
The invisible dragon opened its mouth and rushed towards Chen Tianyu!

Zi Yun looked sad.


""You idiot, you are really noisy~"

Chen Tianyu said bluntly while picking his ears.

Then he looked at the Qi Dragon that was about to attack and stretched out his hand.

A repulsive force suddenly burst out!


The Qi Dragon rushed towards Chen Tianyu and made a violent noise, producing a huge impact!

Dust flew everywhere and smoke filled the air!

Sect Master Yan stared at the front, and the feeling just now did not feel like hitting something.

Soon, the wind around him calmed down.

"How about it……"

Elder Xian looked at the smoke not far away with a serious look.

Elder Yun put down his hands that were gathering energy, and then he took a breath and said,"Let that guy die! It's a pity that Zi Yun is also……"

He was halfway through his words when his eyes suddenly widened and his pupils dilated.

"Hey, hey, hey, please don’t curse people to death like that, okay?"

"I won't die that easily!"

Chen Tianyu's voice came from the smoke and dust.


A gust of wind blew away the smoke and dust.

The white-haired man was holding up one hand, but there was no damage on his body.

The girl under the man's armpit had rolled her eyes and fainted from fright.


Seeing that the other party was intact, Sect Master Yan was stunned for a moment, and even turned pale.

Could he... be a powerful being above the Nascent Soul?

At this moment, everyone began to get scared.

""Hmm... continue?"

Chen Tianyu put one hand in his pocket and looked at the others.

He was not afraid of the people in front of him.


The leader of the Yan clan actually leaned down, bent his snake body, and knelt down to Chen Tianyu.

"I...it's my fault that I was short-sighted and didn't recognize the great man!"

"Please show mercy and spare our Wanshou Sect!"

She broke out in a cold sweat.

She originally believed the other party when he said that he did not practice Taoism, but who could take such a blow from her intact?

What a joke!

Yan Yan absolutely did not believe it at this moment!

And the people around, seeing the Sect Master like this, how dare they mess around!

The other Jindan stage cultivator knelt down to the other party, and naturally all the disciples of other sects... click, click - they all knelt down one by one.

"Hope you will show mercy——!"

The remaining two elders shouted

"Hope you will show mercy——!"

The sects themselves also shouted out.

Chen Tianyu:ʕ •ᴥ•ʔ……

He was speechless. Aren't these guys changing too fast?

However... if you can take over a piece of land when you first come to the fairyland, why not do it?

"Speechless... Are all of you guys so snobbish?"

Chen Tianyu muttered to himself.

Looking at everyone, he slowly walked forward.

At this time, Zi Yun, who was trapped, also woke up. When she opened her eyes, she saw the people of the Ten Thousand Beast Sect kneeling around her.

Zi Yun:⊙_⊙

Purple rhyme:┌(Д)┐

Purple rhyme:(д) ゚゚

Her eyes almost popped out!

Aliens bowing to two-legged sheep!

This kind of thing is unheard of!

You have to know that two-legged sheep... that is, the so-called human beings, have always been the food of their alien race.

Bowing to them is undoubtedly like humans bowing to food.

It's simply... outrageous, it's outrageous to the extreme.……

"What? So you guys still want to kill me? Didn't you just want to ask me for your sect's treasure?"

Chen Tianyu looked at Sect Master Yan and raised his eyebrows and asked.

He wanted to see how the other party would react.

"No...we were rude just now. I just wanted to test whether you are really a great immortal cultivator!"

"The sect's most precious treasure...if you want it, just take it.……"

Sect Master Yan said with a face full of fear.

In fact, the attack just now was her strongest attack as a Jindan stage.

This attack hit Wangyue Peak, and the entire mountain should have been wiped out!

However... the opponent easily withstood the attack, and the ground under his feet was intact, and there was not a trace of filth on his body...

Seeing this scene, even if Sect Master Yan was stupid, she knew how powerful the opponent was.

Obviously, if the opponent wanted to destroy the Wanshou Sect, it might be an easy thing.


Chen Tianyu looked at the people from the Ten Thousand Beasts Sect, touched his chin, and then continued,"I killed so many of you, and now you plan to let me go?"

He was a little curious, did these people really forgive him?

"If you want, the lives of hundreds of people in my sect are in your hands."

"I just hope you can spare the lives of everyone in my sect. If you want to kill... just kill me."

Sect Master Yan's face was full of solemnity.

She lowered her head tightly, not daring to look up.

"You alone? Or a hundred people?"

"It's really interesting... The so-called Jindan stage is just like this?"

Chen Tianyu smiled.

He put Ziyun down from his armpit and then walked towards Yanyan.

It must be said that although she is also an alien race, being half human and half snake still has a unique flavor.

The figure of the alien race is even more curvy.

But if the lower body is a snake body...

I don't know how this race... reproduces?

Lay eggs?


Yan Yan swallowed her saliva, and cold sweat ran down her body.

She didn't know if she could survive next.

"What a great man.……"

Seeing everyone around her kneeling down, Zi Yun clenched her fists.

But she knew that even if she attacked, she couldn't hurt the other party at all!

She didn't understand what kind of monster the man in front of her was!

"But you guys woke up early, I can spare your lives, but you have to tell me about the fairyland."

Chen Tianyu crossed his arms, looked at Master Yan, and asked directly.

After all, the fairyland was still unknown to him, and if he wanted to find out, he had to ask the local people.


Sect Master Yan raised his head slightly.

He didn't expect that the person in front of him really knew nothing?! Is he really from the mortal world?

He didn't expect that there would be such a thing in the mortal world. Logically speaking... there should be no spiritual energy in the mortal world, right?

How did such a terrifying and powerful person appear?

Sect Master Yan was filled with thoughts.

"Hmm? Don't tell me you don't know either?"

Chen Tianyu's eyes were filled with a trace of speechlessness.

Could this be a sect that has been in seclusion for a long time and has no contact with the outside world?

But then Yan Yan also reacted.

She shook her head quickly and said quickly:"How could it be, of course I understand!"

"If you want to know something about the fairyland, just tell me."

After hearing this, Chen Tianyu touched his chin and thought for a moment.

Then he said,"Then tell me first, what areas are this fairyland divided into?"

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