"What are the areas in the fairy world divided into?"

"Well... from what I know, the fairy world was first divided into the upper world and the lower world.……"

"I don't know much about the upper world, but the lower world... is divided into five major areas."

"They are: South Region, East Region, West Region, Overseas Dragon Island and the Snow Plain in the North."

"Our Ten Thousand Beast Sect is located at the edge of the southern region."

Yan Yan also spoke freely.

As a foreign race born and raised in the fairyland, she was very clear.

All the foreign races around were in a state of kneeling, and did not dare to act rashly.


"Five areas……"

Chen Tianyu touched his chin.

He turned his head curiously and looked into the distance. He felt that this world was quite wonderful.

The world of cultivation was quite interesting.

Logically speaking, the strength of the world of cultivation was indeed high, but he had a system!

He was not afraid.

"By the way, isn't this world full of aliens like you?"

Chen Tianyu raised his eyebrows and asked.

After all, if there really were no human beings in this world, it would be a great loss to him.

Yan Yan quickly shook her head.

"No, no, we are just a minority, and you humans are more numerous."

"From here, head east for about a hundred miles, across a few hills, you will reach the human territory."

"If you want to go, I can send someone to take you there."

Yan Yan said repeatedly.

She became completely dependent and did not dare to slack off.

"Oh...then let's choose her!"

Chen Tianyu pointed his thumb at Ziyun behind him and said directly.

Ziyun's face froze.

"No way! You bastard! I don't want to go!!"

She put her hands on her waist, with a proud look on her face.

Along the way, she did feel that this man was a bit powerful and terrifying. It was really too dangerous to be around such a guy.

""Hey... little girl, this is not up to you."

Chen Tianyu pointed his hand at Ziyun, and then Ziyun felt a strong pulling force coming.


Ziyun was in front of Chen Tianyu's palm in an instant.


"I don't want to go, Master Yan, can't you talk to him?"

She struggled with her hands and feet, but it was useless.

Her body was firmly sucked by a pulling force.

"Ah... Ziyun, just go with him……"


Yan Yan scratched her head and laughed awkwardly.

She really had no choice. She could never compete with this man.


Ziyun looked tearful

"Hey, Ziyun...if you don't go, you will die.……"

Elder Xian looked serious.

He also knew that the attack just now was the strongest attack of the sect master. If he couldn't send this powerful man away... maybe everyone would die.




Ziyun started to rant incompetence, and finally looked discouraged and said,"Okay then……"

""You damned fellow, I've taken you to your destination... but you have to let me come back!"

She yelled at Chen Tianyu angrily.

Chen Tianyu looked at her and smiled, then said softly:"Want to come back? It's not that easy.……"

But I have to say.

She looks pretty good in this human skin.

Chen Tianyu was a little curious about what this guy looked like under his skin.

But judging by the voice, it should be a woman... or a female?

After all, she is half human, half beast.

"What! I sent you to your destination, but you won't let me come back?"

"That's too much!"

Ziyun yelled, her hands on her hips.

"Is it too much?"

Chen Tianyu lifted her chin with one hand, grinning with a wicked smile.

This smile made Ziyun shiver all over.

"You...what do you want to do! ?"

She looked terrified, covering her chest, full of nervousness.


Chen Tianyu narrowed his eyes, and then continued,"No... I didn't think about anything"

""What are you thinking about?"

He patted her cheek, with a teasing look on his face.

Ziyun only then realized that she had been fooled, and her face was filled with shame and anger.

"Anyway, it's not a problem for me to take her away, right?"

Chen Tianyu turned his head and looked at Yan Yan.

Yan Yan also quickly shook her head and said,"No problem, of course no problem!"

"Ziyun, you should follow this great man first... maybe this is your chance.……"

Yan Yan turned to look at Zi Yun and said seriously


Ziyun froze.


Yanyan's words were the last straw that broke the camel's back.

"Let's go."

Chen Tianyu grabbed her shoulders

"Wait...wait a little longer!"

Ziyun looked at Chen Tianyu with resentment.

"What happened again?"

Chen Tianyu frowned.

The people around him were also worried. They didn't know what Ziyun wanted to say.

"Ahem, I want to eat something first.……"


Ziyun laughed awkwardly

"That’s all, let’s go!"

"I'll get you some game on the way!"

Chen Tianyu said speechlessly.



Zi Yun suddenly looked expectant, and then said seriously,"But the strange beasts in this world are also very powerful.……"

She paused for a moment, and looked at Chen Tianyu with a look of relief.

"But...if it's you……"

"It doesn't seem to be a big problem."

Zi Yun also fell silent.

"That's fine, right?"

Chen Tianyu also stroked his forehead, then turned his head to look at the Ten Thousand Beasts Sect, and then said,"Since you have also surrendered, this will be my territory from now on."

"This is no problem, right?"

He didn't waste time and spoke directly.

Yan Yan wiped the cold sweat from his forehead and replied:"This... this is of course no problem!"

"You can come whenever you want and just treat this place as your own home."

Chen Tianyu laughed when he heard this.


"Very sensible"

"In that case, I won't stay here any longer. I have things to do."

He finished speaking.


He disappeared from the spot in an instant.

At the same time, he also disappeared with Zi Yun.

This speed was so fast that no one present could see it.

"If it weren't for... space transfer……"

"Sure enough... that must be a powerful being above the Nascent Soul stage. Fortunately, I didn't offend him too much this time."

Elder Yun sighed.

Everyone stood up one after another.

After all, after seeing the opponent's strength just now, most people lost their will to fight.

This kind of existence is not something that they, the Wanshou Sect, can mess with.

In the fairy world, they are not actually a big sect, and they are still a relatively small sect.

"Really... Five thousand years have passed, and I didn't expect that there would be such a powerful person in the mortal world.……"

"I really don't know what the world is like now."

"He took the Gate of Time and Space away, and we have no other way to go to the mortal world."

Elder Xian looked at the place where they disappeared, covered his head in distress, and felt extremely irritated.

"Going to the mortal world? I do have a way."

Yan Yan touched his chin and said, then looked at the two of them and continued,"But if you still want to go, you can't go with Lao Ye in such a grand manner."

"Otherwise... it would be terrible to get into trouble like this again."

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