The mortal world.

Room 502.

Living room.

Xia Yutong wiped her tears. A whole day had passed, but Chen Tianyu hadn't come back yet.

She was extremely worried, but there was nothing she could do.


"Did Tianyu really leave? The Superpower Association... As expected, when that boy beat Wang Hu, I felt that he was not simple!"

"Moreover, he has no interest at all. He just gives 500,000 yuan."

"This Tianyu... is definitely not an ordinary person."

Uncle Xia sighed


"Maybe it's something urgent. Don't be too sad, Yutong."

"Maybe he will be back in a few days?"

He Xi also looked at Xia Yutong distressedly and comforted her.


Xia Yutong wiped her tears and said sadly,"But Brother Tianyu just disappeared like that. Maybe he was on some dangerous mission."

"In addition, the gate to the fairyland has been opened recently. Maybe it was the Superpower Association that asked Brother Tianyu to contact the people from the fairyland.……"

"But how could Brother Tianyu win!"

After these words,

Uncle Xia and Aunt He also fell silent.

He Xi walked forward, rubbed Xia Yutong's little head, and said softly:"Yutong, it's okay"

"Don't worry too much, maybe it's nothing, just a chat or something."

"Don't think too badly.……"

Xia Yutong lowered her head and looked at He Xi with tears in her eyes, seeming to feel a little helpless.

"Yeah yeah!"

"Yutong, you have seen the strength of your brother Tianyu, he will be fine."

Uncle Xia also comforted her.

He really couldn't stand his precious daughter crying.


At this time, the door was suddenly knocked. Knocking at this time made the three people in the room feel a little uneasy.

"I'll go open the door."

Uncle Xia spoke first.

His eyes were determined. He was really worried about the danger of someone coming at such a critical moment. He walked out step by step.


Uncle Xia swallowed nervously.

Knock, knock!

The door was knocked again.


Uncle Xia reached out and grasped the door handle and opened it.

What came into view was a beautiful woman.

""Is that Uncle Xia? Is Yutong here?" she asked.

Hearing this slightly familiar voice, Xia Yutong quickly raised her head.

Seeing him, her eyes widened and she said in surprise:

"It's you!"



Luomu Forest.

Before they knew it, it was night, and only the huge moonlight shone down in the sky.

In the forest, there was a smoke coming out, and it was obvious that someone had lit a fire.

And these people were naturally Chen Tianyu and Ziyun.

Chen Tianyu leaned on a straw mat, looking at the starry sky comfortably.

Ziyun leaned against the tree, looking at Chen Tianyu and curled her lips

"I say, you guy... aren't you afraid that I will run away?"

Ziyun looked at the leisurely Chen Tianyu and asked


"Run away... Anyway, if you don't come back in the morning, I'll go back and destroy the Ten Thousand Beast Sect."

Chen Tianyu waved his hand casually.


"You can't play like this!"

She was completely annoyed.

This person was totally unreasonable!

"How can we play then?"

"A man... a woman, in the forest, what else do you want to do?"

He sat up and looked at Ziyun with an evil smile.

But this smile really made Ziyun tremble all over, and a little chill came out of her body.

"No no no...I know"

"I will behave myself."

Ziyun said quickly.

"Oh, really?"

Chen Tianyu raised his eyebrows and asked with interest.


Ziyun responded quickly.

Facing Chen Tianyu, she really didn't dare to slack off at all.

"That's good."

Chen Tianyu then lay down and said,"At this rate, we'll be there by tomorrow."

"I’m really looking forward to it~ What are the human race in the fairy world like?"

""What level of immortal cultivator are you, little girl?" he asked with interest.

Zi Yun curled her lips and said reluctantly,"I am at the peak of the foundation building stage."

"It should be the fasting period soon."

Chen Tianyu touched his chin.

"In the Immortal Cultivation World, you have reached the peak of the Foundation Establishment Stage, so you should be several hundred years old, right?" he asked.


"Why are you asking this?"

"I am indeed over a hundred years old, but this is not because I have poor talent, but because I started practicing late."

"That's all."

She looked proud.

But in Chen Tianyu's eyes, there seemed to be a different feeling.

She felt that there was a little sadness in his eyes.

"Did you start practicing late?"

"In other words... you were not interested in cultivating immortals before? What made you interested in cultivating immortals now?"

Chen Tianyu touched his chin and asked curiously.

Ziyun leaned against the tree trunk, hugged her legs, buried her head, and looked at Chen Tianyu nervously.

"Do you really want to know?"

Her tone seemed to become cautious.


"Tell me about it."

Chen Tianyu asked lazily.

Lying on the straw mat, his pair of pale blue eyes looked at Zi Yun.


Ziyun exhaled, and then continued,"I once had a happy family, with my parents by my side."

"At that time, although my family was small, we had everything we needed. Every day, I went to the human area with my father to make money."

"Well... our alien race has a long lifespan. Even if we don't practice immortality, we can still live for about 300 years."

"But that time... probably when I was nearly 80 years old, I went to the human race to earn money and buy food as usual."

"At that time, I didn’t eat humans, and I could often get along well with humans."

"But... a group of people seemed to have noticed that my father and I were aging very slowly, and curious about our secret, they followed us to my house."


"My parents were slaughtered and I managed to escape with all my strength!"

"I met Sect Master Yan Yan. At that time, the sect was short of members, so he took me in."

She slowly told the story


Chen Tianyu touched his chin and then asked,"So, after you finished your studies, did you seek revenge?"

"Of course!" Zi Yun shouted, her eyes full of murderous intent, her sharp teeth showing, and then she continued,"I will skin them alive and tear their bones apart! Cut them into pieces!""

"I curse them to never be reincarnated!"

"But... this world is ultimately dominated by humans. In this world, we alien races are only slightly stronger."

"However, there are countless powerful people in the human race. Originally, the Gate of Time and Space was the only hope for the rise of our Wanshou Sect."

"But... you……"

Zi Yun looked at Chen Tianyu with resentment.

At this point,

Chen Tianyu seemed to have figured things out a little.

So... the gate of time and space, and these five thousand years... were all a trap set by them?

If all the humans in the mortal world become stronger and then are devoured by them, the alien race can indeed become much stronger.

And there are so many people in the mortal world!

It's simply: long-term meal ticket + experience pool!

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