"I see~"

"I think I understand now."

Chen Tianyu touched his chin.

It seems that this little girl also has a miserable life experience.

"Five thousand years, you have set up a good game!"

"It turns out that the people of Blue Star are just the"animals" you let loose in the circle. But where did this space-time gate come from?"

He then asked curiously.

After all, this space-time gate is indeed a suspicious point.

"This... I'm not very clear, because I've only been in the Ten Thousand Beast Sect for more than two hundred years.……"

Zi Yun shook her head, then pondered for a while, and then continued,"This space-time gate has been there for five thousand years. I think it should have been created by... someone from the upper realm, right?"

"After all, it requires the use of the power of time and space, and only people from the upper realm can create it."

"Maybe the master saw it by chance.……"

Chen Tianyu was indeed in deep thought when he heard this.

He felt that it was not that simple.

"The power of time and space?……"

He murmured.

Spacetime, as the name implies, is the combination of time and space.

Those above the Nascent Soul stage can break through space with their physical bodies, but if they want to control time, it is not so easy.

"What's wrong……"


"You can't even control time!"

"You have the power of time and space! ?"

Zi Yun guessed, and her face was even more shocked.

After all, if the other party is so powerful and appears in the mortal world, it may be possible that he broke through time and space from the upper realm to the mortal world!

After all, it is impossible for such a powerful guy to exist in the mortal world itself!

"I can't control time, but you've seen the power of space."

Chen Tianyu casually shook his hands and said calmly.

As for time, the Gojo Satoru template does not have this ability, but Chen Tianyu has the invincible template system of the Ten Thousand Worlds! Just because

Gojo Satoru doesn't have it doesn't mean that other templates don't have it!

In the future... maybe there will be a way to get it!

"Is... is that so?"

Zi Yun's eyes were full of disbelief.

She didn't know whether she should believe this man, because the first impression he gave her was two words... powerful!


"What is the name of that human territory?"

"Tell me about it."

Chen Tianyu continued.

After all, before going there, you have to understand it first!

If you go there without knowing anything, it can be really troublesome sometimes.

"That territory was ruled by Emperor Yan.……"

Ziyun just said this.

Chen Tianyu frowned.

"What did you say?"

"Yan Emperor! ?"

He seemed a little surprised.

Because he knew a Yan Emperor... the Yan Emperor from ancient times. It is said that many people in China today are descendants of Yan Emperor.

"Hmm? You know him too, right?"

"There should be a legend about the first generation of Emperor Yan in the mortal world. I have also heard that Emperor Yan once went to the mortal world, although it is just gossip."

Zi Yun touched his chin and said

"It’s really interesting... Keep talking!"

Chen Tianyu was really looking forward to it.

After all, this was the story of Emperor Yan, how could he not be looking forward to it?

"In the southern region, there are three kingdoms"

"You should also know their ancestors"

""Yan Emperor, Huang Emperor... and Chi You."

Zi Yun spoke freely.

Chen Tianyu had heard of all these, and they were undoubtedly recorded in ancient books!

"These...are actually all immortal cultivators!"

Chen Tianyu exclaimed

"No... now they should have become real immortals and have gone to the upper realm long ago."

"The three kingdoms in the southern region are Yan, Huang and Jiuli."

"The next place we are going to is the Yan Kingdom in the southern region."

Zi Yun explained to Chen Tianyu

"Yan country, interesting……"

"It should be very prosperous, right?"

Chen Tianyu was really looking forward to it.

In other words, this land was once where the first generation of Emperor Yan lived... and now that Emperor Yan has become an immortal!

"It's not really prosperous, but the people don't lack food and drink."

"Yan Country can be said to be the country with the most abundant food in the Southern Region."

"However... Jiang Zitang, the Emperor of Yan in the current Yan State, is a tyrant who spends his days drinking and carousing and ignores worldly affairs."

"If the country had not developed to a certain level and everyone had enough food and drink, if it were an ordinary country...it would have collapsed long ago."

"But in this case, if the Huang Kingdom, Jiuli Kingdom or any other foreign country launched an attack,"

"Then... more than half of Yan State will surely be defeated."

Ziyun explained.

This is the situation now. Although Yan State has sufficient food, it is relatively weak militarily.


"Is it too peaceful now?"

"Otherwise, how could Emperor Yan be so leisurely and indulge in wine and meat?"

Chen Tianyu also asked

"Peace? Not bad... At least there weren't any major wars in the South, but there were a lot of minor conflicts."

"It's not that peaceful."

Ziyun nodded her lips and explained.

"But overall it's pretty harmonious."

"This world doesn't seem to have many technological products, and your sect is also more ancient in style."

Chen Tianyu suddenly remembered that when he first came here, there were all kinds of houses under Wangyue Peak.

Obviously, those houses were the houses of the Wanshou Sect, and they were all classical single houses.

They were basically made of wood.

"Our world does not have so many requirements for housing, and for cultivators... a house that is too comfortable is not a good thing."

"What cultivators need is suffering. Only through constant tempering can they become stronger."

"We will not consider putting ourselves in a gentle place or a comfort zone, but will find ways to put ourselves in trouble and then break through the difficulties. This is the best way to become stronger."

"but…��The death toll of cultivators is also very shocking."

"On the road to becoming an immortal, one can easily fall into the abyss if one is not careful!"

"Always be extremely careful!"

Zi Yun's eyes were filled with seriousness and solemnity.

Although she had not been cultivating immortals for that long, she also understood these most basic principles.

If you want to stand out from the immortals, you must go through all kinds of hardships!


"That is indeed very tiring."

Chen Tianyu said casually.

He looked like he was completely out of the picture, but that was true... After all, he had not gone through any tiring training.

Who would seriously practice with a system?

Chen Tianyu then glanced at his system panel

【Name: Chen Tianyu】

【Sex: Male】

【Age: 18】

【Superpower: B-level God-given superpower"Space Storage」】

【Template character ①: Gojo Satoru】

【Progress: 109.3%】

【Ability: Six Eyes】

【Field: Infinite Space】

【Unlimited Techniques: Stop Power, Reversal Technique, He, Cang, Qi]

Killed a few immortal cultivators, and the progress was slightly improved, which was not bad.

Chen Tianyu's mouth curled up slightly, and he was satisfied and said:"This time it was not in vain."

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