nuwa creating humans and Nuwa mending the sky?"

He asked.

Sect Master Yan:╮(╯_╰)╭

Second Elder:┐(´-`)┌

The Third Elder:¯\_(ツ)_/¯

The Four Elders:┑( ̄Д  ̄)┍


"What on earth is he talking about?"

"Create humans? Repair the sky?"

"Are you kidding me? You have to be a real immortal to do this!"


The half-human, half-beast creatures around him began to talk.

Sect Master Yan also frowned, feeling a little strange.

"Repair the sky? How to repair the sky?"

She looked at Chen Tianyu and asked

"Nuwa used five-colored stones to repair the sky"

"Also, at that time, Nuwa made clay figures to create humans."

"Maybe you were all created by Nuwa."


Chen Tianyu laughed.

After all, if Nuwa really existed in the world, it would be a bit beyond the standard.


"Making clay figures? You must be kidding!"

"Damn it, I really don't believe it. You can make a person out of a clay figure. Make one for me and see!"

The fourth elder said.

The fourth elder is also called the Li elder. He is tall and strong. You can tell at a glance that he is a bad-tempered guy.

Chen Tianyu glanced at him casually, his eyes full of contempt.

"If you don't believe me, shut up."

He flicked his hand at the Li elder.


Most of his body disappeared.

【Congratulations to the host for eliminating the middle-level cultivator in the Bigu period and obtaining the five enlightenment templates. Progress increased by 0.8%】

【Congratulations to the host for eliminating the mid-level cultivator in the foundation-building period and obtaining the five enlightenment templates. Progress increased by 0.4%】

【Congratulations to the host for eliminating the high-level Qi training immortal cultivator and obtaining the five enlightenment templates. Progress increased by 0.1%】


""Old Li!!"

Elder Yun shouted suddenly.

He rushed forward quickly...


Elder Li fell straight down.

Most of his body was gone. Even a cultivator would be dead!

And not only that!

The half-human, half-beast guys in a row behind Elder Li all had parts of their bodies cut open!

Sect Master Yan looked at Chen Tianyu and immediately asked,"What did you do!"

"You just... cut the space! ?"

He was stunned.

Logically speaking, cutting the space... at least the Nascent Soul stage can do it!

But the other party should be from the mortal world!

How could he do such a thing!

He couldn't feel the other party's aura, could it be that the other party was stronger than him!


He just said that he didn't cultivate immortals...

Sect Master Yan felt something was wrong.


She smacked her lips, stretched out her hand, and suddenly a breath of energy gathered in front of her hand, and then she said:"No matter who you are!"

"Disturb my Ten Thousand Beast Sect! Steal my sect's treasure! Die!"

A huge energy gathered in front of his hand.

It seemed that an invisible dragon was wandering in front of him, and it was constantly expanding.


"Not bad~"

Although it was invisible, Chen Tianyu's six eyes could see it clearly.

The shape of the"qi" was very similar to the dragon he encountered before!

"Is this the method used by immortal cultivators? It's really interesting.……"

Chen Tianyu exclaimed


"Damn it, let me go!"

"You'll die!"

Seeing this, Zi Yun began to struggle again.

The air around them surged, and as the dragon of air swam in the air, invisible wind blew in all directions.


The huge sound of wind spread throughout the venue.


"What a strong wind!——"

"Did Yan Zong use the secret technique?"

"That man is dead!"


The people around him were also talking about it.

The remaining second elder, Elder Xian, also stretched out his hands to condense his energy to block the strong wind.

Elder Yun did the same, stretched out his hands to condense his energy and began to block the hurricane.


The eyes of the dragon of energy seemed to be flashing.


The sound of air friction was like a dragon's roar.

Then, the dragon of air rushed towards Chen Tianyu!

Chen Tianyu saw the dragon of air coming like a shock wave, and the corners of his mouth curled up inadvertently.

Zi Yun's whole body trembled slightly, and she couldn't hold back her tears and dripped down her eyes. She opened her mouth and shouted:


"Are you going to die!"

"I still have things that I haven’t finished yet!!!"

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